
32 Decks, 612 Comments, 53 Reputation

Yeah, actually a deck by Gerry T. just recently one a pretty big tournament (it was Caw-Blade splashing black) and it ran 61 cards so it definitely is not the worst idea. In fact, I kinda like the idea. :) I could see Garruk going, since you don't have as much to ramp into. I personally love it in my UG ramp deck, but then again... It's a ramp deck. Haha. But yeah, I think I like the changes. Good luck!

P.S. What's your friend plan to run?

Posted 07 April 2011 at 03:22 in reply to #150728 on W/G Aggro


Agreed. However, it totally screws up the entire name of the deck. Haha.

Posted 06 April 2011 at 19:46 in reply to #150586 on What your CONSPIRACY?


I really am loving the look of this deck. My only complaints honestly (and ones I'm not sure how to fix exactly) is that I feel like there should be a Sword of Feast and Famine in the main deck as well just as an additional target for the Mystic. I don't honestly think it's a great sword to sideboard in against much, but can be very good against a lot of stuff. Hope that makes sense... Like, it doesn't actually make many matchups all that much better, but it does still do quite well against a variety. For this reason I'd like to see it find it's way into the main deck somehow.

For other mostly optional ideas, I think it would be great if you could find a spot for a 1-of Thrun in the main deck although this is entirely not necessary, but potentially quite helpful. I also wish there could be more Crusaders in the main deck but again, I'm not sure what to cut. The decklist is honestly just quite solid overall.

One complaint I do have about the main deck is the Khalni Gardens. I don't see this deck needing those chump blockers all that much and feel they could be much better as additional dual lands, Tectonic Edge, Green Fetches, or even just Forests really. I feel like they're mostly just going to slow your deck down is all. If you do switch those to say dual lands, then it may make sense to then also switch one of the white fetches into a green one like Misty Rainforest.

Lotus Cobra seems marginal in this deck with only 2 fetches. Always good, but never at it's best. Possible cut? Idk. I haven't played this deck out a ton like you have, so it's your call but is an option in my opinion.

There are some ideas to toy with a bit. Let me know if I was way off on any of it.:) Good luck with your upcoming tournament!!:)

Posted 06 April 2011 at 19:41 as a comment on W/G Aggro


Point well made. Haha. I love the combo of Throne of Geth with the Wellsprings! I'll check out your GW deck now. Any more thoughts on my UB deck? I commented back.

Posted 06 April 2011 at 19:28 in reply to #150203 on Scars Block; Lux Control


I think I have to strongly disagree with only 20 lands. Seems like 24 or so is much more appropriate since the deck trys to win off it's 5 drop cards. Even with the Druid and Birds, 20 land seems quite light. You see Kuldotha Red decks running up to 21 land and they plan to win by turn 3. This deck doesn't have that goal in mind and needs to make it past 2 land in a game. 24 really helps that a lot. Other than that, cut a few ramp spells for it. I think you have too many. I know it seems weird to say cut the ramp and add more land, but you need to be able to cast your ramp spells and still hit your land drops in order to be efficient. For that reason, I like Cultivate over Growth Spasm. Yes, the Spasm can trigger as an Ally, but it can't do that until you have out your 5 drop anyway, at which point the ramp portion of it is useless.

Posted 06 April 2011 at 03:25 as a comment on What your CONSPIRACY?


Bummer about the Tezz. Still can hardly believe how much he costs right now... I mean really, it was $30 originally and then ONE deck placed in the top 8 at Paris and he skyrocketed. Hasn't seen much play ever since. But anyways, how well has Semblance Anvil worked out for you? I missed it upon my initial inspection of the deck, but it seems interesting. I just have not seen much play with the card and have often questioned how good it is, if at all. I've only seen it work in extremely rogue combo decks for extended. Anyways, it seems like a good way to get 2-for-1'd but I guess I could see it being pretty good in such a heavy artifact deck. Just was curious and think it'd maybe be a possilbe cut for cards like Stoic Rebuttal or Thrummingbird (which I think could be seriously good here!).

Posted 06 April 2011 at 03:17 in reply to #150203 on Scars Block; Lux Control


Yeah, the Jwar Isle refuge is pretty terrible, I know. But as of right now, I barely have any of the UB rare dual lands for standard and just haven't gotten around to trading out my UW ones or w/e instead. :/ That's an obvious flaw, but not the worst either. Worst case I should be able to borrow a few of those from a friend, too.

You may have missed it, too, but pretty much the entire point of this deck is to play the black poison cards like the Phyrexian Crusader. He is seriously one of the BEST creatures in standard right now. Kills quickly and very little spot removal gets rid of it right now. Most people are not running much for Go for the Throat and are often running Lightning Bolts and white cards instead, both of which it has no trouble with.

So yeah, it's basically just a metagame call and I've seen similar decks dominating events lately like my local FNM.

Posted 06 April 2011 at 03:12 in reply to #150394 on UB Infectious Control


What kind of ramp and why?

Posted 06 April 2011 at 03:04 in reply to #150392 on UB Vat Control


Meh. Umbra Mystic at this point doesn't actually effect much and the Canopy Cover doesn't make my guys much bigger or more dangerous. Just more invisible. Haha. It was nice at times, but it never honestly seemed overly powerful for me or anything and I just felt like it needed to go. I'll keep it mind though as I play the deck out a bit more. Thanks.

Posted 05 April 2011 at 21:31 in reply to #150046 on GW Aura Beatdown


All those artifacts and not a single Tezz?! I understand if this is a cost issue, but man would he rock in this deck! Also, 19 lands seems very very low on mana. At least 23, thanks to the Spheres. Even then it seems iffy.:/ Thrummingbird seems like an excellent and cheap way to help with the proliferating and Stoic Rebuttal adds a bit more control to help out. Overall it's very nice looking, though. Not too keen on the idea of Titan Forge - may be a possible cut for some of my ideas if you go that route.

I just made a new UB Control deck that wins through infect. Give it a look, please?

Posted 05 April 2011 at 06:16 as a comment on Scars Block; Lux Control


LED doesn't help ramp too much does it? I've always been confused on how to best use it, but it seems like in this deck you need to play your stuff first before being able to use it anyways... I did miss Tomb, so that certainly helps. Mox will never be active turn 1 or seldom will be which so it's still not that much faster really... Just my opinion.

Posted 05 April 2011 at 02:02 in reply to #145647 on UWR Painter's Spellbomb


I actually had Canopy Cover originally but it just felt like it didn't do enough that the totem armor cards already were helping with. I'll keep it in mind to bring back though. As for Pacifism, it's great but I feel like the benefits of Arrest are worth the extra 1 mana. Umbra Mystic was originally in, too but many cards already have totem armor so it didn't do much. Plus, if they did use spot removal, it made the auras even worse because all the auras then fall of instead of just one.

Posted 05 April 2011 at 01:56 in reply to #150046 on GW Aura Beatdown


Instead of blue I'd maybe go with White perhaps. It has more cheap allies and more importantly, Join the Ranks seems great. It allows for you to go on the infinite loop at the end of your opponents turn and attack back with creatures that no longer are summoning sick.

Other cards to add are Mimic Vat which is just purely amazing with allies, more Bala Ged Thief, and more Conspiracy since it's basically key to your combo.

Posted 04 April 2011 at 23:38 as a comment on What your CONSPIRACY?


Hey guys, please don't just spam mine or other people's decks looking for more help/comments. If you're going to ask for help please at least try to provide some advice or suggestions first on the deck you're spamming. Thanks.

Posted 04 April 2011 at 23:28 as a comment on GW Aura Beatdown


Meh, I'd looked at it a bit, but it doesn't usually help too much to play those cards post combat anyways. It's an excellent card, and a nice suggestion, but in testing, it just hasn't proven it's worth as of now. Thanks for the input, though.:)

Posted 04 April 2011 at 23:27 in reply to #149789 on GW Aura Beatdown


Interesting deck. Seems a tad slow and could use more counter magic to make sure you actually get to drop your big stuff. Add a few Mana Leak maybe and similar cards. Ratchet Bomb might be helpful in stopping any sort of weenie rush decks.

Posted 04 April 2011 at 23:24 as a comment on Shenanigans


Nope. Not legal in standard. :( Thanks though.

Posted 04 April 2011 at 23:20 in reply to #149753 on GW Aura Beatdown


See my above comment ^^. Multani's Presence + Chalice combo is quite alive!

Also, since you basically draw your deck anyways, just 1 or 2 Grapeshot is more than enough to win the game. Any more is just going to lead to bad draws.

Posted 04 April 2011 at 04:19 in reply to #148648 on Turn One Kill


"Played" and "Cast" are the same exact thing! "Cast" is simply just the new word that came with the Magic 2010 set rules changes. Similar to "In Play" and "the Battlefield." However, the spell is still cast, even if it is countered. The difference is that the spell being cast perhaps did not "Resolve." This means that while your creatures never enter the "Battlefield," they are cast, but then countered. Thus, you will both draw a card from Glimpse of Nature and up your storm count by one for every creature you try casting, even if it is countered. If you don't belive me about the "played" and "cast" issue, look up the magic home page, click into the gatherer and look up Grapeshot. You'll notice that the official ruling (the Oracle text) actually says "Cast."

Also, for another example of this weird occurence, look at creatures with the cascade ability such as Bloodbraid Elf. When you "Cast" it, even it if is countered, you may still cascade into a card and "Cast" it.

Hope that helped solve this issue.:)

Posted 04 April 2011 at 04:15 in reply to #147528 on Turn One Kill


Thank you! Mind control is a really fun card, but this deck has no blue in it which is kind of a problem. Haha.

Posted 04 April 2011 at 03:37 in reply to #149029 on GW Aura Beatdown


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