
117 Decks, 1,801 Comments, 677 Reputation

@_@ I... I don't know what to say about Vanish into Memory cast on Ink-Treader, that's insane!

And I asked a token EDH player how they felt about Crippling Chill on Ink-Treader, and they sent me this.
I think it was the most amazing reaction face I've ever seen.

Posted 12 August 2012 at 00:15 in reply to #280888 on Lick My Love Pump


Fire/Ice, Crippling Chill, and Niveous Wisps all offer very interesting ways to play tapdown control, and draw like mad at the same time. Magma Jet is also fun since you can scry in a similar fashion. Other than that, I've got nothing.

Posted 11 August 2012 at 00:19 as a comment on Lick My Love Pump


You will have a headache. My friend runs Dralnu EDH, and it's obnoxious having to remember that everything you see, you'll see again >_> But the worst EDH deck I've ever played against was Shopkeeps Karn deck... It was an interesting time seeing him sit there and draw four hands a turn because of some bull loop that he wouldn't have noticed if a passerby didn't mention it... I will forever hate that guy

Posted 11 August 2012 at 00:07 in reply to #276728 on Good news everyone!


I dunno, I find myself swarming with my Amore e Morte deck, but when I tested with Sublime I still found myself preferring a war of attrition with Blood Artist. I guess it's because of how innately suicidal that deck is, but damn, I win fast with that guy out XD

I like it and all, but because of how I play tokens, it just doesn't have any impact for me. Again, Blood Artist is the biggest thing to happen for me since Bloodghast probably. It changed how I play certain decks entirely.

I know, I know. I keep meaning to look at that deck, but I always dread even looking at EDH designs. Half of the reason I like the Witch-Maw deck I have is because it's so simple, it's modular, and uses a lot of the same packages Zur does. Ink-Treader on the other hand... Ink-Treader takes serious thought.

I agree about the split between Pearl Trident and Coralhelm, it's really important to have fast islandwalk right now.

Posted 10 August 2012 at 19:17 in reply to #276728 on Good news everyone!


True, and I DO like having money again. Even if it's all going to essentials.

M13 is interesting, but I don't particularly care for it. I don't think a core set should ever be released without Llanowar for one thing. And I don't really get the problem with Sublime Archangel, is it really that powerful right now? It just seems like Baneslayer mk. II to me, and I never saw any problem with it.

Also, in true fashion of me having listened to the Clerks soundtrack yesterday, I'm here on my day off.

Posted 10 August 2012 at 14:10 in reply to #276728 on Good news everyone!


FNM isn't quite my forte, but it's usually fun. It's generally a Standard event, which if you want info about the Standard format you can check on the Wizards of the Coast' official MtG site, and has small prizes usually. I know at the shop in my area my friend gets a pack or two when he places in the top three, but I'm not sure if that's the usual.

Posted 23 July 2012 at 19:01 in reply to #274856 on Amore e morte


There are more budget friendly Pox decks actually, I want to say the old style is $400 USD, and I think Crucible is only up at $475 USD(don't quote me on either price though, it's been a while).
The deck type that isn't really possible to do on a reasonable budget is Extraction. The ideas behind each of the "unholy trinity" are all slightly different, but the unifying theme is that your opponent can't beat you if they have nothing to beat you with.

If you mean to build Pox, the best thing I can suggest is to play it from both sides of the table. Older lists are a good point of entry for it especially, but some of the newer ones like Liliana Pox are good too.

Posted 23 July 2012 at 18:57 in reply to #274777 on Amore e morte


I would have thought Thoughtpick Rogues went up in price since Modern, neat.
I actually think I like BitterStorm better than most of the lesser forms, it's the one that feels least like anything else.

Trying to hit ANT with mana denial and burden is like trying to catch smoke with your hands, about the most you can do is change the direction it flows in :| For such a simple deck it is obnoxiously good at dodging what Pox frames can throw at it.
I've seen more ANT players that don't understand mana burden and denial than any other kind, and that is a great deal of why I think of it as an autopilot deck. While it has some neat tricks, it's nothing any other brand of Storm hasn't done, and better.

I don't really care for Fish either, it's [I]too[/I] straightforward now. I've tried tinkering with a Ub Fish using Dark Confidant and Stifle, and it's been doing better than my tourney Fish frame ._.

Posted 23 July 2012 at 18:51 in reply to #272228 on Amore e morte


Woah, I'm gone for a few days to help some friends, and I'm on homepage. Cool.

Guess it's time for me to start replying to things ._.;

Posted 23 July 2012 at 13:47 as a comment on Amore e morte


Interesting, I never thought of using Big Game Hunter without Fauna Shaman or Survival of the Fittest. The poxes make for an interesting outlet.

I'm not sure how well all of this would work with only Bloodghast as your recursion, and without any fetches or Undiscovered Paradise it's kind of sketchy at best. Have you instead considered Nether Traitor? I realize you're strapped for time, but it's a decent thought.

Posted 20 July 2012 at 00:24 as a comment on BW Denial


:D Checking it out now! Also, started back watching One Piece. I've got a long way to go >_>

Posted 20 July 2012 at 00:17 in reply to #271775 on Amore e morte


BitterStorm is the cheapest last time I checked, coming at around $500, which is awesome, but it's kind of... Lacking :/
I've started cringing about things like that long ago though, I think it started when one of my friends told me he was picking up Reanimator, or when shopkeep said he might be interested in XX-Lands. They both got their wish given time, but shopkeep was sorely disappointed by how hard it is to play Lands. I think he's back to Affinity now.

The factories are a welcome change actually, it might not have the versatility that I'm accustomed to, but they act as a great chiseling tool, and provide another body for the fire.
StoneBlade is an amazing match for this thing, unless it's the Orzhov variants like Joe propagated for a while. It has a good tech setup right now, and have a lot of powerful mana denial of their own.
The worst match though has to be ANT oddly enough, they just power through Contamination game one, and race me out in game two. TES has a much too fragile mana base, and Fish is too enthralled with ground and pound right now to really matter to me.

Posted 19 July 2012 at 22:11 in reply to #272228 on Amore e morte


It took people a while to really realize what Birthing Pod can do too, it seems the standard crowd just looks for simplified combos like the Bloodchief Ascension deck.

Boros is always silly with how good it is, so with Ravnica coming back it should be insane. Boros with those two should be doubly so

Posted 19 July 2012 at 18:48 in reply to #274491 on Mob Boss + Master Tactician


I built this off of the same Contamination frame I've been using for a long time, so there's tons of recursion for Blood Artist to abuse :D I'm debating switching the numbers for him and the Ghasts, which is about as much as I can say about it. He's just that level of awesome.

This deck is stupidly expensive, but the big hits are the Wastelands, Rishadan Ports, and Mox Diamonds. It can be done decently with Dark Rituals in place of the Mox, but I like them since it's a reusable resource. The mana denial however is integral to this deck functioning :/ Pox plays out evenly against everything, but the real source of threat from most Pox decks is mana denial(and because of that mana burden plays a significant role against stuff like Stoneblade).
I wish I could make this deck cheaper, but it's the same problem as Extraction; it's pretty much just a well designed "good stuffs" deck.

B/W disruption is a really powerful deck, especially if it's running AEther Vial. I usually play Dirt(WGB) if I'm going for a more control-aggro feel though. I'm looking forward to see what you make!

Posted 19 July 2012 at 18:39 in reply to #271775 on Amore e morte


Woah, Krenko is kind of awesome. I'm really liking the idea of using him with Odric too, that's rather ingenious.

Posted 19 July 2012 at 14:46 as a comment on Mob Boss + Master Tactician


Seriously dude, that card and putting in smokestacks like Sure suggested have made this thing go through the roof. I've killed a dedicated blood bomb deck because of Marsh Causalities letting me keep my field. Taskmaster is also a BIG help in that MU, I got to bully them all throughout game two XD

And you have no idea how much you made my day saying you might use elements of this next time you do Legacy, the more people playing douche-bag decks like this the better!

Posted 19 July 2012 at 14:43 in reply to #271775 on Amore e morte


I strongly advise trying to slip in some bounce, chain of vapor for instance, in this deck. It's one of those moves that seems to hilarious not to :P

Also, the two smokestacks in my last deck have made people curse at me, disconnect, and leave an online tournament.

Posted 19 July 2012 at 00:04 in reply to #274157 on Lick My Love Pump


Usually Glacial Chasm is used in a small little package in decks that have this much recursion, it's really just it, Zuran Orb, and a few tutor effects.

I'm not sure, but I think the card you're talking about is Grixis Illusionist. Not 100% sure though

Posted 18 July 2012 at 17:12 in reply to #274202 on Volcanic Armageddon


It's a lands deck!

I seriously suggest trying the Glacial Chasm lock from blue lands, it might wind up as overkill(or get everybody in your shop to hate you), but it makes a lot of games go smoother. It's also a very small package, with very useful search options available if you're willing to splash.

Posted 18 July 2012 at 16:05 as a comment on Volcanic Armageddon


Spinal Tap \m/ That scene rivals the Cantonese takeout scene from Wayne's World man!
I can't wait to see what you do with Ink-Treader, it should be interesting to say the least

Posted 18 July 2012 at 12:21 as a comment on Lick My Love Pump


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