
31 Decks, 1,083 Comments, 785 Reputation

that's the thing though. the eggs archetype existed BEFORE modern existed
hence the reason why its called eggs.... even though the deck plays no eggs(the modern version)

Posted 04 May 2013 at 21:52 in reply to #347453 on Odyssey Eggs


"And yes I know this deck is out of modern as I clearly stated in the description."
i was just confused because its still tagged as a modern deck.

Posted 04 May 2013 at 19:12 in reply to #347453 on Odyssey Eggs


bam. fixed

Posted 03 May 2013 at 03:04 in reply to #346854 on Splinter Twin Combo Deck


Phytoburst is actually pretty cool, but the one thing holding it back from being playable, is the fact that its only a sorcery :(

Posted 03 May 2013 at 01:58 in reply to #347510 on Modern Infect


Its not the actual down vote that bothered me, its the negative reaction to a simple friendly comment, that just seemed unnecessary
either way though, your right, the asshat comment was even more unnecessary. i tend to be way too aggressive. always.
sorry about that x_x'

Posted 03 May 2013 at 01:56 in reply to #346854 on Splinter Twin Combo Deck


i agree with you there! planeswalkers are overpowered and simple. Im a big fan of unfair combo decks, but at least in that case it takes multiple cards and plenty of effort, skill, and luck to pull off. planeswalkers just end games all by themselves. theres nothing fun about that.

Posted 03 May 2013 at 01:47 in reply to #346961 on Growing Decay


unless both players are using equally powerful decks!
Legacy for example is full of decks that can win t1-3, yet the format never feels broken. In fact, its the most skill intensive format available because when both players are playing equally insane decks, every tiny play becomes incredibly important. fun stuff

Posted 03 May 2013 at 01:20 in reply to #346961 on Growing Decay


found it ^_^
--Use this to copy Sunrise. Even in the original Sunrise is countered, the copy will resolve, unless your opponent has 2 counters.
Against grave hate rocks, when you cast Sunrise and they try to exile your graveyard in response, cast Twincast copying Sunrise so the copy resolves first and your eggs are saved.
The same trick can also be used to double Sunriseā€™s effect. Let the copy resolve. Return your eggs to the battlefield. With Sunrise on the stack, before it resolves, crack all your eggs again, then let Sunrise resolve.
Twincast can turn lethal Banefires and the like back at your opponent. Your copy goes on the stack and resolves before theirs.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 18:50 in reply to #347247 on Egging Around Bans


hey asshat, before you vote down my comment look up
kiki-jiki mirror breaker

and this is not a legacy deck.. its a common modern combo deck, seen in 2 flavors, both "kiki-pod" and straight u/r splinter-twin like your running

you basically just made the modern version worse. and are now calling it a legacy deck

Posted 02 May 2013 at 18:32 in reply to #346854 on Splinter Twin Combo Deck


exsanguinate is cool because it kills all the opponents at once. iv seen edh "storm" decks that go off with ad nauseam, draw their entire deck, ramp up a ton off mana, and kill everyone in one shot. pretty awesome stuff.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 18:26 in reply to #347451 on Infinite Servitude Combo


open the vaults is even worse than using reclaim/ noxious revival

also your missing why twincast effects dont work.

you play faiths reward-> the spell resolves-> all your artifacts come into play-> you sac them all off, and do your thing-> you play twincast-> there is no spell on the stack, so there is nothing to copy-> twincast fizzles

Posted 02 May 2013 at 18:18 in reply to #347247 on Egging Around Bans


well its not a modern deck because well a- second sunrise is banned now :( and b- your using the Odyssey eggs. Now what i can't figure out, is if this isn't a modern deck, why on earth are you still playing serum vision, sleight of hand, etc.

cards you should think about:
Barbarian Ring- alt win
Cephalid Coliseum-alt win
Archaeological Dig- re accuring land
City of Traitors- re accuring 2 mana land
Crystal Vein- re accuring 2 mana land
Ancient Tomb- 2 mana land

transmute artifact- another reshape

lotus petal- free mana
lion's eye diamond- a better lotus bloom

edge of autumn- cycle extra lands to draw
crop rotation- sac off lands after you tap them for mana, for more mana.

there's honestly all sorts of option. this isnt modern. you dont need to do a straight modern port, because there are much better cards for this deck outside of modern.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 18:15 as a comment on Odyssey Eggs


totally awesome!

Posted 02 May 2013 at 07:04 as a comment on Infinite Servitude Combo


before faith's reward was printed eggs was still a deck. it ran 4 second sunrise and 4 noxious revival as a way to get it back. now your just going to have to play 4 faith's reward 4 noxious revival instead. unfortunately the deck loses alot of consistency with this set up.

reverberate and twincast do nothing at all for you, because they can only copy spells on the stack. playing faith's reward twice in a row accomplishes nothing

Posted 02 May 2013 at 06:42 as a comment on Egging Around Bans


you do realize if this is a legacy deck you can play the real eggs right?

Posted 02 May 2013 at 00:16 as a comment on Legacy Eggs



p.s this is a modern deck, not a legacy deck ^_^

Posted 02 May 2013 at 00:13 in reply to #346854 on Splinter Twin Combo Deck


there's assault strobe, but a red splash doesn't seem worth it. berserk and invigorate would be awesome, but the cards that are available aren't too shabby as is.

i have been cruuushing kids with this though. Its actually getting me excited over modern. .. me and my buddies are basically just huge legacy nerds, so that's saying something. haha.

and considering they banned seething song, and then second sunrise, infect is the fastest deck in modern im pretty sure..

Posted 01 May 2013 at 23:47 in reply to #346819 on Modern Infect


tweaking sam blacks zombardment list?
looking pretty slick and super fun.
a guy at our local shop was playing this deck a few weeks back and doing very very well with it. he only played it that one week though,

Posted 01 May 2013 at 13:11 as a comment on Janky McJankerson



Posted 01 May 2013 at 13:08 as a comment on Cruelties


this looks like it might have been an old standard deck? in that case your choices do seem relevant to the time this deck would have been played, but it is outdated now

Posted 30 April 2013 at 12:58 in reply to #346291 on quick kill infect


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