
79 Decks, 430 Comments, 87 Reputation

I do like Solemn visitor a lot, but I feel like Lord of Innistrad is a better fit for this deck because he can pump out the 1/1 lifelink vamps over and over, his -2 gives a permanent +1/+0 for the whole game every time its used, and his ultimate is the most fun ultimate I've ever used haha but Solemn Visitor definitely has a place in the SB as with Liliana of the Dark Realms. Unless I get her in the opening hand and can use her on turn 4 to start with lands she kinda tapers out in mid to late game.
I agree that she's underrated especially so when you use her -3 and you happen to have a lot of swamps out. Liliana Vess has always been my favorite Liliana though, shes Ravenous Rats meets Demonic Tutor and then Rise of the Dark Realms. I really only use her to grab other planeswalkers though, but when I have steadfast out with chain veil and contagion clasp her ultimate is very very easy to pull off...
AAAAAAAANd I know I need shock lands terribly, but I never got lucky enough to open very many of those so I rely on the vivid lands from Lorwyn/Shadowmoor, plus I can put more charge counters on them with contagion clasp which I know isn't very useful by the time clasp can get out and working, but it's cool haha

Posted 10 February 2015 at 15:52 in reply to #534451 on Abzan Walkers


hey splinter, northy, barracuda, zaklax, I'm making a golgari deck for a friend who's trying to get back into magic after not playing since zendikar block. I'd like your advice if you have time!

Posted 10 February 2015 at 14:46 as a comment on Venser, The Living Flicker


So I have your suggestions written down and will transfer here in a the meantime take a look at this and tell me what you think, it's a golgari deck I'm making for a friend trying to get back into magic, so it's quite important lol

Posted 10 February 2015 at 14:42 as a comment on Abzan Aggro


Hahaha well I'm gad to hear you like this one, it's one of the more fun decks I have irl. I really like those suggestions a lot, u think for now they stay in SB but I'll definitely have to find a way to pop in flickerwisp.
This deck is really good for multiplayer games, a lot of people will suspect a uw pillow fort but boy are they wrong when I have a ton of 12/12 flying lifelink double strike golems buahahaha!!

Posted 08 February 2015 at 16:16 in reply to #534468 on Venser, The Living Flicker


I want this deck to be brutal like a mofo. Give me one day and I'll have a list of suggestions for you.
Already gets +1 from me though. This is a genius scheme you've come up with.

Posted 08 February 2015 at 06:13 as a comment on Abzan Aggro


Hahaha oh man! That's awesome! Did you make it like I had -chromatic lantern -skinshifter +sylvan caryatid? Or this update?

I've found that this version is only a little slower...but it gets a lot less hate towards the Walkers since oponents now have to worry about skinshifter, who can "shift" on any turn at all as long as I have mana, and that's where chromatic fixes all mana problems on turn 3 if I'm lucky..but this deck has no problem getting up and going as you know haha

...if you could give me some thoughts on a deck I'm trying to finish up I'd greatly appreciate it.

AAAAAAANNNDDD if you ever have any suggestions for deck please let me know, I'm always looking for unique ideas and builds..

Posted 08 February 2015 at 05:54 in reply to #534451 on Abzan Walkers


So much to take innnn hahaha well for starters I like all those suggestions tremendously. Uhhh gonna have to read over this one quite a few times and digest the feedback but I truly appreciate it a lot!
I know this deck needs adjusting somehow...but I've played it enough now that I just like the way it feels, it's rather difficult to explain but it really doesn't play slow or have any sort of hold up with mana or creatures or possible plays...I think it's due to the nature of this color combo that gives room to so many possibilities that made me want to make a deck with "infinite" possibilities.
I think that for now this deck is almost complete. I don't really use it for competitive play, I have a good sized group of friends at the local shop and we make decks specifically for big groups and this one just does it.
I'm glad to hear you like it, especially so since you have so many thoughts for me!

Posted 08 February 2015 at 05:42 in reply to #534188 on Abzan Walkers


I commented on this one because it looks to be the most complete of the ones you have...although I see that you have quite a number of decks which are not available to the public;)

Posted 06 February 2015 at 17:24 as a comment on Varolz shadow


I see you do a lot of junk/abzan decks; do you have one which you think is the best? Or rather one that you think is most complete? I have finally finished my junk deck and I'd like some thoughts on it if you have a moment. I'd also like to see what you've come up with for what you think would be best.

Take a look at a couple of my other decks if you'd like. I'm most proud of these two.

Posted 06 February 2015 at 17:23 as a comment on Varolz shadow


That's genius.

Posted 06 February 2015 at 17:15 in reply to #534058 on Junk Modern


Haha I'm glad to hear you like it, it plays so much faster than it looks. I've had three planeswalkers out on turn 5 and people just don't know how to handle it. The combos are insane too, I've had a sylvan caryatid that was a 5/6 with first strike vigilance and lifelink protecting me every turn thanks to Sorin and Ajani because I had no other choice lol

I LOVE Isochron scepter. I wanted it to fit in here so badly but I just don't have the right amount of instants to make that useful enough. If you're a really big fan of decks that abuse Iso check out my Venser deck, it abuses the crap out of it.

Posted 31 January 2015 at 18:34 in reply to #532952 on Abzan Walkers


Like it a lot, reminiscent of my mono white, you'd probably take it in the end though... if I can recommend anything...phalanx leader and spirit mantle.

Posted 29 January 2015 at 06:39 as a comment on human beatdown


best jeskai I've seen thus far. Super solid.
keep em comin man! Def +1

Posted 29 January 2015 at 06:23 as a comment on All spells get 2cmc buyback


Lol I've had more players concede on turn 3 than you'd believe. Once they realize what it is I'm doing they pretty much flip the table.

Best ever was in a 3 person game I ended both players at the same time on turn 5. It was pretty awesome.

The deck has A GIGANTIC flaw though. If you play against it once you know exactly what it's gonna do and then every single game after you can be ready for it and cut me short thereafter....Also ZERO protection.

Posted 27 January 2015 at 21:57 in reply to #532139 on Elemental Storm


Whisperwood elemental is just awesome. I'm not too familiar with the new block, but I can definitely look through some stuff and find something to recommend !

Posted 27 January 2015 at 21:53 in reply to #532076 on Abzan Manifest?


Got a playset! lol

I wanted to cram reverberate in here so that I could use it on's possibly the rudest thing you could do to someone, but alas, it doesn't quite fit.

Posted 27 January 2015 at 16:02 in reply to #530539 on Elemental Storm


This is what I've been bringing to the table...only the most heavily fortified pillow fort decks can do something to stop me. Keep in mind I only play modern...sorry haha

Posted 27 January 2015 at 15:51 in reply to #532076 on Abzan Manifest?


Yooo nice deck! I normally despise standard but not anymore..

I play competitively as well and I can tell you that this deck will go pretty far.
The only thing I'd try to do is get some protection from board wipes, anything that's able to do 2 or more damage to more than one creature a turn is gonna mess with your strategy..unless your aim is to make them waste their time worrying about the tiny guys so that you can bide your time to bring out your beat sticks... AND since I've just answered my own question I'm just gonna say nicely done. Definite +1

Posted 27 January 2015 at 15:07 as a comment on Abzan Manifest?


Alright gentlemen, best we stop now, lest we start embarrassing ourselves, no?

So let's put this comment thread to an end. It no longer serves any purpose.

Posted 27 January 2015 at 14:58 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


I've played only a handful of games with this one being that it's irl budget. This ones actually pretty reliable, I typically have enough enchantments to have 2 for 3 creatures on turn 5. It's enough to have in a casual game among friends when we're just goofing around. I'd like to find some way to make it more aggressive but I have a hard time making white fast and cheap

Posted 24 January 2015 at 04:19 in reply to #531203 on Those Damn Humans...


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