
147 Decks, 1,087 Comments, 107 Reputation

Hmmmm I guess that's good :)

Posted 28 April 2011 at 23:01 in reply to #157933 on Kneel before your Lord


Hmm interesting, I'm not sure I like it on paper, seems a bit too much extra stuff. I don't think Stax and CB should be in the same deck TBH, seems silly to have them both since you don't really have room for both to be good. Both locks need more support than ur giving them... I might drop Stax for a full CB package.

Memoricide is bleh, grab another extraction.

Temporal also seems a bit of a miss... BBBB in a 3 color deck? I would love to see Bob here, or Mme Vess

Posted 28 April 2011 at 22:36 as a comment on Kneel before your Lord


Sure thing man... As if I would have a clue XD

Posted 28 April 2011 at 22:18 in reply to #157923 on Modern Affinity


Landbase is bland, but what else do you expect for a legacy deck that needs BBBB?

I will definitely check out Grasp. I'll concider Despise v IoK, but idt that Duress is good

Posted 28 April 2011 at 22:07 in reply to #157904 on MBC - Standard


Concidered it, but I don't think its really worth it... doesnt do enough

Posted 28 April 2011 at 22:05 in reply to #157828 on MBC - Standard


Ah. I feel its fine, great even since I run Lotus Cobra and KHE.

Posted 28 April 2011 at 22:03 in reply to #157467 on Valakut Titan


How exactly does due respect help? Noone has haste, and its not like you can cast it Turn 1...

Trinisphere is a pain, I'll grant you that, but we have artifact hate to take care of it (kinda). Luckily, you cant exactly throw Trinisphere into any deck, so most people dont use it

Posted 28 April 2011 at 22:02 in reply to #157899 on Modern Affinity


Pretty good. I don't think its really tournament quality yet, but it could be. A few cards I would recommend you conciser:

Extirpate, Dark Confidant, Vampire Nighthawk, Wasteland, Bitterblossom, Cabal Therapy, Umezawa's Jitte, Disfigure.

Basically, competitive Legacy is the single most diverse format in the game, and linear strategies are a little difficult to pull off because of this. Although discard is a powerful mechanic, using it as your sole strategy is not the best idea. Instead, I would recommend that you morph into a broader deck with discard as one of your many strategies.

Posted 28 April 2011 at 12:16 as a comment on legacy discard


And Tolarian! How did I forget that card???

Btw: my legacy affinity deck fell of the Up Comming deck list :(

Posted 28 April 2011 at 11:52 in reply to #157262 on Vintage Affinity


I think you may mean Wing Shards? Merrow Shards wont help u much unless u cast 2-3 in one turn....

Posted 28 April 2011 at 11:26 in reply to #157637 on Vintage Affinity


You got your wish ma ! Updated today. Check out some of my decks man, especially my Affinity decks.

Posted 28 April 2011 at 02:29 as a comment on Game Over


Raggedjoe says bye.

TE? If ya mean Tumble Magnet, it provides a nice bonus vs Caw Blade and other decks.

Posted 28 April 2011 at 02:18 in reply to #157467 on Valakut Titan


You guys can all go die in a hole, okay?

How do you like it now?

Posted 28 April 2011 at 02:12 in reply to #157262 on Vintage Affinity


Okay, so I looked at your lists, and I think I would have no issue eating you. Sorry, but your deck is too slow... I mean, sure, you can kill two or three guys, but that will buy you maybe a turn or two...

Posted 28 April 2011 at 02:08 in reply to #157116 on Modern Affinity


Hahaha thanks. I love the huge CA engines that Eternal+Fetchlands and Visionary are! This deck is a ton of fun to play.

Posted 26 April 2011 at 22:38 in reply to #156952 on Evoked Victory


I dunno to be honest. Such decks are not strong enough to be played comparatively, but seem like they have a good affinity MU. Do you have a decklist in mind?

Posted 26 April 2011 at 22:36 in reply to #157116 on Modern Affinity


Oh god... Affinity in Vintage... with Workshop...

*Goes off and makes a list*

On the artifact lands: I would agree they are a necessary evil. Although they do a lot for the power level of this deck, it makes LD much easier and certain hate cards much more formidable

Posted 26 April 2011 at 12:03 in reply to #156691 on Modern Affinity


Uggh. I composed a long reply to this, which the website unfortunately crashed upon my reporting. Don't wanna take the time to retype it all, but basically my points were

1) Thanks so much for the support guys
2) I have noticed the trend you mention and am very excited - I came up with the idea for this style during the MBS spoiler season
3) It would be really awesome if a big-time was to pick up this list - not happened yet, but it has been discussed on SCG.
4) On M-L, NPH is not legal and Vault Skirge is officially INSANE! I'm running 4 copies over Frogmite

Posted 26 April 2011 at 12:02 in reply to #156557 on Modern Affinity


Please explain how artifact lands makes Affinity "easy"... Not getting that part.

Posted 26 April 2011 at 04:00 in reply to #156691 on Modern Affinity


Mainly because try as I may, I can't fit another in... maybe If I was to drop a Brainstorm? Ideally I wold have 2 SFM and 2 Equips I think

Posted 25 April 2011 at 01:58 in reply to #156563 on Bant NO Zenith Excalibur


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