
117 Decks, 1,801 Comments, 677 Reputation

I'm definitely with Dauros312, reducing singletons is always a good way to start making a deck come together. It increases your chances of getting what you need, or at least something that furthers your game plan.

If you want recursive creatures I rather like Bloodghast, but without the shockingly expensive fetch lands, it's not quite worth it really. Gravecrawler, Bitterblossom, Nether Spirit, Nether Traitor, and many others are good choices for recursive beaters.

Posted 15 July 2012 at 20:07 as a comment on my beginer deck


Perfect sac card for Rector? I always enjoy Viscera Seer, but since you're not running black, I'd probably suggest something like Drowned Rusalka, or since you have Enlightened Tutor you might try Jinxed Idol I guess.

Weird deck is weird, cool but weird. I'll be thinking more about this, I'm just kind of in shock from how this is made to play out. Kudos, you've done what very few have by making me say that.

Posted 15 July 2012 at 19:59 as a comment on THERE'S SCIENCE IN THIS SHIT!


True story bro. I'll check your deck out, but I warn you like I warned the rest, if it's standard I will be utterly useless to you.

Posted 15 July 2012 at 19:49 in reply to #178605 on Careful, it could be contagious.


This is an old build, and getting it to the front page convinced me it was time to tinker with the frame again, so some weird old stuff like Chimeric Idol is on here. Basically I just needed something that could become a creature when I needed it to, and since Pox taps out rather frequently, it seemed appropriate. You'd be surprised at how many times I've somehow won off of them.

I would LOVE to look at your deck, I have yet to see anything referencing Bill Nye be less than awesome!

Thanks for the comment, and doubly so for it being a postive one! Contamination Pox is one of my favourite ways to build, so it's always nice to see a little love for it :D

Posted 15 July 2012 at 19:48 in reply to #273249 on Careful, it could be contagious.


Oh jeez... Swarm EDH is insane enough as it is man lol

Witch-Maw is my favourite as far as abilities are concerned, but I'd actually say I like Ink-Treader is my favourite for the art. It makes me think of something out of Lovecraft, and for a while I tried to convince the guy who runs the mod engine gaming clan I'm in to okay my using something like that as a skin in casual games.

Changing the way you have to think about designing and playing a deck is really one of the main reasons I like Dredge, things that work in Dredge have no business being a good card in almost anything else, and yet they can send it completely over the top. Horobi makes the word removal apply to so many things it's insane, Maralen makes toolboxes easier to keep together by making tutoring redundant, and so many more things I could list.
Changing how even one card works effects entire deck lists, and changing how a mechanic works can create new ones. Blood Artist is probably my favourite card to come out of the Innistrad block because it managed to make my Contamination deck meaner than reasonable, but it also made new decks because suddenly, losing creatures is now a good thing for me.

Posted 14 July 2012 at 03:43 in reply to #271752 on Hell of a thing...


Norin is like that from time to time, but it's still fun usually.

I wouldn't say that Witch-Maw is broken, but functions more like a built in combo condition for my deck, like Maga. But without the whole having to design the deck specifically around it.
And I'm surprised your group doesn't count the Nephilim as Legendary when you're using them as a General, most people I've seen who are okay with it do.

Bounce cards on Ink-Treader are hilarious, Fire/Ice doubly can cause shenaigans, and oh so much more can happen! Ink-Treader acts like a forced Pox, it's great!

Posted 13 July 2012 at 23:57 in reply to #271752 on Hell of a thing...


I've got a fever, and the doctor said the only prescription... WAS MORE COWBELL!

Posted 13 July 2012 at 23:16 as a comment on More Cowbell


:D Nephilim are amazing in EDH, I just wish more groups allowed them as Generals.

A 3/3 split is usually pretty nice, it gives you a good chance for what you need, without really warping the deck usually.

And as for Norin, yes! I've never seen a game of EDH that couldn't have been funnier just by adding Norin

Posted 13 July 2012 at 23:15 in reply to #271752 on Hell of a thing...


For a second I got Teferi confused with a character named Terezi, and I was really excited that I wasn't the only person on the Vault who knew who it was. Ah well, Teferi's one of the coolest characters in Magic.

If you're looking for something to replace the Shrine, there's not much you can get that doesn't let your opponent draw as well. If you have them the Wallet Sculptor works, or if you're willing to splash black there are a small handful of cards that let you draw with only a slight cost to you.

Posted 13 July 2012 at 17:37 as a comment on teferi


I'm trying these changes, they SHOULD work, but only time and testing will tell.
-1 Tangle Wire
-2 Innocent Blood
-2 Rishadan Port

+2 Smokestack
+1 Dismember
+2 Mishra's Factory

Posted 13 July 2012 at 17:17 in reply to #272228 on Amore e morte


DedWards, you have found exactly what I needed XD

Posted 13 July 2012 at 17:00 in reply to #271775 on Amore e morte


I honestly don't think a decent Extraction deck that maintains full functionality can get a decent price right now, we run too many of the best cards. Hell, even this thing costs almost a grand, and this is just Contamination! :|

A 2/3 split would be PERFECT, but running 61C isn't something I'm willing to do actually. It's not much of a change to the numbers in the end, but I'm enough of a perfectionist that I'd have to go back through and do the math from scratch.
It WOULD be nice to have a reference sheet for making 61C, but the muddying of the odds is something I'm not too keen on.

Posted 13 July 2012 at 16:58 in reply to #272228 on Amore e morte


Norin the Wary would always be fun as a way to play with Horobi on the table.

Posted 13 July 2012 at 16:43 in reply to #271993 on Hell of a thing...


I think cutting the Absorbs would probably be the smoothest change for your deck, but to stay safe I'd try and find a way to keep ten in the three mana slot. It keeps it a bit easier for CounterTop in my experience.

Posted 13 July 2012 at 16:41 in reply to #272353 on Creaturless Control Type 1.5


I can dig it, Pox would make a more token based strategy a lot harder.
Against red and stompy the Obliterator is brutal beyond reason, so it makes for an excellent meta choice, but every time I see it my curiosity gets the better of me. I've been seeing a lot of tempo decks since I came back, so I'm contemplating trying them out again.

Always glad to check out another deck Mashitta, feel free to drop a line if you ever have something you want me to check out.

Posted 12 July 2012 at 14:53 in reply to #271703 on • P R I D E • (6 of 7 Deadly Sins)


That's rather intriguing. I'll definitely have to check that out if you post it here on the vault!

Cower in Fear isn't a bad idea, it's just the mana cost that concerns me. I've got more in the three cmc than I really should already :/

Posted 12 July 2012 at 14:42 in reply to #271775 on Amore e morte


._.; I pretty much only play Eternal formats, so I don't really know anything about standard, so I'm sorry I can't provide any help with that. Both of those were very neat decks, but I know nothing about standard right now.

Thanks for all the compliments, it's always nice to hear that I succeeded in making my Pox decks evil!

Posted 12 July 2012 at 14:38 as a comment on Careful, it could be contagious.


I have no idea about anything standard, I haven't played it since... Well actually I only played standard three times, and that was because my friends wanted me to come to FNM >_>

This is pretty cool, I just have no idea what's in, or what's in the meta

Posted 12 July 2012 at 14:35 as a comment on A Standard Idea I think may or may not work.


I know you asked me to look at this, but I really have no idea what I'm doing in standard ._.;

Posted 12 July 2012 at 14:32 as a comment on Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger W/r


Working on Iso-Pox has to be my favourite achievement from being on this site, it gave me headaches trying to get it to work, but what has been done with it made it all worth it to me :)
Extraction really isn't my strong point nearly as much as it is with you, so having you put it into this "unholy trinity" makes me doubly proud.

Blood Artist with Bitterblossom is another of the things I stumbled upon in looking at the GP Atlanta stuff, and I just couldn't resist trying it in a Pox frame. It's been doing hilaaaariously well.

Smokestack is something I've been trying to fit into, I've had it in most of the previous incarnations of this Pox breed I've used, but I really don't want to go below three Tangle Wires. It takes the ideals of playing a Pox deck, and lets me use them in ways that are kind of broken.
It slows so many decks to a halt that dropping below three is a painful thought for me.

Posted 12 July 2012 at 14:30 in reply to #272228 on Amore e morte


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