
88 Decks, 411 Comments, 158 Reputation

-2 chalice of life, -2 gilded lotus, -2 crusader of odric, -2 cathedral of war, -2 plains, -2 garruk, primal hunter. Id also cut out odric master tactician, he's really good, but with exalted you should be attacking with a flyer, or maybe prized elephant because of his trample.

That should thin you down a bit

Posted 10 July 2012 at 22:51 as a comment on G/W TEST


Disciple of bolas is going to do nothing for you. also, with liliana, you should have closer to 20 lands, absolutely not 25. also, lilianas second ability used with tormented soul, or vampire nighthawk, is much more likely to get you the win than her emblem.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 23:01 as a comment on Liliana's Revelation


This is a very clever strategy. My only suggestion would be to fit in some nighthawks somewhere, just to give you a little more life advantage.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 22:44 as a comment on Wrath of an Unholy God


Not gonna lie, this has potential but it just seems shaky to me. you should focus more on the creatures and spells that REALLY help you win, and get 3x and 4x. there are just too many two-ofs in here, it doesnt seem like it would play consistently. Try looking at my vampire deck, i use it in standard FNM.
Happy Vamping!

Posted 09 July 2012 at 22:40 as a comment on vampire army


Id cut down on the demonlords and essence harvest. you should try splashing blue, so you can use diregraf captain, it will also make it so you dont always have to pay life for metamorph. With that, mortarpod is a really good combo with gravecrawler while you have captains/ blartists out.

Hope this helps!

Posted 09 July 2012 at 22:31 as a comment on Vampires, Demons, Zombies, OH MY!


While the captain can be very powerful in aggro, having first strike makes dangerous blockers. Id say, of ALL the cards in the deck (even nocturnus) that the captain has the highest influence on winning.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 22:28 in reply to #271603 on Standard Vampires B/R


nevermind, youve already looked at it... so yeah... cool

Posted 09 July 2012 at 22:27 in reply to #271602 on Standard Vampires B/R


Remarkably similar to my T2 vampire deck. I do have one red spell (arc trail) instead of duress, but it helps so much it's worth it despite nocturnus.

Check it out, ive been using a different version (this isnt legal quite yet) at FNM and it has proven to be quite succseful.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 22:26 as a comment on Standard Vampires B/R


helps if i actually post the link:

Posted 08 July 2012 at 16:54 in reply to #271315 on Mono Black Control (Standard)


Here's a monoblack control deck my friend has been working on for M13, you should check it out. You might get ideas and he would love criticisms too.

Posted 08 July 2012 at 16:53 as a comment on Mono Black Control (Standard)


I like the combo with Lab Maniac and Ancestral knowledge, but you really do need ways to protect it. You could splash black for undying evil and disentomb, or you could find a way to give it hexproof. Maybe even just a couple more counterspells. But overall i think thatd be a very fun multi-player deck. . . until everyone catches on to what you're doing and beats your shit in. You should try adding fog bank, just about the best defender card ever made.

Posted 07 July 2012 at 20:37 as a comment on Manic will be my hero


youve got a decent mana curve... but you need to cut down on the singletons (cards that you only have one of) and get 3x and 4x of them, it adds consistency. Also, you don't need 24 lands in a mono colored deck, go 22, or if you drop a couple big creatures, you could go 20.

Posted 05 July 2012 at 22:48 as a comment on Standerd Mono White Humans/Angels


I think you'd appreciate a deck my friend made... you may even get some ideas to improve this deck.

Posted 05 July 2012 at 22:38 as a comment on Walls


It's a nice concept, but im going to be brutally honest: this will never be competitive material until you sort through that stack of singletons, pick the best cards, and get 4x of them. It adds consistency and reliability to your deck, so you dont depend on luck to give you the right card when you need it.

Posted 05 July 2012 at 22:36 as a comment on total distruction


Looking good, but I do have some suggestions:
Replace aristocrat with Nocturnus, adds a lot more late-game potential to the deck. Child of Night is also a really good creature to have. I like all the killspells, but with all those bonfires i think you can drop killing wave. also, you should probably replace doomblade with tragic slip; its cheaper and its not a useless card when up against black.
ALso, i know it's not a vampire, but you should look into Fume Spitter, excellent one-drop.
As for sideboard, i guess it depends more on your meta, but take a look at my vampire deck, the description explains my sideboard: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=335028

Hope this helps! and sorry for the long post

Posted 05 July 2012 at 22:32 as a comment on B/R Vampires


Looks good. However, in my experience with vampires (I play them a lot) Sorin is good, but too slow. You're better off with either a couple more creatures, or better yet some more kill spells. Especially since you have to splash white for sorin, it just isnt worth it. BR vampires are powerful enough as it is. . . here, check mine out, it's what i use in standard FNM:

Hope that helps :)

Posted 05 July 2012 at 22:28 as a comment on Vampires vampires vampires


Grindstone + Painter's Servant is a great combo, other than that though the deck seems kind of slow to me... I just think you need a few more mill spells. Try looking at my mill deck, you might get ideas, and i would appreciate any criticisms you would have for me as well:

Posted 05 July 2012 at 05:03 as a comment on legacy mill


First off, fantastic combo.

Ok, I believe this deck should be designed to win with damage, not mill. that said, all the "mill spells" you have should become counterspells and killspells to control your opponent until you can play the big creatures, cause once you do that its GG. So, Nemesis with Lord o E and Vutlure Zombie man will be the win condition of this deck, so milling shouldnt be the main focus. Ok? Still though, sweet combo, kindof upset with myself for not having already thought of it.

Posted 05 July 2012 at 00:35 as a comment on Feasting off the Remains


Ok, bear with me cause this is going to be long:
1) Diabolic tutor is very slow, you should probably just use sign in blood and draw two instead of searching your deck.
2) You should try to cut down on the curses. I know they all seem good, but just think to yourself "if i were topdecking, is that card going to help me?"
3) Vampire Nighthawk, he'll be legal in a week or two, definitely worth it.
4) Go for the Throat is more reliable than doom blade
5) You would have to cut down the red cards A LOT, but Vampire Nocturnus is a really good card to have
6) I would drop bloodlord of vaasgoth, seems very good but he's pretty slow
7) Olivia Voldaren could help, four mana 3/3 flying with pretty solid abilities
8) Dual lands will help you a lot, if you have money, look into cavern of souls
9) I would just drop sorin's vengeance. another card that seems really good, but is just too slow to be worth it. You may want to try arc trail or pillar of flames, more versatile and they can still damage your opponent.
10) If you still want red, bloodcrazed neonate is a good low-mana creature to have, take out a couple marauders for it.
11) Overall the deck seems to have potential, but it is very slow.

As far as combos go, you could use bone splinters (sac a creature to kill target creature) with undying evil so your guy comes back stronger. A combo i use in my vampire deck is fume spitter (not a vampire, unfortunately) and tragic slip: fume spitter sacrifices to weaken/ kill something and morbid is activated on tragic slip to kill something big.

I hope this helps, sorry for the long post. If you have any questions about suggestions ive made, you can check out my vampire deck:

Posted 05 July 2012 at 00:28 as a comment on Vampire's Rage


Very cool concept, but you really should try to cut down to 60 cards, it makes your deck more efficient and makes you more likely to draw what you need.

Posted 05 July 2012 at 00:15 as a comment on See you on the other side


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