
79 Decks, 430 Comments, 87 Reputation

Haha don't worry about that so much though, that's what EVERYONE does at first, myself being no exception. It's honestly the best way to learn what works best before you truly have a comprehensive understanding. Just look through a ton of cards and see which ones look interesting, don't necessarily try to figure out what they could combo with or what cards they could go with, just peruse and scrutinize all types of different cards. Do some reading if you have the time, learn from people who have years upon years of experience. Mike Flores is especially well learned in magic theory, meta game and pure card advantage (in my opinion he's one of the all time best deck builders), aside from actually getting to meet him at a GP and getting to ask him some seriously difficult questions ;) his articles still help me learn to this day.

You can find his stuff here:

He has a massive amount of literature in that archive. His two most recent: Synergy and Virtual Card Advantage, are just brilliantly simple and I wish he had written them sooner.

Let me know if you have any questions at all, I love this kind of shit haha!

Posted 19 February 2015 at 14:53 in reply to #536821 on Extort


Ok I kinda get what you're talking about. You feel like you want reliability in your deck for every single card played, as if every card could end up being the "final blow." Now there's nothing wrong with that, but there needs to be something like exsanguinate to consolidate death grasp and debt to the deathless.
To me magic is all about the 2 for 1 with every spell. You got that with those previously mentioned spells, but then we get down to taste of blood, an excellent replacement for that would be midnight charm, it gives you three choices and you choose only one, but you always have the choice and that's what's important.
I get that you have angels mercy because of chalice of life, and while that's a really cool idea, angels mercy and chalice of life are only taking up space for other things that are just more efficient. Take the combo between Sanguine bond and Exquisite blood, should 1 life be lost by your opponent or you gain one life they react off each other until the games over.
as far as creatures go you should always have 4 of your most favored creature, for instance if this were my decision I'd do something like this...

Posted 19 February 2015 at 06:05 as a comment on Extort


That's a perfect fit for engulfing slagwurm! Awesome suggestion. Now I just have to figure out where it fits in haha

Posted 19 February 2015 at 02:42 in reply to #536799 on Elfgulfing Slagwurm!! RUN!!!


Love it. Done.

Posted 19 February 2015 at 02:40 in reply to #536797 on Budget Gruul Tactics


Thanks! I really want to make this one, I just want to get it right first. I'd really appreciate any input!

Posted 19 February 2015 at 02:38 in reply to #536796 on Projectenitus


In the world of Magic asking general questions doesn't really go that far...I guess the best advice I could possibly give is that in each and every deck you make you should have a clear goal, one way you would like the specific deck to win. Based on that premise you then need to find the card which best fit your budget, mana curve, main goal, and ways to stop other decks which have innate power to stop your deck from winning. One thing to always remember is this; the most expensive card is not always the best. Sometimes games can be won with nothing more than commons and uncommons, this isn't always the case, but for the most part things like tarmogoyf, which are impressive in their own right, are but a simple creatures that can be obliterated at a moments notice. Then there are cards like shimmering efreet, an inexpensive card, which is a turn after turn repeating exile spell that isn't in play for half the time. There are always subtle advantages to be found.

If you have a deck which you actually own I'd like to take a look at them..on the same note I will link you to several decks that I own and win quite consistently. They're in no order for which is strongest...but these are the most winning decks I've made. Feel free to ask questions, make comments, take notes, and even make suggestions if the mood takes you.

My newest project is this one. It's not even public yet ;)

Posted 18 February 2015 at 21:53 as a comment on Noob help


Anytime buddy!

Posted 18 February 2015 at 18:30 in reply to #536656 on FAeRies


Haha well thanks! It works sometimes, but as soon as someone sees what I'm up to I get the hammer and they lock me up...although it only lasts for so long since it only helps me when they kill my stuff haha I'm gonna do some work on this one coming up, I'll be sure to let you know when I do!

I know I just linked you to my Gruul deck but here's another something I'm working on..I don't quite know if it's done or not but lemme know if you think it'll work.

Posted 18 February 2015 at 18:29 in reply to #536660 on Death is but a game...


I'm actually working on a deck similar to this right now, check it out if you have time, lemme know what you think.

Posted 18 February 2015 at 18:25 in reply to #536176 on Wild Primalcrux


Lol its ok, all that means is that the deck is done!

Posted 18 February 2015 at 15:51 in reply to #536656 on FAeRies


Thanks! I'm gonna redo it a little so that I can get some clever creature removal in. I'll be sure to let you know when I do it.

Posted 17 February 2015 at 14:40 in reply to #536364 on Budget Gruul Tactics


Solid deck man, I'm working on a gruul of my own and looking for some inspiration, thanks!

Posted 17 February 2015 at 02:28 as a comment on It'll make you gruul all over


I like blood artist a lot, the only reason I didn't have it in here to begin with is that he or another creature has to die to make it happen where as spiteful returned and pulse tracker do damage that can't be stopped. It definitely has a place here though, albeit the sideboard for now. Thanks for the suggestion though!

Posted 17 February 2015 at 00:08 in reply to #535505 on Infinite Death


Love this deck so much that I had to make a version of it for myself! It's quite a bit less budget-y than yours but still does the trick for not much cash. Check it out, I hope you like it!

Posted 16 February 2015 at 22:54 as a comment on Budget Decks: Fast & Furious


I need to play against this deck again so I can really see what it's like.

Posted 16 February 2015 at 22:05 as a comment on Merfolk (Modern)


Also I fucking love this deck. Just hilarious. Definitely +1.

Posted 16 February 2015 at 19:01 as a comment on Llanowar Prototype Door Cannon


Yooooooo I made a Gruul deck with you in mind. Lemme know what you think of it!

Posted 16 February 2015 at 19:01 as a comment on Llanowar Prototype Door Cannon


Alright updates done! I liked your advice with nykthos and finding another creature so I took a note from my other black deck and put in pulse tracker and spiteful returned, they do unstoppable life loss when attacking, I kept disentomb so I can get them back when I need them too. I think it looks much cleaner and more focused. Thanks for the help!

Posted 16 February 2015 at 15:01 in reply to #535505 on Infinite Death


HAH! This deck rocks man! I usually don't care for the chroma/devotion decks but this one does it right, properly scary. Definite +1!

Posted 16 February 2015 at 05:19 as a comment on Wild Primalcrux


Well as you know, I'm a big fan of just about anything you make, this is kinda my interpretation of your deck...mine's more of a gimmick or a wishful dream than a fully functional deck but here it is anyway!

Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Posted 16 February 2015 at 05:14 as a comment on Jarad's Budget? Scavenge


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