
79 Decks, 430 Comments, 87 Reputation

If you have time could you take a look at an older deck of mine? Working with it irl

Posted 23 January 2015 at 21:57 in reply to #531225 on Urza's Might


Hahahaha thank you Gothy. But I do agree with you, aggro decks are becoming a little too predictable, all you need is a DECENT pillow fort deck and the games over. It takes much more than recklessness to be good.

Posted 23 January 2015 at 20:45 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


Woohoo! Always a good day when you like a deck.

I like Myr Galvanizer for this a lot. I saw him and thought about adding it but I was hesitant because I don't already have him. He's going in now, after testing some sample hands I like it better than Myr Retriever. Shimmer Myr goes in the SB for now...I'd like to find some sort of like instant or sorcery to help out other than welding jar. The forge works very well for protection but as far as early game goes this deck doesnt have much more than the meta impact of running Urza lands.

I plan on finishing this when I get another Mycosynth Golem (he's quite hard to come by) and then bringing this down to my local shop and testing it out for real. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!

Thanks for the tip!

Posted 23 January 2015 at 20:42 in reply to #531225 on Urza's Might


Sooooo I got off work today early and decided to head down to my local. Just had a win on turn 4 with this bad boy.

Turn 1 - plains
Turn 2 - plains - fencing ace
Turn 3 - plains - (3) ethereal armor on fencing ace (fencing ace is a 10/10 doublestrike)
Turn 4 - spirit mantle (fencing ace is a 13/13 doublestrike with protection from critters) swing for the win!

Posted 23 January 2015 at 18:36 as a comment on Those Damn Humans...


The deck was completed before, I assume he's simply updating

Posted 23 January 2015 at 18:26 in reply to #528663 on Junk Modern


Gothy do you mean there are no good aggro decks in standard right now?

Posted 23 January 2015 at 18:25 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


I'd be pushy like a mofucker if this was something I'm making lol

Posted 23 January 2015 at 16:25 in reply to #530828 on esper control


Woah cool! I've made a deck very similar to this one...weird...

Posted 22 January 2015 at 21:01 as a comment on Walkers of the Rings


Agreed. The fastest decks I've seen lack blue being that blue is about locking down your opponent and crippling them until you can let loose your beat sticks.

My guess is that's why cruise and pod are banned because it turns blue into aggro...which its not. On the same note check out high tide for blue mana ramp hahaha

Posted 22 January 2015 at 17:54 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


Yeeeeeeeesssss super friends Esper!! If only you'd told me to take it seriously, but alas, that's my fault for cutting you short.

This looks more complete than the offense, but this is what I was hoping for when I first saw your Bant. This is such a fortress I can't even explain. Like there's pillow fort decks and then there's this..of which I've never seen the likes of before.

Love this deck.
Tell me what you need and I'll do my best.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 07:58 as a comment on esper control


Man is this gonna be one of your real life decks? I know you said you need certain cards for it...sorry I just got around to this.

This deck looks like a better version of the repetitive mage type decks, it's one that actually wins haha
I can see this being very very good, I took a few sample hands and I gotta sat nothing looked only suggestion would be to find some way to top deck..however that being said I have no idea what you would take out to do it.

Whether your take the advice or not doesn't matter to me. Seriously good looking deck man.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 07:45 as a comment on Bant Control


I like all these suggestions and I will definitely consider them...however, this is a mono red deck that just so happens to be able to cheat in supreme exemplar, if there's anything red that gives some card draw that you know of please tell me. For the most part I'd like to keep this mono red, it's just faster and I don't have to worry about lands.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 02:17 in reply to #530539 on Elemental Storm


I've redone a bit of this deck so that I'm more equipped to deal with threats early game that could shut me down and stop me from pumping out the wurms.
I've found that with a bunch of elves out playing bellowig tanglewurm is a true game ender. Same goes with engulfing slagwurm with any of my enchantments on him. Pelakka wurm is nice but he seems to be lacking something as does elderscale wurm, which can sometimes hurt me more than help and he ends up staying in my hand. Truth be told I can't quite tell what the problem is.
I want to keep it budget but I can't seem to find something for cheap that will help.

Posted 21 January 2015 at 19:42 in reply to #527956 on Elfgulfing Slagwurm!! RUN!!!


Hahaha well you definitely have a good point because that's this decks only weakness...I'm gonna hhave to do some serious research with this one, it's very very good, but its not always very reliable

Posted 21 January 2015 at 17:22 in reply to #530539 on Elemental Storm


Lol sorry it was a joke, I meant give me some constructive criticism... now believe it or not I've actually been able to play supreme exemplar without incandescent soulstoke, but you should definitely read the how to play and you'll see right away what this deck really is.
glad you like it!

Posted 21 January 2015 at 17:09 in reply to #530539 on Elemental Storm


Those are some pretty serious lands man, wish I would have found those sooner! They're going in NOW.
I like mentor of heroes but steadfast helps out a ton with my creatures, 3/4 first strike vigilant flying deathtouch lifelink vampire nighthawk is just too good, also doing the same to seraph of the sword is big. Steadfast's -2 is what I'm really after though, it's one of the biggest moves in this deck and people don't realize it...and when they do its far too late.
Once I had Steadfast, Garruk, and Liliana out, proliferated with contagion clasp, used Steadfast's -2, Garruk's -6 to drop 9 6/6 wurms which were buffed thanks to Sorin's -2 for a permanent +1/+0 making them all 7/6 and then Liliana's -8 to bring back all creatures at once and took out the 4 other players. (spent 4 mana for that)
Still, absolutely putting mentor of heroes in SB along with Hushwing Gryff.

Posted 20 January 2015 at 19:29 in reply to #530211 on Abzan Walkers


Yep! except when you reverberate a browbeat at someone...they'll usually quit right away

Posted 20 January 2015 at 18:22 in reply to #530222 on I am the Planeswalker


Haha it actually works quite well, surprisingly enough. It once drew out a game to turn 22 when the opponent conceded.

Posted 20 January 2015 at 18:13 in reply to #530222 on I am the Planeswalker


Fair enough, on the same note, I did not mean to offend you. If I had then I apologize.

I do like your deck though, it has some really unpredictable mechanics happening along with having an answer for just about any move an opponent could make, they'd be doomed and not even realize it.
It's quite close in theory to my GWB junk deck which is based upon being unpredictable. I really would like to know what you think. I had posted it before here, but here it is again.

Posted 20 January 2015 at 17:16 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


And that is where you are quite wrong, just as this deck of yours does not make sense to some people, mine is lost on you.

Posted 20 January 2015 at 16:38 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


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