
31 Decks, 1,083 Comments, 785 Reputation

Team America oddly enough is actually what BUG Tempo is normally called.

This deck looks nasty though. I would probably drop Ancestral Vision though. I have never really been a big fan of that card. Unless your playing shardless BUG i would avoid it.

That could open up a bunch of slots though, and honestly i really like at least 7 good cantrips in tempo decks like this. I would suggest 3 ponder's and that 4th delver.

Posted 16 November 2013 at 20:13 as a comment on Team America


Nice! This deck looks awesome. You know how big of a Doomsday fan i am already. I really think you gotta try the maxed cantrip build though! It's just so ridiculously consistent and Ideas Unbound lets you use really efficient and cheap piles. I do like how many options you have here though. IGG and LabMan give you even more ways to win so that's pretty cool!

On a side note, how did you choose what art you have for the card?

Posted 16 November 2013 at 20:09 as a comment on Zoot Allures


There is actually a faster version that's a little bit more like tin fins. Here's an example

There are a few variations though. I have seen people playing Lotus Bloom also.

I think Todd Anderson started playing this

..but Lotleth Troll is super sick here, so i really wanted to jam some of those in. All of his abilities are amazing here whether it's actually Troll activation it or if it's Ooze. +1+1-ing ooze gets him out of Bolt range, regenerating isn't bad, and making himself a discard outlet is awesome.

I like this deck a lot because it's incredibly versatile and resilient. I have combo'd out through Silence, Counters, Removal. Having a combo that's all instant speed and activated abilities is just insane.

Posted 16 November 2013 at 19:51 in reply to #411337 on Modern Ooze Reanimator


Nice, this is a sweet idea. I think you could probably cut the Gut Shot in the board though for some more goodies to wish for. Maybe Chain Lightning or Meltdown or something. Cool deck though. I dig the midrange control feel with a combo finish. Seems super fun actually.

Posted 28 October 2013 at 19:11 as a comment on I have seen enough hentai


This deck rapes tournaments. Legacy monster.

Posted 23 October 2013 at 19:38 as a comment on Definition of Pure Burn


Not bad for a budget Maverick list. I have always been a big fan of Sylvan Safekeeper. I think 2 Mirran Crusader over Lingering Souls would be a pretty nice and cheap change you could make. Crusader is just nasty when he's holding a sword. You could play 1 Ghost Quarter in place of 1 Tectonic Edge until you get Wastelands. You can pump a KotR pretty decently by sacking a land for Ghost Quarter, and then blowing up one of your own lands with it. Horizon Canopy is another land you should think about. Taps for both your colors, is fetchable with KotR and can draw cards. At some point your gonna have to suck it up and get Windswept Heaths. Having 7-8 fetches helps keep KotR big early.

Posted 07 October 2013 at 19:27 as a comment on GW Maverick [Legacy]


Pretty sure this deck is actually called Cheerios( because of all the 0 cost cards) I know there is another version running around( Moldy Cheerios) that uses Multani's Presence + Chalice of the Void as another draw engine then runs a 1 of Songs of the Damned to generate mana for Tendrils. I have also seen people play Scapegoat as a way to re-play all the Cheerios. Also seen Personal Tutor as a way to grab Glimpse of Nature.

I'm assuming Signal Pest is your backup win-con? I almost would rather not play a backup at all, but if i did, Goblin Bushwacker might be a better option.

Autums Veil is definitely a 4 of for the sideboard

Posted 04 October 2013 at 20:30 as a comment on Glimpse Storm


Been a big fan of Death's Shadow for a while now. I actually have a Modern brew and a Legacy brew put together on here. I'm assuming O-Naginata is in here to give Shadow trample? If so that seems pretty unreliable. Ponder over brainstorm seems pretty odd. I realize you only have 4 fetches, but i would rather play more fetches and Brainstrom than Ponder any day( if you have to choose between one or the other). This is another deck that Delver slots into easily. your build is already halfway between Tempo and Aggro-Control. I personally would just push the Tempo aspect with Delver, Wastelands, and Stifles. Using Discard and Counter magic to protect your threats.

One cool trick to keep in mind is using Dismember on your own Shadow at the end of your opponents turn to pump him up. Paying life for the Phyrexian mana will pump up the Shadow before he gets hit by the -5-5. Sometimes this play can be huge! Just make sure you don't put him into Bolt range against decks with R.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 20:19 as a comment on Death's Shadow done right


This deck actually looks like a blast to play. the only thing that seems a little weird is the 1 of Funeral Charm. What were your thoughts there?

Posted 04 October 2013 at 20:11 as a comment on 4-Color Control


Goblin Foodchain used to be a seriously nasty deck. It's too bad you can't play Goblin Recruiter anymore. :(

Posted 04 October 2013 at 20:08 in reply to #357914 on Legacy Goblins Experiment


If you're in Naya colors your better off playing a more traditional Zoo list than trying to be clever. This deck doesn't seem bad by any means, but its not doing anything better than Legacy Zoo already does either. Too many expensive fatties in here, and not enough cheap efficient aggro. I would be playing Wild Nacatl, Kird Ape, KotR, Steppe Lynx, Thalia, Teeg, etc

Posted 04 October 2013 at 20:04 as a comment on Naya


Not sure i can get behind this. You might be better off trying something like Isochron Scepter + Orim's Chant/ Silence/ Dawn Charm/ Swords to Plowshares, etc if you wanna get away with Luminarch's Ascension. Alternatively, Solitary Confinment is one of the best white cards for making a soft lock. You can play it with Squee, Goblin Nabob to keep it up forever. Enchantments like Moat and Humility can do a great job at fending off attackers as well.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:58 as a comment on Legacy Ascension


Can't see any reason to run Wheel of Sun and Moon over Rest in Peace.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:55 in reply to #345346 on Legacy Enchantress


If you want to play Thalia and Aether Vial in the same deck you should look at Death and Taxes. It's a very well established Legacy White Weenie/ Hatebear deck with plenty of notable finishes. It's pretty sweet, definitely check it out if you haven't already.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:52 as a comment on Legacy Thalia Aggro


Looks great for a budget build. I have never been a big fan Sakura-Tribe Elder. Dude is literally Rampant Growth on a 1/1 body. I would never ever play Rampant growth in legacy, i'm pretty sure your not attacking with him, and the trick with Crusher doesn't seem good enough. Devestating Dreams is hit or miss for me as well. Those would be the first places id look to if i were to change anything.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:48 in reply to #387974 on Aggro-Loam 4c


Here we go. I have always been a huge fan of Loam decks. Life from the Loam is just such a sweet card, and these decks are so fun to play and have such cool interactions. The one thing i can say, is im not sure i would play Devastating Dreams and Seismic Assault in the same deck. I would personally just pick one or the other and then up the numbers on Grim Lavamancer. Liliana of the Veil always performed well for me in these kinds of decks also, but your numbers are already pretty tight. I have been wanting to try Punishing Fire in Loam for a while but never got around to squeezing it in. Seems like it might have potential in certain builds though.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:35 as a comment on Loam build (expensive)


You have some really cool ideas in your decks on here, but i'm not so sure how i feel about this one. it seems a little too unfocused. I get what your trying to do here, but i just can't see how it could actually happen in a real game. There literally isn't a single way to interact with your opponent except the Mindslaver finish.

You should look into the Legacy 12 Post deck. I think you might get some good ideas out of those builds.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:29 as a comment on Legacy U/G Mindslaver


Nice deck. I'm sure if you read Star City Games articles or not, but there have been a few articles and videos of i think Drew Levin playing and tweaking this deck. If i recall correctly this deck recently got 1st or 2nd at an SCGO as well. Your brew looks great though. Really the only thing i can suggest is Gitaxian Probe in the main. It gives you tokens immediately after casting Pyromancer, and makes your Cabal Therapy even more insane. The brew i saw on starcity was also running some Dismember to deal with creatures out of Bolt range. Delver of Secrets would probably fit in here great also.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:25 as a comment on Abusing Young Pyromancer


Another interesting deck. Loam+ Forbid is pretty nasty if it gets going. I almost think going RUG instead of Bant would really pay off. Neither of the Elspeths are really that great here. I don't think a deck with almost nothing but counterspells is going to work. you're going to need to be able to interact with permanents and right now you have no way to do that. Lightning Bolts and Pyroclasm/ Firespout could go a long way in keeping you alive until you establish the lock or Waste away all their lands.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:20 as a comment on Bant Loam-Still


This looks pretty cool. Neat idea. I love Riptide Laboratory with Tiago and Clique. it's a shame Insectile Aberration isn't a wizard though(I always thought pairing Delver with Swarmyard would be sweet though).

How has Patron Wizard been holding up? UUU is seems like it can restrictive sometimes. Also, do you usually have enough wizards in play when he is cast to be effective? He seems like he could get real annoying, real quick if your field even has 1 or 2 other Wizards in play.

Could Spellstutter Sprite be worth considering? Has great synergy with both Riptide Lab and Patron Wizard.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:14 as a comment on Legacy Wizards


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