
147 Decks, 1,087 Comments, 107 Reputation

Very true. Glint comes back in for it.

Posted 22 March 2011 at 09:39 in reply to #144780 on Quest for the Holy Vineyard


Sure thing!

Posted 22 March 2011 at 06:14 in reply to #144656 on Quest for the Holy Vineyard


I'm trying hawks for now, I might switch them out for Skyfishers. It really depends on which I want to be my primary and which I want to be my secondary strategy, something I have not really decided yet. Unfortunately my computer is broken (I am on my Ipod right now) and I mainly play on MWS, so I have not been able to do much testing outside of goldfishing.

You are dead on about the Stoneforges being a 4-of, the version of this deck you saw I built (and had not updated) before MBS came out.

Posted 22 March 2011 at 06:09 in reply to #144495 on Quest for the Holy Vineyard


Hahaha thanks man! I hope you enjoy mine :)

Posted 22 March 2011 at 06:06 in reply to #144410 on Quest for the Holy Vineyard


This is a pretty decent GW Quest deck, before MBS came out. In fact, the list you commented on used to be the exact same. With MBS though, things change a bit. SoFF is amazing, and definitely warrants at least one copy, and more Stoneforges. I also think Singal Pest is worth considering, maybe over Glint Hawk. On the sideboard, Wall of Tanglecord is ridiculous. That card stops Caw-Blade.

Posted 22 March 2011 at 06:05 as a comment on GW Questvine


what do you mean not nearly enough creatures? I have 32! Birds of Paradise is a 1-drop that flies, its ramp is a bonus.

Posted 22 March 2011 at 06:01 in reply to #144716 on Quest for the Holy Vineyard


Wow! How did you discover this deck? I had forgotten all about it. I built this BEFORE MBS had any cards spoiled... Even with MBS, all this deck needs is pest and the new Sword... I had forgotten about my Hawks + Mystic idea completely.

Sure I'll check out your deck!

Posted 21 March 2011 at 17:05 in reply to #144410 on Quest for the Holy Vineyard


I know. That's why I run 3 Inferno and 2 BSA. It does however make sure I hit ramp creatures every turn and lets me grab Thrun or Primeval.

Posted 21 March 2011 at 16:00 as a comment on Naya Ramp


I haven't had much trouble really, though if Vamps or Caw-Blade sideboards cards for me it will get tough. I began with this deck but realized that Naya would be better, so I built the other deck.

Posted 21 March 2011 at 10:34 in reply to #144269 on Stoneforge Junk


The thing about Revoker is you can't find him :/ GSZ is amazing because it allows consistent BSA/Thrun on turn 3, or Inferno/Primeval on turn 4. That's amazing.

Posted 21 March 2011 at 10:32 in reply to #144270 on Naya Ramp


Very cool deck. I think you should have some counterspells, if only to protect yourself. Maybe 4 Spell Pierce/Mana Leak for Kracken Hatchling? I like the idea though. You also have a rather high curve, you might benefit from adding some ramp.

Posted 21 March 2011 at 10:15 as a comment on Uw Grand Architect


Thanks man! I got lucking and opened two at a prerelease, and two more in drafts.

Sure I'll check out your deck

Posted 21 March 2011 at 10:04 in reply to #144340 on Affinity 2.0


We won! affinity took home 1st Place!

Posted 20 March 2011 at 23:25 in reply to #144201 on Affinity 2.0


Thanks a lot! I have been going through a battery of tests recently and this list is not what I have anymore. I'll fix it tomarrow, but yes MoE is coming back. The thing about Etched is that even without boosts he wins you games. He can chump Tarmogoyf and KotR all day long.

About Skullclamp: Yes, most decks get better if you add legacy banned cards :/

Posted 20 March 2011 at 23:15 in reply to #144208 on Affinity 2.0


Tezz Affinity is in the FINALS in Dallas! Let's go!

Posted 20 March 2011 at 21:51 as a comment on Affinity 2.0


Hmmm... I supose your right, in Extended you can't really make it consistant. Thats too bad

Posted 20 March 2011 at 10:06 in reply to #143779 on Taking my Time


Hmmmm pawn is almost useless here since you will mainly be sac'ing tokens... How about Bloodghast or Bloodthrone instead?

Posted 20 March 2011 at 08:09 as a comment on B/R destruction eldrazi


I don't think I'm understanding you... Even if it's not meant for competitive play, why not make it better?

Posted 20 March 2011 at 08:04 in reply to #143779 on Taking my Time


Animating a land overrights their previous P/T. So if you animate a tar pits it is a 3/2.

Looks like fun, the only problem being it's very very slow. There actually is a very powerful competitive legacy deck that runs ~36 lands, its on the third page of my decks, check it out!

Posted 20 March 2011 at 08:01 in reply to #143783 on 50 Lands!


Ardent Plea will (almost) always net me +2 Exalted. That is a big deal, especially if I am behind. It really does save games. Also, I am in no way garenteed a Mystic before Plea, so it will sometimes grab me my first Mystic.

You are right: if I have both Mystic and Mirran it doesnt help. But if that is the case I will win the game soon anyway. When I do NOT have an assured victory however, Ardent Plea does a great job of getting me back in the game.

Posted 20 March 2011 at 07:56 in reply to #141652 on Bant Aggro


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