
32 Decks, 612 Comments, 53 Reputation

Hey Ethan. So, I just decided to build a random GW Aura deck and want to try it out for FNM. It can get some sick draws but could use some work. Any suggestions?

Posted 22 March 2011 at 19:47 as a comment on W/G Aggro


Sideboard suggestions would be appreciated as well. I'd like to try this for fun sometime at FNM.

Posted 22 March 2011 at 19:40 as a comment on GW Aura Beatdown


I can see that with but it's also just good if they have random artifact removal too. Umm, I would think that it would have to be a bit better in most circumstances over Ornithopter perhaps. Other than being an artifact, it is also pretty situational with what I see as less of an upside I'd think.

I don't really play legacy which is probably pretty apparent, but it does seem to me like many decks are too fast and the deck is kind of narrow to not have some form of combo-style kill out of nowhere. Maybe I'm off on this, but I just can't see Affinity without Disciple when it's legal and available. :/

Posted 22 March 2011 at 19:11 in reply to #144208 on Affinity 2.0


Oh man. Sad day! I thought Skullclamp was just banned in extended (which no longer matter after rotation and changes to the format). Well, I still play/love the card. Haha. I don't do legacy tournaments though. Just mostly casual type stuff with friends. But I guess if you don't want to play banned cards for your tournaments I'll forgive you.;) Haha.

Oh, but what happened to the Disciples? Please don't tell me they're banned too...

Posted 22 March 2011 at 00:55 in reply to #144208 on Affinity 2.0


No love for Skullclamp? Other than that, I like this deck a lot. I've been running a lesser version of Affinity (I don't have any Ravagers but use Atog to similar, though not quite as awesome effect) and Skullclamp is the main reason I win some games if they do have early game disruption of some form. An example would be my friend's deck that can start turn one with "Dark Ritual, Inquisition of Kozilek, Hymn to Tourach." Makes it a much more uphill battle after that for sure.

Etched Champion seems a bit slow, too. What about Master of Etherium in it's place? I know it's much easier to kill, but unlike the Champion, if they don't kill it that turn, they will lose to it. Champion is Great with Plating obviously (similar to Ornithopter) but outside of that, I just feel like the Master is better. Maybe not. Either way, just some ideas to ponder.

Posted 20 March 2011 at 22:40 as a comment on Affinity 2.0


I think if this were a Tezzeret build, Tumble Magnet would be just fine, but as it is, you've got a black control deck - meaning the best spot removal in the format. I'm not sure why you would want Tumble Magnet over say, Doom Blade/Go for the Throat/Disfigure. Those seem much better generally, except when you have a planeswalker that can find a Tumble Magnet from 5 cards deep in the deck and make it attack.

I do agree with the others that this is not exactly the ideal deck for Mimic Vat, and could be useful in the sideboard given the right situation. I'm honestly not so sure why you have the swords there. They're good when you can search them up with a Mystic but not as much as 1-of sideboard cards, I think. Especially with a fairly small number of beaters early on.

Other than that, I can see the Sacrament being a bit iffy, but understandably good as well. Certainly not going to fault you for that, but I can see various matches where it won't be quite as good. Seems pretty sick against Caw-Blade, though when their Mystics now are drawing blanks and have become $20 Squires.:)

And just me being me, but I would probably want another 2 land, give or take, added to the deck. Not hugely critical but just another idea. Looks solid overall.

Posted 16 March 2011 at 02:41 as a comment on Aggressive side-dish


Alright, I guess that makes sense. Gideon is great, for sure but I'm personally a huge fan of Garruk. I think he's way underrated as far as planeswalkers go. Typically I'd consider him only second to JtMS and maybe Gideon (depending on the type of deck) for standard. I think he's miles above Koth, Elspeth T, and Venser for sure. Even Jace Beleren I feel is far worse if not for the fact that it "counters" JtMS. But that is my opinion, for sure. I've had lots of good games with him and not nearly as many with Gideon or Thrun (Gideon just doesn't fit into UG decks very well;) and Thrun is fairly new and still needs a bit more testing).

Posted 13 March 2011 at 23:16 in reply to #140696 on W/G Aggro


Really? Seems to me like Garruk would be pretty good in this deck. Even for just the Overrun ability seems worth the inclusion. However, if it hasn't been working out, then I guess it makes sense to cut it. 3 Gideon seems like it may almost be a bit much for a deck like this, although quite possibly not. It's hard to say without testing, but I wouldn't be surprised if having 3 in the deck leads to too many games where he just doesn't help enough and you draw him in multiples... Thrun seems good, but Vengevine is just as good or better against most control decks anyways, so are you sure you need another 4 drop there in the main?

All of the changes seem perfectly valid and justified, but I personally feel like it could be better just as it is.

Posted 12 March 2011 at 02:29 in reply to #140696 on W/G Aggro


Nice try with Emrakul, but without show and tell, you're not going to play him. He auto-shuffles your entire graveyard back into your library. I'd probably take him out because of this. You should also try using Dragon's Breath. Once it's in your graveyard, it gives all your dudes haste. Another cool animate target could be Sphinx of the Steel Wind. I really like the multiple abilities, especially the lifelink-vigilence part. They have a hard time killing you while you fly over and quickly kill them. I do see now that it's in the sideboard, but I'd think it could be in the main. For the sideboard if nothing else, why not use Go for the Throat? It's such a good removal spell! Hope some of this helped.

Posted 11 March 2011 at 16:33 as a comment on Reanimator's Revenge


Why would you want GSZ in this deck? Almost all the best cards to search are white it seems, to me. I guess Fauna Shaman isn't, but other than that...

Posted 11 March 2011 at 16:17 in reply to #140434 on W/G Aggro


The main deck counters are mainly for the bonus of the random "Gotcha" effect - There are enough in the deck to occasionally get one off to great effect in game one. After game one, they are expecting them all of game 2 (& 3 if it goes to that). I prefer to have 3 spell pierce and 2 leaks post board just because in the matchups they're good in, they're just better. You usually don't need a mana leak against control deck. I'd rather be able to drop my 4-drops with 5 mana open instead of waiting for 6 or something like that. They're for the anti-counter measure and can deal with planeswalkers. I side out all counters usually against any full on creature or ramp decks like valakut or any Vengevine decks that pop up. Against Kuldotha Red it can be ok but is debatable for sure.

The Traps are just that, a trap. They're just not worth playing in the deck. Spell Pierce is essentially the same type of thing but in this deck, it's more reliable and more versatile. :/ It is a good suggestion, though. Thanks. It just isn't quite right for this deck (I've tried it out a bit and have very seldom had situations where I wished my Spell Pierce was instead a Trap).

Posted 10 March 2011 at 16:41 in reply to #140113 on Updated UG Ramp


Man, I'd love to run this deck and use gideon just to almost make your guys unblockable for a turn, too. They have to tap all their guys and you swing through to kill them... But anyways, the old Elspeth was sooo awesome! The new one is actually pretty good at stopping a quick rush from decks like vampires and works pretty well with Venser, actually (3 1/1s every turn). In this deck, though, I like your call Ethan on not adding Elspeth. Just don't need it with all your dudes.

Posted 09 March 2011 at 14:45 in reply to #139673 on W/G Aggro


Well that's good to hear, though! I mean, quite honestly neither of those 2 decks that it has trouble with are tearing it up in standard tournaments for the most part. However, to fight RDW, Perimeter Captain and especially Kor Firewalker are excellent at basically winning against RDW. Perimeter Captain lands a turn earlier and seems like it is probably easier to cast and maybe better against Kuldotha Red but the Firewalker is best against true RDW, possibly even Kuldotha. Plus it can attack back!

Posted 08 March 2011 at 16:15 in reply to #138655 on Knights who say "CAW!"


The other problem with the Ajani is that as I see it, it's not a creature and in a deck with 4 Vengevines and Fauna Shamans, you probably want all the creatures you can get. You can't always rely on Squadron Hawks...

Posted 08 March 2011 at 16:04 in reply to #139260 on W/G Aggro


Congrats on yet another Top Decks, btw!

Posted 08 March 2011 at 16:00 as a comment on W/G Aggro


I think I disagree with this here. The Shaman is honestly one of those cards that will almost never be bad to draw in multiples because the first can trade the others for something better! The exception here of course is if they drop a Linvala, but it's still at least a cheaper beater/blocker. Plus, it works just too well with Vengevine to not put in 4 I think.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 15:58 in reply to #139044 on W/G Aggro


Mox Opal is only good if you have enough other artifacts. Plus it's legendary. I guess I wouldn't run it in this particular deck, though it is good. I still think a playset of Counterspells should make there way in somehow. They can halt the opponent and also work better with Guile than Silence.

Posted 07 March 2011 at 10:00 in reply to #138652 on Dovescape


Sounds like a plan! Good luck!

Posted 07 March 2011 at 09:57 in reply to #138668 on W/G Aggro


Haha, I like the changes a fair amount.

However, I feel like if you are really more comfortable with the DoJ in the main deck or will plan to side them in all the time, leave them in. I personally would probably not want to play them in the main deck, but that is my preference. I see your argument for them in the deck, and if that's what is more comfortable for you, that is what will lead to better results in the end as well. If you read articles from the pros ever, time and time again you will see them say that if you aren't playing the deck they think seems best, just play what you are comfortable with as it will be what you know best and will lead to you playing better. Playing with the "Best" deck doesn't mean you'll win a match if you don't know how to play it correctly or are comfortable with how to play it and sideboard it. So, once again, keep the Days in if that's preferable for you and your meta but keep the option of sideboard in mind as well. Hope that makes a bit of sense without ranting too much.:/

Posted 06 March 2011 at 22:50 in reply to #138668 on W/G Aggro


Wow... So, I just looked back to the comments which I'm wondering if anyone else really has so much. Drumhead will probably be quite surprised to see this deck that is over half a year old coming randomly back into the Top Decks slot and shooting off with comments. Funny how that works. Sorry if you're not bothering with this deck much anymore and my comments are all basically just wasting your time. I didn't realize that this was just an old format deck and was commenting on it, along with the rest of the crowd I guess. haha.

Posted 06 March 2011 at 22:10 as a comment on Jace Control


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