
88 Decks, 411 Comments, 158 Reputation

I think Memnite, Frogmite, and Myr Enforcer would help you more than champion or broodstar. And you won't have to worry about having ANY land open, cause you'll be playing them for free.

Posted 29 August 2012 at 18:21 as a comment on Lock-down (Artifact)


If you really want to know what I think...
well, i've seen this combo dozens of times, it's stupid and Rightfully Banned.
As for the deck itself, it's a really easy combo to get out, so as long as you have 4x of dark depths and hexmage then who cares? you win.

Posted 29 August 2012 at 18:10 as a comment on IN THE DEEP END


Right off the bat I'd say you have way too much land. you should go down to 20, and add 2 aether vials instead. I also highly recommend aquitects will or spreading sea, island walk doesn't mean anything if your opponent doesn't have islands.

Check out my merfolk deck, modern legal with a very high win rate:

Posted 29 August 2012 at 17:24 as a comment on Atlantis


Aether vial is a must with merfolk. Also, drop Deepchannel Mentor and add aquitects will / tideshaper mystic / spreading sea.

You could also stand to lose 2 lands, and High tide isn't really necessary once you add aether vial

Posted 28 August 2012 at 18:08 as a comment on merfolk pounder


I made a similar deck a little while ago... I think youd be better off by dropping white and adding black. (look at my deck for ideas)

Also, i'd say a green sun's zenith, and maybe swiftfoot boots? something to 1) make sure you have melira, and 2) protect her ... mostly cause the deck probably fails without her.

Posted 28 August 2012 at 17:03 as a comment on Persist (Classic)


Only suggestion I have it to drop 2-4 mountains and add red elemental blasts to stop your stuff from getting countered. All in all this is an impressive deck, especially when considering it only costs 20 dollars...

Posted 23 August 2012 at 17:32 as a comment on I eat infect for breakfast


Thanks for the comments on my deck. And this is pretty cool, I didn't know about Kessig malcontents, but blink with lots of humans on the board = gg for your opponent. Cool concept :)

Posted 23 August 2012 at 03:31 as a comment on Kessig Malcontents Rule


Well josh... its not mono colored... so i dont think that meets the parameters we set when we wanted to make elemental decks.

That aside, it's looking pretty solid. Except that... i dont thnk you even need red. vernal bloom, birds, llanowar and arbor is a lot of ramp already. You should drop the smokebraiders for omnath, or splinterfright.

With doubling season in here it kinda looks like a deck gibby would make (lol). But that would be horrifying on Sekki (really? 8 mana for a 16/16? not cool).

Posted 22 August 2012 at 03:11 as a comment on Elementals


Mesmeric orb combos well will aphetto alchemist.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 02:35 as a comment on • UNTap: To Win the Game •


Ok, first order of business, you don't need whispersilk cloak. Between aquitects will and master of the pearl trident your creatures are already unblockable, so if you just want the hexproof go swiftfoot boots.

Next, I tried stormtide in mine, WAY too slow. Merfolk should easily win the game before you have enough mana for the leviathin. I also think talrand is a little slow, and because the tokens he makes are drakes it's kindof counter-synergistic.

I'd also drop fog bank, merfolk to be on the offense, drop fog bank and put 4x lord of atlantis (same exact card as master of the pearl trident, which you should also have 4x of).

I would drop the wayfinder and add 4x merrow reejery, really helpful guy.

only 20 lands are required once you drop talrand and leviathin.

I also Highly recommend aether vial (a little expensive) but incredibly helpful. It with merrow reejery = lots of merfolk for 0 mana.

Vapor snag is better than unsummon.

You should look into cold-eyed selkie to replace scroll theif. same effect but better (pump from master/lord = more card draw)

And of course you can look at my Modern Merfolk deck if you have questions about what I said.
Good luck :)

Posted 21 August 2012 at 17:16 as a comment on Merfolk Revenge


If you aren't going for standard, why don't you have mana leak instead of essence scatter/negate? Far more consistent. Also, there are too many singletons here. It's okay for things like talrand and sleep, but you need more hedron crabs, invisible stalkers, etc.

Posted 20 August 2012 at 17:09 as a comment on Mill and Kill?


replace somberwald vigilante with stromkirk noble?

Posted 14 August 2012 at 22:21 as a comment on Grixis Vampires


I have a little concern for this deck running a little slow... I wouldnt have lullmage if i were you. I also thing that the prophets, while good, are going to be a dead card a lot of the time. I think you should have master AND lord, not one of them. they are a ridiculously good two drop that puts early game pressure on your opponent.

you could look at my merfolk deck if you want, it wins somwhere around 90% of games, modern legal:

hope i helped :)

Posted 14 August 2012 at 17:18 as a comment on Merfolk´s rise


Not a bad start. First off I'd say that vampires are capable of playing very fast, like, turn 5 win pretty often.

That said, I think that your equipment/enchantments are slowing you down. I'd say drop executioner's hood all together, and go down to 2 for both ring of xathrid and mark of the vampire.

This opens up space for fast and dangerous vampire creatures. CHild of Night is always a good card to have, and fume spitter (while not a vampire) is a fantastic one-drop.

Havengul vampire is slow and not very good. when you compare him to the other 4 mana vampires, he just can never stand up to them. So replace him with Vampire Nocturnus (kind of pricy but SUPER good)

RIght now you are really suffering in the early game, I recommend more control spells (go for the throat, murder, arc trail) as well as the creatures suggested earlier.

If you have any further questions, here is the Vampire Deck I run at my FNM.

Posted 10 August 2012 at 17:52 as a comment on Vampire B&R


Well... you have 5 stromkirk captains...

Overall it doesnt seem too bad. I'd recommend looking at my Standard Vampire deck (it got pretty popular on this site) I use it at my local FNM. Does pretty well:http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=335028

That's my input... Welcome to Magic :)

Posted 09 August 2012 at 18:00 as a comment on Vampire Beatdown


Im pretty sure that bitterblossom is banned, but if you don't care about tournament legality then it's fine. I'd consider splashing red. There are plently of token generating red sorceries, but mostly because krenko is ridiculously dangerous, and becomes exponentially more dangerous every turn.

Posted 09 August 2012 at 17:19 as a comment on Epiclesis™


Drop thundermaw for nocturnus (cheaper, a vampire, and just better). And get rid of exterminator for fume spitter (not a vampire, but a really good one-drop

Posted 07 August 2012 at 01:25 as a comment on Budget Vamps!


Im thinking guul draz vampire > guul draz assassin. (too slow).
It depends on your meta, but go for the throat tends to be more consistent than doom blade.
Same thing i tell everyone: bonfire CAN be good, but you can't bank on miracle cards when you need them... I'd drop it for another black card.. sign in blood is good, it also can help you cycle cards if nocturnus turned up a land.

Also, sorin is so good... but hes also SO SLOW. You're better off with Falkenrath Aristrocrat or another good creature

If you want to see what I mean, ive got like 3 vampire decks you can look at.

Posted 05 August 2012 at 02:35 as a comment on B/r Vamps (Casual)


looks pretty good. I think bonfire is overrated (i don't think miracle is a good or reliable mechanic) but if it works then more power to ya. I do want to suggest fume spitter. it rotates out in october but it is an incredibly solid one drop until then.

Posted 05 August 2012 at 02:27 as a comment on Heartless Vampires


... EDH60?

Posted 03 August 2012 at 17:39 as a comment on Vampyre Weekend


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