
31 Decks, 1,083 Comments, 785 Reputation

I would take out something like 1 Sword of Fire and Ice, 1 Elspeth, and 1 Scryb Ranger, 1 Stoneforge Mystic for 2 Mirran Crusader, another Scavenging Ooze, and a maindeck Gaddock Teeg to snag with greensun. I wouldn't bother with the manlands either- You definitely want 3-4 Wasteland in the main. A lot of people i know run 1 Bojuka Bog in the board to snag up with KotR. I might want to slip another Thalia in the board to bring in against storm.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 19:01 in reply to #401386 on [Legacy] 'Maverick' '-'


Silence is for Tempo decks or any deck running Stifles and lots of soft counters like Daze, and Spell Pierce. Silence can get past a hand full of them much easier than discard can.

Karakas can come in to deal with Reanimator, SneakShow, and Hatebears(Thalia, Gaddock Teeg).

Show n Tell is to try and play around gravehate, but can sometimes be a little slow and sometimes can backfire on you.

Chain of Vapor can help deal with permanent based gravehate, but it can also remove other problematic permanents like Ensnaring Bridge and Leyline of the Void/ Sanctity. Just remember, if you have already reanimated be cautious when playing Chain of Vapor because they can sac a land and bounce your guy.

Wipe Away is for Chalice of the Void and Counterbalance.

Choosing what to side out can be tough though. It really depends on the match up, but i usually start by shaving off a few Ponder, then Thoughtseize, then Moxes. That being said, i haven't played this in a few months and the sideboard might use some tweaking.

Posted 13 September 2013 at 19:32 in reply to #396727 on legacy Tin fins


Shit/ i tried to repost it. I am fail

Posted 10 September 2013 at 20:27 in reply to #395864 on Did I just win?


All my base are belong to raginggoblin

Posted 25 July 2013 at 20:57 in reply to #382545 on How to Comment on a Deck


all my base are belong to chronoexe

Posted 25 July 2013 at 20:05 in reply to #382708 on How to Comment on a Deck


All my base are belongs to vikingincarnate

Posted 25 July 2013 at 18:34 in reply to #382545 on How to Comment on a Deck


That's not a bad suggestion either. Thanks alot.

Posted 24 July 2013 at 03:58 in reply to #381703 on Modern RGS


That's not a bad idea. I might try that out >:D

Posted 24 July 2013 at 03:57 in reply to #381696 on Modern RGS


I have seen a few lists with Pyromancer's Swath. It seems pretty good. The only thing i don't like, is that it only does something after your already winning, and is a total brick otherwise. Its definitely a cool card though and worth testing out more!

I can say running Bolt alongside Grapeshot usually lets me win with less than 19 storm. After flinging a few bolts for 6 and running everything through with Past in Flames. Once your storming off its usually no problem sealing the deal.

Posted 24 July 2013 at 03:57 in reply to #381694 on Modern RGS


Looks great. Why play Mindslaver if you cant do the lock though?

I would honesty drop a Sundering Titan for another Wurmcoil Engine. He's a bit easier to play, and most decks just can't deal with him.

I'm not too familiar with the g/r tron, but is 4 All is Dust normal? that seems a little overkill. I like pyroclasm in the deck as a sweeper though. Another great one is Firespout.

Ever consider Through the Breach?

Posted 23 July 2013 at 07:55 as a comment on Tron G/R


Yup that's the only thing Burning Wish, or any of the wishes can grab actually. ^_^ You used to be able to Wish for cards removed from the game by other spells, but the M10 rule change stopped that.

Posted 22 July 2013 at 20:25 in reply to #380844 on Experiment




Posted 22 July 2013 at 19:56 in reply to #381366 on You want to play? That's cute


Summoner's Pact is a little risky because it forces you into winning or losing that turn, but the mana it can generate is crucial. You could play Chrome Mox instead if you wanted. Which lets you get away with Empty the Warrens.

Also i would change Reforge the Soul back to Burning Wish. With the Wish you can grab Reforge the Soul, or another win condition like Empty the Warrens.

Burning Wish also works insanely good with Lion's Eye Diamond.
The trick is; with an LED on the field, you play Burning Wish and retain priority, crack the LED in response to Burning Wish, you then discard your hand and get the mana with Burning Wish on the stack. Burning Wish resolves, you get your sideboard card and 3 mana. Its ALMOST like playing Demonic Tutor and Black Lotus. It works great for setting up Reforge the Soul, or Empty the Warrens.

Past in Flames can be a crazy sideboard card to Wish for also. It requires you to have 2 Wishes though because when you play Burning Wish it gets exiled instead of going to the graveyard. Its a blast to play a bunch of rituals, wish for Past in Flames, play all those rituals again, into another Wish for a lethal Grapeshot, or like 20 goblins >:D

Posted 22 July 2013 at 19:45 in reply to #380844 on Experiment


oh and i almost forgot..

Past in Flames

Posted 21 July 2013 at 23:50 in reply to #380906 on Experiment


i appreciate the help, but Zombify is 4 mana, and unfortunately its just to slow.

Posted 21 July 2013 at 22:23 in reply to #374467 on Legacy Blitz Reanimator


Hobo Elves is a joke. That deck is literally unplayable..
This is the type of shell you play Goblin Charbelcher in. Not some shitty elf deck with no lands, and 8 initial temporary mana sources. The reason a shell like this can get away with playing Belcher, is because they're doing it all in one turn. Using your one temporary mana source to play a dork to try and play more dorks is a completly asinine strategy.

Posted 21 July 2013 at 20:48 in reply to #380844 on Experiment


Wow, that's some bad advice so far. this deck is literally just Legacy Belcher, without Goblin Charbelcher, and Lion's Eye Diamonds.

So that would be the first place to start. if your not worried about budget, get LEDs and they will single handily put this deck over the top. Putting a few Goblin Charbelcher in the deck provides another route to victory, but sometimes it can be hard to get the necessary mana for it without LEDs.

Of course, if your not interested in Goblin Charbelcher as a win condition, you could also think about a few copies of Goblin Bushwhacker, as a way to make those Empty the Warrens-goblins be able to kill immediately.

Another thing, put an Empty the Warrens in the sideboard.. There is a reason your playing Burning Wish.
Reforge the Soul/ Diminishing Returns can also be ran in the board as wishable storm engines.
Some number of Red Elemtal Blast/ Pyroblast should also be in the board.

Its also worth noting that making this deck landless is a distinct possibility. Adding a set of Summoner's Pact gives you 20 initial mana sources, not counting lands, or Land Grants. Land Grant is a card i have had a love/hate relationship with. Its a pain in the ass when you draw multiples of it, which you never really want. Going Landless IMO makes Belcher a faster and more consistent deck.

As a side note. A really fun card to play in landless decks is Recross the Paths. Playing that card in a deck with no land, lets you go and stack your ENTIRE deck in any order you want. If you cant make a lethal spell chain after that, storm isn't the archetype for you! >:D Admittedly Its more of a win-more/ fun card though.

Posted 21 July 2013 at 20:46 as a comment on Experiment


Sure i get that. All i'm saying is that A) its not an actual "lock" and B) you have to be more precise when playing silence than just saying " on your turn i silence you" Unfortunately some knowledge of the stack and timing are needed, and i was only trying to help.

I don't see this deck being super competitive, though i admit the combo is pretty cool for standard. But like Daylight said, a real lock already exists in standard.

Posted 18 July 2013 at 04:04 in reply to #379698 on You want to play? That's cute


Fair enough. I cant deny its pretty cool a combo like this exists in standard now. >:D

Posted 18 July 2013 at 03:54 in reply to #379698 on You want to play? That's cute


Daylight speaks the truth.

Posted 18 July 2013 at 03:42 in reply to #379667 on You want to play? That's cute


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