
157 Decks, 5,295 Comments, 1,384 Reputation

I always defend Northy. And I love you too Deep! :)
It is a very love hate relationship.
I do hate that sometimes it does not seem fair that really great (expensive) Modern/Standard/Legacy tourney worthy decks do not get likes on here.
I do hate that the website is saturated with budget decks. Decks that could be very much better if money was thrown at it. Maybe 1 out of 100 Budget decks, will you find, that money is not the answer. And for those few decks, I love the Idea of Budget. But 99 out of 100 budget decks are just neat little decks, nothing more.
With that said...I very much love Northy and he can always count on me.

I can not honestly say that anyone has looked at one of my decks and thought, "Wow, this Magic the Gathering thing looks neat and cheap to start playing."

Most people on here can't say that.
But Northy can.
He has shown people that Magic the Gathering is
1. Fun
2. Interactive
3. Challenging
4. That there are millions of card combinations which to choose from
5. And that you don't need 1000 dollars to play the game.

Northy to me is like a gateway drug.
A gateway drug that leads new Magic users down the long road of Magic addiction.
It starts out small...learning the mechanics of the game with cheap 20 dollar decks...and before you know it you are paying for 4 Dark Confidants.

His decks are also very sound.
He teaches new players that too.

His decks usually have the basis of a good solid deck.

His decks are budget, true.
But they do show the very basics to people.
Again, look at it like this.
Take 2 budget decks of each color, that Northy has made. 2 mono green budget decks. 2 white, 2 blue, etc etc.
Then ask the person that looks at the green decks to describe what he thinks green does:
He will say: they play big creatures, they pump up the big creatures, they use mana ramp and speed, they win through attack.
And that person would be right.
Or ask that new person what he thinks blue cards do best after looking at 2 of Northy's blue budget decks:
He will say: they play control, they draw lots of cards, they use flyers, counterspells, etc.

I WOULD LOVE for people to step out of their boxes.
I would LOVE to see Northy make a 1,000 dollar Modern tourney deck as much as I would love to see someone who takes themselves very serious like Phyrexian Possum make a 20 dollar budget deck.

Posted 16 January 2015 at 05:05 in reply to #529154 on Budget Decks: Pillowfort


You are being sarcastic when you ask how this deck wins, right?
4/4 flyers and 6/4 flyers is how.
He stalls his opponent with counter, walls, control via Sphere/Propaganda.
This is how many pure mono blue decks won back in the day.
They are slow and outdated now, but this deck does indeed have it's basis in a try and true place.

If a 6/4 flyer can't win you the game, what can?
And if Serra Angel is truly outdated to cards like the point of now sucking balls...that makes this a sad day. Serra Angel will always have worth.

And I am with Kazzong. With a 20 dollar budget...what can you AlleywayJack and mymobbsdeep make?
I like both of you guys. Jack and Deep. But a deck like this brings back memories of the good old days of magic.
+1 from me.

Look forward to your decks AlleywayJack and mymobbsdeep.
In specific, I want you guys to make a mono red budget deck and/ore a mono white budget deck.
I have a blue one already (bounce with Zephid's Embrace and Cephalid Constable)
A green one already (the land destruction deck, you remember AlleywayJack?)
I have a black one already (Spudshaver's Wall of Blood deck).
I need a mono red.
I need a mono white.

Good luck guys!!
Apparently you guys will not need it because you think this decks what you can make I am sure will be lots and lots better. Especially since you have a budget of 20 dollars. The sky is the limit with that huge amount! Not trying to be an asshole...but that is just it. It is 20 dollars. I am sure your point is that you are tired of seeing 20 dollar casual decks at the top of the Hot Pages. I get that. But it is what it is. So, it is up to you. Let us see what you can make.
This is my latest piece of poop.
Hope you have fun ripping it apart.

Posted 16 January 2015 at 04:29 in reply to #529154 on Budget Decks: Pillowfort


That does sound nice, Gothy.
Goblins are straight, crude, and to the point.
Bogles are sneaky, magical, and full of mystic.

Posted 15 January 2015 at 23:22 in reply to #528887 on Budget Decks: Stompy Temur!


I have worked on this damn Whip deck for hours.
I just can't make it work.
I do apologize :(

Posted 15 January 2015 at 22:42 in reply to #527026 on Puschkin's Card Challenge


Good stuff.
I did not know Propaganda was under 2 dollars!
And went through a lot of my cards today...and realized I had a few Guard Gomoazoa. Nice.
I like how this deck protects, but actually has enough creatures to win the game.

Posted 15 January 2015 at 04:48 as a comment on Budget Decks: Pillowfort


I like the concept behind this deck.
It will not win a lot of games (due to the lack of creature and creature power) but it will make your opponent definitely have to earn their wins.
If I were to make any changes it would be this:
You need about 4 more creatures. I think it would get you more wins. It will get your more draws via Mentor. It will give your more fire power to do damage to your opponent.
Maybe War Priest of Thune. 2 extra damage every turn plus he nukes an enchantment when he enters!

Posted 15 January 2015 at 02:27 as a comment on Budget Pillowfunfort


Spellbomb...a little of both.
Direct damage for creature threats.
Draw power.
AND to fill graveyard.

Just post a the deck, when it is ready, Puschkin.
You know I will be there to slowly pour over Magic Card data bases for cards that might work.

Posted 15 January 2015 at 00:26 in reply to #528922 on Mono Red Draw Deck


People, silly them!
They don't read deck descriptions!

Happy birthday Northy.

Posted 15 January 2015 at 00:23 in reply to #528919 on Budget Decks: Stompy Temur!


I like Cryptoplasm for this deck.
It can keep changing what it wants to be.
So it can become the best creature that you still.

Good luck.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 18:11 as a comment on copy deck1


Style points.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 18:09 in reply to #528927 on touched by death


Wow, appreciate the feedback here guys.

Okay, the Rune is out (I thought with all the drawing and discarding that I could use advantage of that instant/surprise mana).
Okay, the Howling Mine is out (drawing 2 cards every turn is very quick and fun. But as Puschkin said, it is very dangerous too.).
Okay, the Shield Sphere is out (it can't attack and since this deck is built for speed, non-attackers are too slow).

+1 Burning Inquiry (to feed the graveyard)
+1 Spellbomb (feed graveyard and extra damage, can be bought back with my Wall)
+4 Wellspring (sacked via Atog or Shrapnel Blast to draw 2 cards)
+3 Spotlight (for the potential to actually get to the opponent with Atog/Slag Fiend)

Thanks Necrumslice and Puschkin.
Either of you have decks you want me to check out?
Every once in awhile I can think of a decent card to suggest for your deck.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 18:07 in reply to #528922 on Mono Red Draw Deck


Yes, a Pillowfort deck.
I am building a deck of every color, to buy. For me and my wife to occasionally play.
I have a green land destruction deck already.
I have a black (wall of blood) sac combo deck already.
I have a blue bounce deck already.
I need a red deck.
I need a white deck.

I figure for the white deck to make it a pillowfort style deck.
A deck that can somehow survive land destruction, bounce, combo, speed, everything.
Just an aggravating deck to try and win against is what I am after.

I can't build a good version of a mono white pillow fort style deck because most of the good cards are expensive:
Ghostly Prison, over 5 dollars
Windborn Muse, over 1 dollar
Swords to Plowshare, over 2 dollars

Cheaper stuff is like Oblivion Ring. Journey to Nowhere. Disenchant. Banisher Priest, etc.

Can't wait to see Northy's version of it.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 17:51 in reply to #528871 on Budget Decks: Stompy Temur!


It isn't a tapping card (which I would prefer...and Freed from the Real rocks for that purpose)...but Illusionist's Bracers would be nice.
Wouldn't it steal 2 creatures per turn? And put 2 tokens into play?

Posted 14 January 2015 at 05:47 in reply to #528869 on merieke


I feel that you are missing a one turn drop.
Not sure what to suggest, though.

Northy. I need a deck from you.
Budget, of course.
I want a well rounded mono white deck that has a lot of answers to decks.
Namely, a good amount of removal.
Maybe not a deck that will win a lot of games...but a deck that will make it hard for your opponent to win.
In other words, a deck that makes your opponent truly earn his hard fought match.

Good luck if you take up the challenge.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 02:19 as a comment on Budget Decks: Stompy Temur!


Checked them out.
Especially like the Merieke deck.
Crazy synergy with the combos, in that one.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 02:12 in reply to #528815 on Entire deck of Legendary Cards


I ADORE this deck idea.
And with all of the fetches and stall, I believe the deck would work.
Great interaction with Merieke in several ways.
1. Freed from the Real
2. Slumlord
3. Mob

Posted 14 January 2015 at 02:11 as a comment on merieke


Another deck for you superkeeper:

Now to your Whip deck, vanguard.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 02:06 in reply to #527026 on Puschkin's Card Challenge


That Whip deck kicked my ass!
I deleted it midway.
Okay, okay, will try again!

Posted 14 January 2015 at 00:16 in reply to #527026 on Puschkin's Card Challenge


I always wonder, with these decks...if splashing black is worth Lingering Souls flashback.
The black cards you have...can be replicated with white cards.
Despise gets rid of a creature from your opponent but there are white spells that already do that.
Same thing with Duress. Duress is against noncreature/nonlands. White cards already have stuff that remove the same cards.
This deck does look, dual color or not, seems: fun, easy to play, consistent, and capable of wins.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 00:15 as a comment on Jump into Modern W/ BW Tokens!


Great use of Zur, in this deck.
Well done.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 00:08 as a comment on Pride Prison Fliers


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