
31 Decks, 1,083 Comments, 785 Reputation

24 lands in a deck where almost everything costs 1 and 2 mana(not to mention the set of mana dorks) is unnecessary. a whopping 12 fetchlands is also unnecessary

Posted 12 May 2013 at 20:39 in reply to #351452 on Forbidden Kingdom Modern V1


looks great. i would personally stick echoing truth in the board over snap. but either way this looks decent >:D

Posted 12 May 2013 at 19:32 in reply to #351491 on Look what I have!!


omni-tell is an entirely different deck, and would require dramatic changes to this build

Posted 12 May 2013 at 19:10 in reply to #351491 on Look what I have!!


dang. this looks great!!
im almost positive you can get away with less that 24 lands though. honestly i would probably play like 20-22.
ajani is the only guy who costs 4, and your playing deathrite for ramp anyway.

that could give you a few extra slots and hopefully minimize on bricking lands mid-game

Posted 12 May 2013 at 17:02 as a comment on Forbidden Kingdom Modern V1


your better off taking out ponder and brainstorm, and just playing modern. this wouldnt stand a chance in legacy unless put some seeeeriouss money into it.

Posted 12 May 2013 at 16:55 as a comment on Esper Deathblade! Advice?


ever think about grafdiggers cage over tormods crypt? The cage has been killin it for me lately. the only thing crypt has on it is like..shrinking a goyf or knight. cage is usually auto win against grave based decks unless they sided in and drew some bounce.

this deck looks great though. im not the hugest fan of kitchen finks, but at the same time, im not sure what i would put in their place.

also maybe throw a canopy horizon into the land base. I hopefully dont need to make an argument as to why horizon canopy is amazing

Posted 12 May 2013 at 16:52 as a comment on Legacy Junk


good idea, but poor execution. this list looks a bit dated.

first off, what on earth is careful study in their for?
same with personal tutor, i get that it can grab show n tell but its slow and unnecessary.
i would stick with brainstorm. ponder, and intuition as search cards. maybe even a few pre-ordain could be added. almost all the recent show-n-tell lists run a similar set up.
disrupt is crap also, i would get some daze in here.

the creature selection also seems dated as i havent seen anyone playing blightsteel in a long time. he is just too easy to answer. i would maybe try some griselbrand in there instead, his card drawing ability is out of control good. and he is very hard to answer because in response to any attempt to remove him you can draw 7+ cards and counterspell/ be ready to show n tell again.

i see him most in sneak attack/show and tell lists that can take more advantage of his draw ability, but he might still be worthwhile here. If you dont want to use him i would just stick with emmy and progen as your creatures.

something like..
-2 carefull study -2 disrupt -2 blightsteel -4 personal tutor ,+1 lotus petal +3 daze +4 preordain +2 emmy or griselbrand

your sideboard is a total mess also..

6 discard is too much, i would drop duress for flusterstorm. that and thoughtsieze should be able to handle any combo mirror decently
beyond that your gonna want some number of pithing needle to beat liliana/jace and others
your gonna need some bounce to beat things like ensaring bridge, oblivion ring, etc. chain of vapor is the best but chain wont beat chalice of the void, so if your worried about decks like mud and stax play echoing truth instead
you also might want some grave hate. i prefer grafdiggers cage, but some people like relic of progenitus, or surgical extraction

Posted 12 May 2013 at 16:41 in reply to #351396 on Look what I have!!


this deck was a tier deck, and was so good it got second sunrise banned, so im not sure what you mean by "bottom end"

anyway, the deck doesn't fear discard. you use conjurer's bauble to put anything important that got discarded back into your library.

surgical extraction, and other grave hate is a much bigger problem. But can all be played around.

leyline of sanctity comes in for jund and other heavy discard matches.

the deck is by no means vulnerable, and pulls extremely consistent t3 wins.

unfortunately, you cant play it anymore. so none of this matters

Posted 12 May 2013 at 06:25 in reply to #322441 on modern eggs


kiki wont work with midnight guard, but he does make infinite pestermite/deceiver

Posted 11 May 2013 at 21:23 in reply to #351068 on USA Twin


no pestermite? or kiki-jiki?

midnight guard is funny. i have never seen him before. but he is perfect with splinter twin. way cool >:D

Posted 11 May 2013 at 18:35 as a comment on USA Twin


this kid has a serious point..

really though, why not just play deceiver exarch/ pestermite with splinter twin and kiki-jiki mirror breaker
 its a tier modern deck.
infinite guys, much much easier

if you dont know what im talking about, here are some top lists

Posted 11 May 2013 at 16:03 in reply to #350860 on Galvanizing Splinter Twins


yeah, this looks pretty crazy now ^_^

Posted 11 May 2013 at 15:45 in reply to #348775 on Hexproof, No Way to Lose



Posted 11 May 2013 at 04:03 as a comment on Don't Feed The Trolls!


i wasnt fortunate enough to play with mystical tutor but my recent obsession with storm has me wishing i had! mystical tutor in storm must have been so crazy.. and floating led mana from your upkeep to play the ad nauseam you put on top of your library.. ahg.. too crazy..

Posted 11 May 2013 at 03:23 in reply to #350745 on This is no earthquake honey


My buddy just recently put this together card for card
- 1 elesh norn(main) + 1 tidesprout tyrant

and wow. there is nobody that convince me 4 girselbrand is wrong. all day this dude is reanimating gris. drawing cards, dropping petals and reanimating more dudes. or just drawing into a masive counterwall. griselbrand literally ends the game immediatly when he hits the table. once out of like 20+ games i won through a griselbrand. somehow in the 14 cards hew drew he didnt get force, and i had everything to storm out next turn.

the lesson i learned.. griselbrand is broken. probably the only card i can think of that ends games all by himself when he hits the table.. and is almost impossible to deal with because in response to anything you can just draw 7-14 cards and counterspell it. or be ready to reanimate again.

even emrakul isnt as broken as that. griselbrand? or griselBANNED.. im going to go with the latter.

Posted 10 May 2013 at 15:51 as a comment on This is no earthquake honey


This looks pretty fun to play.

Gitaxian probe seems unnecessary here. your not a bad player, you don't need to see their hand before using therapy, and the cantrip effect is not awesome here. IMO probe is best in combo decks. I understand better than most that information can win you games, but here i would rather just play more disruption, or maybe even that 4th swords main.

im also confused what baleful strix is in the side for?

Posted 10 May 2013 at 15:44 as a comment on StoneFoundry


bloodghast is decent, and shardless agent isn't terrible. I agree that him having a body is incredibly relevant.

The shardless agent bug deck as a whole however, has never impressed me. Your putting out some little dudes t2-3, maybe using deathrite to ramp in a shardless agent or liliana t2, while other players are beating you with storm, dropping and emrakul or, reanimating something crazy, or dropping a delver t1 and goyf t2 with a hand-full of counterspells, etc.

i dont know, this deck just doesn't feel powerful enough for legacy. sure shardless cascading into ancestral vision is a cool play, but when thats the most broken thing your deck does, its just not for me.

also.. this deck is only running 15 blue spells, including FoW. Now i once ran a few deck with only 21 blue sources and everyone flamed me for not having enough blue sources. with 21 in the deck i juust got by. often pitching force to force. 15 just doesn't seem even close to enough. honestly most of the shardless bug decks i see are running 2 or less Fow maindeck, and keep them in the side.

i noticed you dropped brainstorm in favor of more discard spells, and gitaxian probe. which is interesting, and gives your build more disruption, which i really think it wants(considering, in my personal experiences playing against this deck, it almost always folds to combo, unless they have the nuts), but takes away blue sources for FoW at the same time. also, no jace?

The one thing i can say Shardless bug has going for it, is card advantage. Hymn, Cabal therapy, Liliana, ancestral vision, shardless agent, bloodghast, baleful strix all provide some sort of card advantage, and thats pretty cool

Posted 10 May 2013 at 15:34 in reply to #350384 on Shardless BUG Control


not a huge fan of shardless agent.

your a big fan of bloodghast though, eh? haha

Posted 09 May 2013 at 19:07 as a comment on Shardless BUG Control


get rid of treetop bracers and corrupted resolve for might of old krosa. pendelhaven is pretty cheap and is awesome here. Inkmoth nexus are down to like 4 dollars a piece and those are pretty much necessary to bring the deck to the next level.

for a deck under 10 bucks though, this thing slays >:D

Posted 09 May 2013 at 18:59 as a comment on [Budget] Infect ($5)


looks pretty fun. i was playing a kinda similar deck in modern for a little bit.

obviously its a much different strategy than yours but it does include the worship/troll package, and i can certainly attest to how brutal that combo is in modern.

the only thing im worried about in your build is that it might not be able to squeeze the win in, as all your creatures are fairly small. also this deck looks kinda slow. with no ramp, only 3 t1 plays, and only a few t2 plays. this deck looks like it might need some time to get running, which is kinda risky in a fairly fast format like modern.

im currently playing infect in modern and pulling extremely consistent t3 wins with alot of t2s also. a t4 worship isn't going to help in that situation, although the 4 path in the side might help in that MU.

i do like the idea of all the hexproof creatures though, have you thought of just playing the aura hexproof/ boggle modern deck? its a tier deck and is basically doing what your trying to do, but more efficiently

heres a bunch of top 8 lists

Posted 06 May 2013 at 13:46 as a comment on Hexproof, No Way to Lose


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