
31 Decks, 1,083 Comments, 785 Reputation

well, i can guarantee you didnt get 2nd place in a tournament with this deck.. almost every card your playing sans glistener elf and blighted agent are sub-optimal.. you dont even have a sideboard..

I was trying to give you friendly advice, but if your going to be a defensive prick..

the fact that it has flying is INCREDIBLY relevant, in a format with only a few flyers. wasting 4 slots on artful dodge is clogging up the deck with dead cards. Running inkmoth nexus, not only gives you a flyer that in most situations wont get blocked, it lets you run the 9-12 infect creatures, because like i already said flensermite is too slow, and inefficient. what you want in its place is noble hierarch because he ramps, and because he has exalted.

almost all of the pump spells your using are sub-optimal. This is not debatable. titanic growth is too slow, and revenge of the hunted is too inconsistent.
why on earth would you play titanic growth when might of old krosa AND groundswell do the same thing for 1.
vines of vastwood is also NECESSARY in the deck because it provides your creatures with protection from removal. While also being able to provide a +4/+4 effect for 2 mana... titanic growth is un-arguably worse than all 3 of these choices.

and piston sledge... i just cant see ANY reason at all to play piston sledge. 3 mana for a +3+1 effect....

the list i linked to you, is not some brew i made up. it exactly what the modern infect deck looks like right now. many people have been playing this deck in modern for a long time, and have came to certain conclusions for a reason. you can find a handy little primer here-
-with plenty of other people with tournament experience backing everything i say up.

the cards your using are not as good as the cards you should be using, and that is not debatable.

Posted 30 April 2013 at 12:51 in reply to #346291 on quick kill infect


"I like peek simply because it's an instant. It can easily be a turn one play, or a small storm on their turn to kill a creature or 2"
you do realize gitaxian probe is exactly the same as peek right?-except you can play it for free if you want, which IS what you want to do here. the fact that it is a sorcery is irrelevant. grapeshot is a sorcery so your not doing any storm antics off turn.
the only benefit peek will give you is if your trying to pump and block. but this deck is trying to aggressive, not defensive, so that seems like a terrible play to waste your pump ability off turn.

Posted 30 April 2013 at 07:27 in reply to #345938 on Shenanigan Storm!


probably the
best varolz/shadow build iv seen so far!

everyone seems to have the same idea, but i havent seen anything that has impressed me yet.
this actually looks like it might not be too shabby though!!
its a shame there are no cycle lands in modern

Posted 30 April 2013 at 07:18 as a comment on Modern Aggro Control


Piston sledge is just terrible, i cant see any reason why you would play that. other than that this deck isnt to bad.

Plague stinger is better than flensermite in this deck, because the stinger has flying. which is far more important than lifelink here.
titanic growth and revenge of the hunted are also sub-optimal

you should think about playing might of old krosa, vines of vastwood, and.or groundswell instead.
also if you can get your hands on 'em, inkmoth nexus fits right at home here too.
pendelhaven is yet another tech land for infect as well

heres a link to the modern infect deck i have been playing with lately-

Posted 30 April 2013 at 07:05 as a comment on quick kill infect


very cool concept. i have also been a huge winter orb fan for years.
unfortunately this looks a bit to slow for serious modern play.

Posted 30 April 2013 at 06:48 as a comment on (Modern) Winter is Coming


rite of flame is banned. the only legal modern red rituals that are pyretic ritual and desperate ritual.

nivix cyclops is a alright creature to play in this type of deck, but you would honestly be infinitely better off with guttersnipe in its place, as guttersnipe doesnt even need to attack. he just consistently pummels your opponent with direct damage.

for a short while i had a modern combo deck put together with delver+gutter snipe, backed up up with pyretic ritual, desperate ritual, manamorphose, gitaxian probe, lightning bolt, and lava spike, and while it wasnt the most consistent deck, it could pull off t3 wins pretty easily if it drew the right cards.

Posted 30 April 2013 at 06:45 as a comment on Shenanigan Storm!


Im assuming peasant formtat means no rares? In that case this looks pretty great.

might of old krosa is one of the best modern legal pump spells available.
also apostle's blessing is widely played in modern infect as a way to sneak creatures past blocks, and as a way to protect your guys from removal.

here's the infect deck i have been playing around with in modern, if your interested

Posted 30 April 2013 at 06:38 in reply to #346050 on Growing Decay


varolz and death's shadow are just begging to be played together. Pretty cool deck, but it looks like it could still use some tweaking. Im not feeling the hellspark elemental and spark elemental though. i can see why your playing them, but they just seems subpar. i could very well be wrong though.

im confused why deathrite is in the side? i cant see any reason why you wouldnt want him maindeck?

Posted 30 April 2013 at 06:32 as a comment on Scavenging Modern


solitary confinement is a must in enchantress!

Posted 27 April 2013 at 02:50 as a comment on Legacy Enchantress


beck and call is a modern legal glimpse of nature.
this deck looks indredibly jank though

Posted 26 April 2013 at 23:14 in reply to #344921 on Modern Maze's End


not possible. eggs works because the artifacts it uses put out as much mana as you put in. none of these artifacts do that.

Posted 26 April 2013 at 05:26 as a comment on HELPJANKclock of standard EGGS


enlightened tutor and StP are odd choices considering chalice on 1(which is your best t1 play, next to t1 trinishpere) prevents you from playing those

Posted 26 April 2013 at 04:44 as a comment on Legacy Stax


at least fluster storm is a playable card in plenty of sideboards ^_^ haha

Posted 26 April 2013 at 04:39 in reply to #344819 on Legacy Guttersnipe control


Posted 25 April 2013 at 23:57 as a comment on Legacy Guttersnipe control


pretty interesting take on stax. i wouldn't bother with those pain lands though, just play gemstone mine. you have crucible to replay your lands so sacking them shouldn't be a problem.

Posted 25 April 2013 at 23:33 as a comment on Junk Stax v2


i would just focus on being a reanimator deck, and put show in the board

Posted 25 April 2013 at 23:29 as a comment on Griselbrand Show and Reanimate


your deck is totally badass! and you did it before tinfins!!!! but tinfins is certainly more tuned to a legacy metagame, is all im saying ^_^

Posted 22 April 2013 at 21:26 in reply to #343694 on 1st Turn Griselbrand Win


the modern version is definitely super interesting and cool also. drawing a bunch of cards and playing fury of the horde/ nourishing shole/ soul spike, and comboing someone out turn 2 in modern, with pact of negation back up, is pretty sweet.

Posted 22 April 2013 at 20:28 in reply to #343598 on 1st Turn Griselbrand Win


emrakul isnt there to swing for 15 and pass turn. Hes there because with children of korlis in the deck you can draw infinite cards by sacking and re animating korlis again and again. once you have less than 7 cards in your library, you cast a discard spell on yourself and bin emmy. let his grave ability trigger and shuffle your grave back into your library. by abusing this loop, you can net infinite storm and infinite mana. then you can either play tendrils or even hard cast emrakul. another alternate win, is too re animate gris-> swing for 7-> draw 21 cards but oop, no tendrils-> bin and re animate children for the loop, or re animate emmy and swing for kill.

Posted 22 April 2013 at 20:25 in reply to #343676 on 1st Turn Griselbrand Win



Posted 22 April 2013 at 20:19 in reply to #343676 on 1st Turn Griselbrand Win


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