
255 Decks, 238 Comments, 18 Reputation

math of ith is awesomely good, i'd run more of.
in here you've just got a ton of awesome cards all thrown together.
Maze of Ith, Library of Alexnandria, Strip mine, Wastemine, Tarmogoyf, And the tutor is awesome.

I'm a huge fan, it could be very, VERY solid.

like for like? check out mine?

Posted 21 June 2011 at 03:10 as a comment on GW Astral Slide


I agree with both of those points I think, but like turn 4 doom blade their primeval titan, then tec edge the valakut they grabbed, then extract out the valakut.. very worth - while.

I'd love to make room for day, but Idk what to cut. maybe oust? Yeah. I'll do that. I'll drop 2 out for 2 day.

seas is nice, but i'd rather have tumble magnets or the 1 black mana "becomes a swamp," but the draw is very nice from spreading seas... I'll have to check it out? maybe take out 2 magnets from SB for 2 Spreading Seas MB?

Posted 21 June 2011 at 02:57 in reply to #173421 on Post-Ban Pro Control


well yeah, but that's not standard... xD

Posted 18 June 2011 at 03:04 in reply to #172678 on Jund Sarkhan


lolol, expedition map might be awesome actually, especially with amulet of vigor. i like it, i just don't see a ton of room for it. :/ maybe drop 2 magnets for it? idk. your thoughts?

Posted 15 June 2011 at 02:33 in reply to #171829 on t2 man lands wreck face! :D


i'd really love to go up to 3 amulet of vigor, it really, really helps out... maybe even 4, i just don't see a lot of room for it... :/

Posted 15 June 2011 at 01:14 as a comment on t2 man lands wreck face! :D


I played in a tcq i top got 7th in, and went 5-1, i lost to a glistner elf blue (for unblockable sorcery thing, and blighted agent) infect deck.

I think blue might be the way to go here, if nothing elf for vapor snag and what not.

also, the guy ran like 12 tap - sac lands, and adventuring gear, which was a nice choice.

Posted 06 June 2011 at 01:25 as a comment on Turn 2 win infect


thanks! i like it! :)

Posted 31 May 2011 at 22:54 as a comment on A bigger bomb (t2)


I know I didn't put in Journey, but I think tezzert's gambit is probably better, and I still am playing 4x brave the elements.

I really did porcelain legionnaire in this deck! :D

Posted 31 May 2011 at 21:16 as a comment on White Weenies are Coming (back to being viable)


eh, marrow shards seems kinda weak, and act seems awkward.
i'd run tempered steel too, maybe ajani and tezzeret's gambit, and steel overseer too.

also, like for like? :)

Posted 31 May 2011 at 03:22 as a comment on Make 'em Rage


I actually ran it before NPH came out and did shockingly well. I mean like. positive win ratio...... I beat cawblade.

Posted 20 May 2011 at 04:43 in reply to #164235 on The Greater Good


hmmm... running 1 of's that you can't search for (i.e. blue sun) doesn't actually seem like the BEST idea to me in the whole world... >< just saying

I'm also a bit confused about what you're going to attack with.
you've got
puresteel (too valuable to attack with most of the time)
colonnade (which is actually really, REALLY frigging nice with puresteel)
spellskite (shitty attacker)
hex parasite (useful for everything besides attacking)
stoneforge (which is ballin', but for use with venser, not to actually attack with)
mirran crusader (godly card, I completely more than 300% agree with that)

dispatch is good late game for you once you have a lot of equipments out, but early game it's useless, and midgame it probably is too.
Basically, I do like the concept of the deck, it just doesn't seem like it was fit together exactly perfectly.
instead of magnents, run blinding souleater (it can attack, and serve the same function)
and instead of metamorph, run porcelain legionaire (much more reliable, and brutally good...)

on the other hand,
you're deck is also very weak against burn, say someone bolts you t2, you're done buddy. :( gg. if you're already running some blue, why not run 4x spell pierce too?

also,if you have any spare time,check out my new deck?

like for like?

Posted 20 May 2011 at 03:48 as a comment on Mirrodin


hmmm... I actually think that the deck might serve a bit of a better purpose if you ran white in there too for hada freeblade (defense,) kazandu blademaster (i know he's a 2 white, but first strike vig is ballin') and then birds and genesis wave. that way you could have a TON entering if you green sun instead of blue sun for harabaz druid and then have so many allies entering it would auto-mill them to death?

just a thought though, idk.

anyways, check out my deck?

"like" for "like" <333

Posted 20 May 2011 at 03:40 as a comment on Allies - Multi-purpose Mill


yeah sure, so in case of either, I run "suffer the past" (instant speed to their sorcery haunting echos) and mental misstep (for their extraction)

My biggest problem I would say is the discard from putting a feast and famine on a squad hawk.

on the other hand, that's why i'd have inquisition and despise SB.

Posted 19 May 2011 at 22:21 as a comment on The Greater Good


I was actually messing around with a deck like this just a few days ago.

With a key-player being galvonoth, as lots of those land-destruction cards are expensive as hell.

Posted 19 May 2011 at 20:17 as a comment on Standard Land Destruction


if you don't have the money for baby jace, use him only in SB against decks that use mind sculpter (to trade them off)
also, karn seems a bit awkward, and you're missing geth's verdict (i know it's double black, but it's just SO good against so many decks....)

also, no inquisition or despise? or even duress?

Posted 19 May 2011 at 18:43 as a comment on 2,3,4 Tezz


i like it, but it seems a bit idk, "odd" to me, not enough ability to seek out varying sources of mana, and not enough ways to ensure survival early game...

take a look at these two I made:

first one is complete shit (5 colors instead of going the hex parasite route,) while the second one is much more viable, but sacrifices "answers" to what their opponent plays.

let me know what you think? and that's just my 2 cents. :)
have fun man! :D (or chick? :o) and i love the idea! :D

Posted 19 May 2011 at 04:40 as a comment on Etched


I saw where you got that from! deck stealer! ;) hehe

lol no, i definitely like it, I'm just a bit afraid of you not having hagra diabolist, I feel like he really, REALLY makes the deck worthwhile, (relying on a combo of 4 of each card (both expensive drops) is a bit worse than running on a deck running off 8 cards that interact with xenograft, not to mention you don't have the genesis wave to get out a lot of creatures that are all allies. having a ton of wolves if one thing, but without the red praetor, they're kinda useless! [ <--- just had an awesome idea]
not to mention you don't have jace. xD rofl, huge mistake. xD he's amazing. :D

also, for those other interested in my version of the deck, it's here:

Posted 18 May 2011 at 06:20 as a comment on Infinite Wolves.


i like it, a lot actually, but i'd probably change just a few things.
1, vault skirge probably isn't as good as you think it is w/out buffs
2 , I don't see any reason in the world not to run 4 sign in bloods, they're just TOO good... ><
3 , your biggest threat is certainly a pro-black something, besides that you're probably set, so dropping a go for the throat intead of a geths verdict (then siding it out if they don't run stoneforge,) would probably make a better MB. geth's verdict targets the player, not the creature, so even if they have a feast and famine out, you'll still wreck.
4 , it's a fairly overlooked card, but look into "fume spitter" it's a 1 black mana 1/1 with "sac: put a -1/-1 counter on target creature. so you block with it, then sac it and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. :)
5 , also, even though i know you're an aggro deck, look into despise and inquisition. they're awesome cards to have around, see how useful it is in a front page deck i've won 3 fnm's with over 50 players with, [[[ ]]] the deck is aggro, plus a bit of control, and some buffs. and i run 4 discard spells, it comes in a lot of hand for them going t2 stoneforge, they get a sword, my t3 i inquisition to get rid of their sword, or i despise t1 and then get rid of a lotus cobra. :) aggro decks should work, in my experience, like turns 1-3 are creatures, t4 and 5 are removal, then you should have won, or be very close (or the game's over)

also, i hope my criticism isn't too harsh, but i only say it to help you out (or at least i think it'd be helping you out. xD) anyways... i hate to sound like a douche, but "like" for "like?" <3

Posted 18 May 2011 at 05:12 as a comment on Mono Black Aggro


I actually made a deck just like this but only white blue (no tezz,) and instead some tempered steel (lots of artifact infect) and ajani (vig is fucking awesome infect [ajani's -1])
also, grand architect... i'm not so sure it's actually what you're looking for. infect isn't looking to slow anything down.

so here's what I'd do
-3 probe
-1 corrupted resolve
-1 annex
-4 grand architect
-4 blighted agent
-1 tezz the seeker

then add, in whatever amounts you like (but definitely have 4 necropedes:)
tempered steel
core prowler
mutagenic growth
mana leak
another venser or so (for his -1 [all creatures are unblock able this turn])
ajani goldmane
emerge unscathed
then maybe livewire lash (definite if you run a playset of mutagenic growth and emerge unscathed[you use mutagenic when they don't block while livewire is on it, that's 4 extra poison counters, not to mention your normal defense)
and possibly infiltration lens (if they're a late game player with little removal and are hoping to drop a bomb or something first game, they'll need to block (not to mention this'll even things out so you can kill their mana ramp or pre-equipped shit, and if they blow, you'll draw 2 cards! sick as hell!])

also, I made a new deck! :) let me know what you think man?
sorry if i said a lot about your deck. :( just trying to help though. :/ promise

Posted 18 May 2011 at 05:01 as a comment on steel overseer infect(standard)


with 24 mountains, you could much more easily run moltensteel dragon, instead of immolating souleater.
and if you don't like that idea,

maybe drop landcount to 22, then drop 2 rebirths, 4 tunnelers, and 4 furnace scamp, so you can get in 2 quest for the pure flame, kiln fiend, and 4 arc trails. :)
also, assault strobe would be great with moltensteel, but i feel like running goblin guides would be better than running assault stobe.

just my two cents. ;)
hope it didn't offend! xD

and if it didn't, like/comment for like?

Posted 18 May 2011 at 04:51 as a comment on Immolating Assault


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