
21 Decks, 381 Comments, 87 Reputation

Blightsteel colossus could certainly help against lifegainy type decks, but the, I would probably just blow up whatever they are gaining life with using my Angel of Despairs.

Quicksilver amulet has the advantage of not being a 1/1 creature, thus not as easily destroyed through common creature removal. Unfortunately, it costs 4 more to activate its ability AND I can't harbinge for it if I need it. In addition, I don't really mind when people use their creature removal on my Pipers, because that means there's less removal out there for my big creatures when they come out.

Blightsteel would be an A- to A creature though I think. Not bad ideas.

Posted 05 September 2012 at 05:32 in reply to #287500 on Fat Fat Fatty


PS. If you like my war-pride deck, please check out my other decks too!

Posted 05 September 2012 at 02:32 in reply to #287510 on Nacatl War-Pride


Two Rashaka Golden Cub? $6

Four Nacatl War-Pride? $4.80

Double strike on Nacatl War-Pride? PRICELESS

This deck is certainly fun. Nacatl War-Pride is one of my favorite cards and I think it's highly under rated. I just posted a War-Pride deck and would appreciate some comments and suggestions.

Posted 05 September 2012 at 02:30 as a comment on Nacatl War-Pride


I disagree, I think the other deck has more potential. I pointed out that as long as Breath of Fury is not attached to a War-Pride, it will get through every time. All your opponents blockers must block the war-pride tokens due to nacatl's ability.

Again, please check out my Nacatl War-Pride deck and comment. I win with it. A lot.

Posted 05 September 2012 at 02:16 in reply to #179982 on Nacatl War-Dozer


Interesting theoretical infinite attack deck! I'm a big fan of Nacatl War-Pride and it was fun to see some hasty tokens. I recommend a Primal Forcemage to help your damage get through.

Also, damage getting through shouldn't be a problem for the breath of fury. Just attach breath of fury to ANY creature that is not Nacatl, because your opponents are forced to block the nacatl tokens.

Please check out my War-Pride combo deck and comment. It doesn't go infinite, but it does kill 3 or more players with a single swing of a War-Pride.

Posted 05 September 2012 at 02:11 as a comment on Nacatl-BOMB?!


And if you want to make your own original War-Pride deck, I've included a side board with a number of cards that work very well with Nacatl.

Posted 05 September 2012 at 01:40 in reply to #287070 on You didn't see it coming until it was too late...


Cockatrice is a free to play and free to download online MtG program. It has all the cards in the game and you can copy your deck lists from there and easily upload them here.

The program doesn't do anything as far as card abilities or phases automatically, it relies on the players to take care off the gameplay. It has built in functions to allow players to easily keep track of things like life points, mana, creature power/toughness, token generating, etc... But again it's all manual. If you've never played on it before you'll want to take some time to learn the hotkeys (I could teach you or you can play a solo game). They speed things up greatly!

I'd tell you to add me on skype or facebook, but I don't want to post my details here and there doesn't seem to be a PM function...

Posted 05 September 2012 at 00:55 in reply to #287076 on You didn't see it coming until it was too late...


I feel like avatar of woe is redundant but it could simplify things. As it is I have two ways of destroying creatures every turn built in, but avatar of woe would require less cards for the combo. The alternate mana cost wouldn't really contribute to the card's value, usually by the time there are 10 creatures in graveyards I've basically won already.

Demon of death's gate - Great if you want to go for straight creature beatdown, but the alternative mana cost is basically useless since you will rarely have 3 black creatures available for sacking.

Godsire - Great for a token gen deck. The fattest tokens. Every turn.

I'm going to give you a A- for your creature suggestions. Not bad, def all beautiful fatties. How would you build the deck with them?

Posted 05 September 2012 at 00:44 in reply to #287455 on Fat Fat Fatty


That is an excellent suggestion! It would allow the player to destroy any clusters pesky enchantments or artifacts instantly with a braids+avacyn+child combo! Add in Sheholdred and you can destroy them all... every turn!

Posted 05 September 2012 at 00:33 in reply to #287409 on Fat Fat Fatty


I can see how the second combo would work well, but remember that Mikaeus gives all non human creatures you control +1/+1. That point alone makes the first combo very mana expensive, but the second combo would still work.

Unfortunately, it would violate the "fatty" theme in my deck, since neither trisk is at least a 5/5, thus I would have to rename the deck. That and I avoid infinite combos. However, as for a 2 creature kill combo facilitated by my skeleton deck design, you get an A+! Very good idea. :)

Posted 05 September 2012 at 00:18 in reply to #287378 on Fat Fat Fatty


Deck suggestion - Get rid of murder and put in tragic slip. Between the "fling"ing and the sacrificing, tragic slip should be able to go off to its fullest potential, deal with indestructible creatures, and lower the mana curb of your deck. Alternatively you can use it on turn one to deal with annoying opening creatures like birds of paradise.

I did the same thing as Aiglo, building up a player base, when I was in uni. Went to a private school with about 400 students and ended up with about 3/4 of the guys on campus owning a deck by the end of the year!

I agree that having simple decks that you can stumble through but still end up powerful with is important, and this deck certainly fits the bill perfectly. Even without remembering that "I should target dogs with tunneler, attack, then fling" you can still swing for a lot of damage! I'm amazed at how inexpensive this deck is so yeah, I agree, it's perfect learner's deck and great for casual play even with advanced players! (I'm all about the casual play).

I'm def going to add this to my cockatrice net deck list. If you like casual multiplayer, look me up! Same name as on here.

And while you're at it, I'd love for some of you guys to check out and comment on any of my decks. The two linked are my most popular so far, I would love for one of em' (or both) to make the front page eventually. Both are combo decks (non infinite) and not nearly as simple to play as this deck. - "Fat Fat Fatty" A deck based around controlling the entire field (even in multiplayer) through multiple possible creature combos, and bringing out the biggest most unfair creatures from every color and age of the game. - "You didn't see it coming..." A theme deck based around exploiting one of my favorite and most underrated cards of all time, Nacatl War Pride. If Nacatl swings for one attack at any player, you can instantly kill every player on a 4 player board before the damage step.

Posted 05 September 2012 at 00:07 in reply to #283751 on Exalted Dogs


This deck, like many of my others, stomps players in to dust. I will not apologize for liking big fat creatures.

Posted 04 September 2012 at 15:02 as a comment on Mono Green Enchantments


Also, Privileged Position>Greater Auramancy. This will protect your lands and your un enchanted creatures.

Posted 04 September 2012 at 11:53 in reply to #287359 on • Blaze of Glory •


Braid of Fire was not meant to be played in a universe where mana burn does not exist.

Which is what makes it so AMAZING! As soon as mana burn disappeared, this card became broken and deserved to be exploited! I love the combination with Armageddon, GENIUS AND SO UNFAIR!

I was going to suggest a few red x spells, but then I realized that they were sorceries and wouldn't work during the upkeep. I'm really not a red or white player so I can't make a lot of helpful suggestions, but after looking it over I do love this deck.

If you wanted a major overhaul for flavor, consider using green/red/white with Upwelling, then you could play all the sorceries you wanted and even store mana between turns! Thanks for commenting on my decks! :)

Posted 04 September 2012 at 11:44 as a comment on • Blaze of Glory •


There is a secret 7th way of stopping Nacatl from dying that I almost forgot about because I've never had to use it and it's not all that convenient. Good luck figuring out what it is.

If you're still worried about your nacatl dying after all that, Asceticism.

Posted 04 September 2012 at 11:23 in reply to #287076 on You didn't see it coming until it was too late...


If you want to play against this deck, I'm on Cocatrice. Same name as on here. Are you on Cockatrice? My Deck could become untouchable from your Myr Fury deck in a number of ways, either platinum artifact with an Avacyn would mean that your deck can't win because you have nothing to deal with indestructible creatures. It would all depend whose deck went off first, but I don't typically like to play against infinite combo decks in casual (or ever), lol.

Your second deck would give me a few more problems, but add Sigadra (or blazing archon, since yoru sacking is based on creatures attacking me) to the above mix and all of a sudden you can't make me sac anything and all your forced life loss doesn't matter any more. Both decks are impressive and I'm not doubting that they could kill me, but again, it's a matter of who went off first. If my deck goes off first, which I have designed it to do as much as possible, you would have nothing to bust me out of my "you can't touch me and I can take my time about killing you" fortress.

Don't get me wrong, I know my deck's not invincible even after it goes off, but the only two things that can really stop it after a point are:
A - Exiles (un targeted mass exiles if both Privileged Positions are out)
B - Giving all my creatures -1-1 until they finally cease to exist

Few decks are built to do such a thing.

For this reason, after DotH has gone off 2-3 times (which it often does) tables just give up, because this deck is designed to screw over all other win conditions while defending me like crazy, so I can sit back and beat the rest of the table over the head with whatever I happen to have available at the time.

I hope I didn't sound too cocky there. :) I don't always win with this deck, but I do win a lot with it (in casual). A fast combo or white weenie deck can often kill me before my combo goes off. It's one of the many reasons I don't like 3 turn kill decks.

Posted 04 September 2012 at 11:15 in reply to #287160 on Fat Fat Fatty


So guys, I just posted my first deck in here yesterday, I really appreciate the comments. I'm going to post my second deck in here today. It's already received a lot of love from a few commenters, but I want a few more.

This is a non-infinite combo deck, again designed for casual multiplayer, that can kill all your opponents in a 4 way (or larger) FFA if you swing once with a single creature. Oh, I should mention that it will kill them BEFORE the damage phase WITHOUT the use of sorceries or instants.

100 points to whoever guesses how it's done before you look at the deck.

I'll give you a hint, the deck is blue/green/red.

If you like it (and I am fairly certain you will), please comment and check out my other posted decks!

I called this deck: "You didn't see it coming until it was too late..."

Posted 04 September 2012 at 10:23 as a comment on "YOUR DECK HERE"


I was concerned with Nacatl death too, at first...

This deck deals with that problem in a number of ways.

Let me explain.

Way number 1: Pandemonium.

Pandemonium's effect takes place when creatures come in to play. The nacatl tokens come in to play during the Attack Phase, before blockers are even declared. You can use pandemonium to blow up any scary blockers you want.

Way number 2: Oran Rief, the vastwood.

When Nacatl comes in to play, pop oran's ability! It'll be a 4/4 for the rest of the game. That not enough? Well, imagine if you had 2 orans, an oran and a doubling season, 2 orans and a doubling season... You get the picture. Nacatl gets big enough that most creatures would happily get out of the way, if they could, but they can't, because Nacatl won't let them. :)

Way number 3: Primal Forcemage + Lightning Greaves. Nacatl comes in and swings as a 6/6.

Way number 4: Edric.

Aww, you just lost your poor Nacatl? Gonna' miss the little guy? Don't cry too hard, you just drew two more, along with 5 cards that combo well with him and make him bigger and scarier than ever. Aaand you just gained a dozen or more life from those two essence wardens hiding in the corner, so you'll probably live long enough to see all your new cards swing. That is, if all your opponents aren't already dead.

Way number 5: Pandemonium.

Didn't we already cover this? Oh yeah, direct damage your opponent during the attack phase, killing him and removing his blockers before he can even declare them. Then Mycoloth all your delicious Nacatl tokens before they get sacked at the end of turn. Then look at your next opponent in a nasty way.

Way number 6: Doubling season

(I think I mentioned this one before as well... short term memory loss... I'm 27 tomorrow, must be getting old). Who cares if your nacatl dies? Your opponent is still taking 12 other 6/6 nacatl tokens to the face.

Honestly, this deck wins in multiplayer against 3 other opponents if Nacatl even attacks once (providing any kind of decent combo cards are out), often killing them all during the declare attackers phase.

If you're playing a larger game than that, then just hole up and gain life and and tell people "don't attack me and Edric wil luv you..." while you build up your combo to incredible heights until everyone else has taken some damage and you can wipe the board!

If you wanted to, there are enough elves in here that you could easily sub something out for 2-4 immaculate magistrates to:
A-Pump Nacatl so he doesn't die to blockers
B-Pump an unblocked token to finish your opponent
C-Pump your Mycoloth every turn so he doesn't even have to devour your other elves (and your fiber filled Dryad Arbor).
D-Pump up the specific creature that is blocking your Nacatl and laugh like a Howling Banshee while you kill your opponent anyway.

I'm really glad you like this deck, play with me on Cockatrice some time and I would also be glad to show you how it works live over the internet, lol.

Posted 04 September 2012 at 10:15 in reply to #287076 on You didn't see it coming until it was too late...


If you are concerned with Nacatl's survivability, look two posts down at my explanation for Chewrida.

Posted 04 September 2012 at 10:11 in reply to #287070 on You didn't see it coming until it was too late...


I've seen a lot of blue/black zombie decks, but I really wanted to keep this one mono colored. What's more, with Death Baron in play, all my zombies get death touch (as well as your aforementioned +1/+1). If I were playing a sacrifice deck Diregraf Captain would be superior because of his ability to direct damage the opponents, but this is an aggro deck where I'm hoping to keep my zoms alive (hence zombie master's regenerate).

Thanks for your suggestion, but I think I'll keep it as is.

Any particular deck you want me to look at?

Posted 04 September 2012 at 09:30 in reply to #287099 on Updated Zombies - Sideboard, lands, and deck explination.


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