
117 Decks, 1,801 Comments, 677 Reputation

Ich glaube, ich würde mit gegangen 'Wieder, ich begrüße Sie ins Sein'.
Hells yeah for character map! I can actually TYPE it now!

Also, brutals deck is brutals.

Posted 29 March 2012 at 18:44 as a comment on Immer, Ich Will Mit Dir Sein


Personally I don't run Countryside, I prefer Knight of the Reliquary. I dunno about in Modern, but in Legacy it grows faster by soooo much. Granted, I have; Burning Wish, GSZ, Punishing Fire/Grove of the Burnwillows, ect.

Posted 25 March 2012 at 04:49 in reply to #242699 on [Modern] 'Budget' Aggro Loam


Wow, I haven't heard about that since the Nightmare Effect deck was big @_@ That's shockingly brutal!
Oh how I shall tinker!

Posted 25 March 2012 at 02:05 in reply to #243508 on [Modern] 'Budget' Aggro Loam


I reaaaally don't like running sixty-one cards, it increases my chances of getting my mox, but not even by a full card really :/ It could probably handle it, but it'd be like playing fetch lands in a mono-coloured deck not running any Landfall creatures, or card quality.

I'm stuck man. I feel accomplished about what I have written, but I feel I've dug myself into a hole with the last paragraph. I could fill it, but without using jargon it's going to be obnoxiously difficult T_T

Posted 24 March 2012 at 23:27 in reply to #243507 on 36-Lands


That was the final straw for me, I could see banning Ponder, but banning both Ponder AND Preordain? That's where they lost my support for that format.

Posted 24 March 2012 at 02:02 in reply to #243349 on Modern Merfolk Beat


I don't know about Modern, but I can tell you for fact this WILL die in Legacy. A lot.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything, it's just Legacy is an entirely different beast than Modern.

Posted 24 March 2012 at 00:49 as a comment on Modern Merfolk Beat


Interesting list, but I find myself wishing you had Mox Diamond as an accelerant :| These decks are incredibly fun in Legacy, and I can only assume they might be one of the few bastions of fun left in Modern.

Not sure if Burning Vengeance is overkill or underkill since you're not able to run Punishing Fire.

Posted 23 March 2012 at 23:17 as a comment on [Modern] 'Budget' Aggro Loam


An interesting idea, but that puts me down to just seven burn spells, and I've always seen it as bad juju to run less than ten in zoo.

Thanks man, this deck is probably never going to get used though, 'tis the season for Loam in my eyes :D

Posted 23 March 2012 at 05:19 in reply to #243119 on Zoo


I LOVE Chains of Mephistopheles(I reread the Tragedy of Doctor Faustus every year), and in Dark Fish it can get amusingly brutal.

An interesting in EDH with that card, Underworld Dreams, and Megrim occurred. I felt violated just watching it unfold into so much hatred as one of the other people played Blue Sun's Zenith on the guy running Maga. It made me think about updating my Zur deck, but even I'm not that guy

Posted 21 March 2012 at 16:28 in reply to #242601 on Robot Unicorn Attack!


Writing not going so well, fishtank PC however is ready to rock.

Posted 21 March 2012 at 03:41 as a comment on 36-Lands


Yeah, I can see Vengevine being balling when fuelled by Bloodbraid, but I'm still not a believer on that one.
Hawks I can understand your stance on though. I think I'd rather run Squee than them to tell the truth, since I'd mostly just use them for Fauna fodder.

Thalia is good in a lot of matches I know, but I just don't think it's worth running four. I'm more or less all or nothing when it comes to sphere effects.

Posted 21 March 2012 at 03:36 in reply to #241651 on [Modern] Naya Shaman


I run Sphinx of the Steel Wind in my Gifts list right now >:D I had originally been running it more like my Slaver list, but I laid it out to be more immediately controlling, so I dropped a good bit of the creature bombs out.

Vengevine is mostly something I've avoided playing outside of that Jericho deck, so I dunno. I hadn't even bothered with playing Survival when it was around.
So I'd probably free up some slots by dropping them, and going down to three hawks.

I don't think the fourth Thalia worth it, I'd probably just run the Metamorph. You've got to pick your battles, and if storm is that popular where you play, I'd probably run a different deck :/

I like the idea of running Magus, but I don't think it's a move I'd make personally.

Posted 20 March 2012 at 20:45 in reply to #241651 on [Modern] Naya Shaman


Raven's Crime is something I usually use when I can get away with it, but right now chucking land for damage is generally better. Flamejab is something I've been toying with, but that's overkill.

Thanks man! This list is the first Aggro-Loam I've done in a long while, and I have to say I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.
And yeah, in Modern these things just break people. I'mma stick to my Gifts and Slaver decks though :P

Posted 20 March 2012 at 20:33 in reply to #242548 on Aggro-Loam


I don't always gamble(except when I have money to burn), but when I do, I bet against Duke. I pay March Madness very little heed, but it has long since been a thing with me to bet against Duke.
My first time at playing the odds over a sports event was a Duke loss, and the luck holds solid for me when I bet. :D

And I can dig it about RUA. I'm just a sucker for certain tunes, and do more than I probably should with them as my backing...

I'm planning on starting on working on my XX-Lands list again, and then an experiment with Dirty Loam. I've been planning on trying my hand at writing for a while, but never had the time, so being able to do this should be rather enjoyable.

Posted 19 March 2012 at 16:52 in reply to #242381 on Robot Unicorn Attack!


Without running Bloodghast it's entirely necessary to run the full compliment of Narcomoeba I find.

Posted 19 March 2012 at 16:31 in reply to #242386 on Dredge


Pretty sweet deck for Modern, I'll be dropping a line on it later, I've a few tidbits left to check.

Posted 19 March 2012 at 16:29 in reply to #242318 on Aggro-Loam


I'm intrigued by your list, but I highly recommend more dredgers, Golgari Thug being especially of note, and maybe cutting the Sphinx.

LED Dredge might be expensive, but right it beats so much face it's not even funny.

Posted 19 March 2012 at 07:00 as a comment on Dredge


Oh how I loathe shaman players like you Ethan, Mindcensor is the most obnoxious thing to see when running my Gifts list... But I will give to you that this list is a great one, however annoying it might be.

Burning Tree is something I love to see in a SB, but I will admit to preferring Spellskite.

Anywho, great shaman list

Posted 19 March 2012 at 06:56 in reply to #241651 on [Modern] Naya Shaman


I dunno about you, but I prefer to play the regular version of RUA, mute the music, and play something like Don't Look Back by Messendger. Rock of Ages - Def Leppard, Pig's Walk - Toad, Rage of Angels- Orange Goblin, or Walk in the Shadows - Queensryche are all good choices as well.

Also, I'm back! Again! I've got a while before spring break, but I have a lot of free time again since the teacher let me just do my work and be done with it.
I'm planning on looking at Loam and Doomsday decks again, but this time I'm planning on writing about them as well, and if you wouldn't mind, if I make something I think decent I'd like to run it by you.

Posted 19 March 2012 at 06:51 as a comment on Robot Unicorn Attack!


Be glad I'm not in your area then Wumpus, I've been using my Iso-Pox. 36-Lands, and Stax lately :P
Also, glad to see your back dude!

Posted 07 March 2012 at 06:15 in reply to #239178 on Oh Death


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