
79 Decks, 430 Comments, 87 Reputation

I absolutely agree that beseech the queen is a better card, one thing that I like about Diabolic tutor is that I don't have to reveal the card that I've searched for. I'll pay an extra mana for the element of surprise. I'm a big fan of that and even modeled a deck after just that concept.
I absolutely have to put it in the side deck with all that said haha
I need to work on some way to put in gray, excellent suggestion on that one! I definitely want to put in 2
I'm glad you guys like this one though! This is my competitive deck so this ones pretty important

Posted 03 October 2014 at 02:55 in reply to #507988 on The Deck


Heyo! Better late than never! I've lost a fair amount of games with this actually, even though it's probably the best deck I've made so far, everything has a weakness, unless I get mana screwed or I'm playing against something truly unique this deck has an answer for just about anything.
Overall I'd say I win every 7/10 games with this.
If you have any suggestions at all I'd REALLY appreciate it!

Posted 30 September 2014 at 09:55 in reply to #507200 on The Deck


Haha well I'm glad you like it, the general idea is to blink the splicers and blink wall of omens bring out as many as possible, it's not quite as formulated as some of my other decks so I'm really open to suggestions for this one!

Posted 30 September 2014 at 03:09 in reply to #507264 on Venser, The Living Flicker


I agree completely, if she had any sort of protection for herself she would have made it into the main deck here.
So glad you like this one! This is one of the decks I actually have constructed in full.
It's really slow but if people let me go till turn 8 or so it's game over.

Posted 26 September 2014 at 21:12 in reply to #506611 on Might of The Conclave


I put a surprise in there now

Posted 26 September 2014 at 03:30 as a comment on Elemental Storm


Thank you very much!
Truly appreciate it Northy!

Posted 22 September 2014 at 10:35 in reply to #505330 on Elemental Storm


To anyone who likes combos in a game...
*clears throat* lol

Please take a look at my elementals
The combos are pretty funny

Posted 22 September 2014 at 05:10 as a comment on Constant Assault - Junk


Yeah I got really lucky with the chain veil!
I'll definitely SB doubling season!
This is by far my most competitive deck, please let me know what you think, it plays very well but I'm always open to suggestions!

Posted 22 September 2014 at 05:01 in reply to #504412 on Constant Assault - Junk


I opened a chain veil and freaked out a little, I had no idea that they would make something like that! It had to go in here, I need one more and then I need one more eight and a half tails and it's complete, if you can think of anything else that might work I'm always open to suggestions!

So happy everyone likes this

Posted 21 September 2014 at 01:48 in reply to #504412 on Constant Assault - Junk


Haha thanks! I really want to make this real, I missed out on the lorwyn shadowmoor blocks and I feel like I need something from that. I think there's a lot of really strong synergy in this one, if you have any recommendations that'd be awesome!

Posted 20 September 2014 at 23:37 in reply to #504449 on Elemental Storm


Truly a very unique deck, +1 on this right away. In casual this is a perfect deck.
From the way it is now I wouldn't change a thing. It's greatest asset is that it's unpredictable and nearly impossible for an opponent to react the way they think they should.
The only time I would change out a card would be for something which does the same job as another but better and/or is a cheaper mana cost.
This is my deck that I tried to make based on unpredictability

Posted 18 September 2014 at 06:12 as a comment on G/U deck, mixed strategies


Ahhh!!! I can't believe I missed these comments!

Posted 18 September 2014 at 03:20 in reply to #458087 on Budget Decks 2014: Samurai


Hahaha good flavor! +1 on this!
I tried to make a 'freeze' deck a while back but it never quite worked out, this one though is spectacular.
Gonna change mine up now, thank for the inspiration!

Posted 02 September 2014 at 03:43 as a comment on Budget Decks: Frozen


Absolutely! This is a really solid looking deck that I'd love to play and really hate to play against lol
Elesh norn seems like he'd fit well if only for deterrences sake, to me that does the same job only not as well as Iona, however if you were to take something else out to fit it in it would be nice to have, what were you thinking of swapping out?

Posted 29 August 2014 at 04:49 in reply to #497755 on Shardless Genesis


This deck looks amazing. Definitely deserves a +1.
I wish I knew a good card for you, this is so close to perfect

Posted 29 August 2014 at 01:37 in reply to #497755 on Shardless Genesis


Great wise Northy, I gotta ask, what's private in your stock of decks that we don't get to see?
I noticed you have 10 which are not open

Posted 26 August 2014 at 03:41 in reply to #493590 on Constant Assault - Junk


Absolutely right about baneslayer angel over seraph of the sword and the bow over the spear, I like banishing light a lot, I hadn't seen that one yet, but I believe that goes in the sideboard because it gives them an opportunity to get their permanent back.

As for the mana's a big risk to have those duel lands which can be played untapped for the cost of 2 life but I believe now I have enough life gain in this deck to outweigh that thanks to your baneslayer angel and the chance to pull the bow!

Thanks for your advice on this one! Really appreciated!

Posted 18 August 2014 at 23:26 in reply to #495746 on Constant Assault - Junk


Thanks! I'm glad you like this one! I built it originally just for kicks but it's turned out to be pretty good. I'll have to get some putrefy, that one looks like the best possible choice for this one.

I also have not put any non-basic lands in yet, I was thinking llanowar reborn, new benalia, temple of silence and temple of malady, I'm gonna slap those in and see what it looks like

Posted 11 August 2014 at 18:28 in reply to #493590 on Constant Assault - Junk


My thoughts exactly!
So I worked on a gwb junk deck a while back and I want to renew it, I'd appreciate it if you could give me your opinion?

Posted 11 August 2014 at 09:15 in reply to #493503 on Budget Decks: Rakdos Slivers


I know it's a bit belated, however so...
Welcome back!!!
So very happy to see the decks rolling out so gracefully

Posted 11 August 2014 at 03:02 in reply to #493503 on Budget Decks: Rakdos Slivers


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