
117 Decks, 1,801 Comments, 677 Reputation

Okay, I was questioning you sanity. I'd like to keep it alongside at least eight counters, it's won me games.

This has gone through light testing post changes, but I'm thoroughly pleased with how it's shaped up. I dub thee, sage of Modern!

I want almost all of the banned list. I'm still pissed about GSZ and Punishing Fire more than anything, my four colour control was kicking ass!

Posted 21 August 2012 at 20:24 in reply to #283639 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


Your deck description made me laugh so hard my sides hurt, it made my day.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 18:02 as a comment on Thou Shalt Not Search


Elves, elves everywhere...

Posted 21 August 2012 at 16:18 as a comment on Token Elf


Elves vs Fish is a weird MU, I'm never sure who to root for. I'd much rather just them use ideas, because this is nice and all, but it's still a bit rough. I don't want to be held accountable for any lost games just yet :P

Posted 21 August 2012 at 16:14 in reply to #283696 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


I don't know why, but it seems to be a thing for Reanimator players to at least experiment with Glue if they try Vintage. It just happens. Also that face makes me think of the hypno-toad, kudos.

I think everybody hates Glue, it pisses off a lot of people. Making Vintage Extraction nigh impossible certainly just adds another layer of rage, I'd rather like to make a functional Extraction build in Vintage.

Ah, I was confused.

It was kind of a wall of text, didn't quite work out. Basically I learned how to read so I could learn physics, I was a strange kid. But hey, it worked for me.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 16:08 in reply to #282804 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


It's worked out surprisingly well actually, but I do agree that it needs more. I just went with this landbase since it's the closest mirror to Legacy Fish, and that's basically the main idea behind me trying this at all.

I honestly can't bring myself to go lower than eight counters, my counter suite being this high is half of why I can win games. I DO like the idea of playing Vapor Snag though, and the suite you suggest, while a little light for my tastes, is really good. Perhaps 3 Spell Pierce, 3 Mana Leak, 2 Spell Snare, and 3 Snag?

Definitely have to tinker around with the idea of a Trinket Mage package, I love it in Legacy, so why not Modern?

Cursecatcher is a boss. If I take them out, I'd either have to go with Cosi's Trickster, or Tideshaper Mystic. I need a one drop fish, or it just doesn't flow right.

Thanks for the ideas Ethan, they're rather interesting, and I'm going to tinker some today probably. Modern is a fun format, but I still wish they'd take a few cards off the banned list :|

Posted 21 August 2012 at 16:03 in reply to #283639 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


Mmmm, Belcher. I always liked the idea of Belcher, but I could never really get behind playing a EtW list for a tournament situation. Pact Spanish Inquisition wound up my Belcher/Tendrils combo deck for a good while, and I have fond memories of it.

It's a fifty:fifty decision in a design like this, but I know I found Gitaxian Probe to be preferable in PactSI, even though it's off of my colours for Chrome Mox. A cheap look at your opponents hand is a powerful tool right around now.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 02:53 as a comment on Charblancher


I always thought of Burn as the deck that's too simple to fail. It will always achieve what it sets out to do, set shit on fire, and it's only a question of how well it does the job.

In Modern Bob Burn is the most efficient way to play it, there's no doubt in my mind about that, but in Legacy he's kind of lacking to me. I'm not a big burn player or anything, but whenever I got bored enough to play it, I always found myself disliking Bob in it.

Pillar of Flame is amazing, it exiles Finks, and so many more that it's ridiculous. And while Vexing Devil is amazing in your opening hand, but like you said, he's worthless past that. Instead of getting rid of Sudden Shock I'd just wind up cutting both Devils if you want to know the truth, running just one Sudden Shock & one Vexing Devil is almost fruitless IMO.

Flames of the Bloodhand, oh how I loathe thee. I play Melira POD in Modern, so I can't say I'm happy to see it in here. That card has in fact cost me games.
Faithless Looting I'm on the fence about in Burn, haven't seen it in action enough to say much.

Sideboards are always something I tweak in the last moments possible, I might use a basic framework for them, but they always get a meta tweak if I can swing it. The 75 is very slick man, it's not a burn deck I'd be smiling about seeing on the other side of the table to be honest.

Posted 20 August 2012 at 22:13 in reply to #282522 on [Modern] Burn


Heheh, danke schoen Mashitta! And I don't think this deck would be deserving of first or second place, as while this deck is faster, the two decks in those slots had been Extraction, which is the natural enemy of combo. Plus, Sure and DeathTyrant have helped more people than I have, and with those decks alone they showed many people a new way to look at magic. Something that I can't really offer with this, because while Doomsday is fun, it's not really anything that drastically different :/

I'm always happy to see your comments Mashitta, it's nice to see that there's people out there who enjoy my builds as much as I do. ^-^ And I don't know if you like ponies or not, so double links I guess.

Posted 20 August 2012 at 04:30 in reply to #282254 on Lets see where this goes


Still rather shocked, and a good sight flattered.

Posted 20 August 2012 at 04:21 in reply to #281738 on Best Deck Popularity Contest


But... I play Glue Stax.

I too think they've done a good job, but sometimes the lord superiority is excessive. I don't think I like it when the colour pie is actually muddled, but so much that I like it when it's using the normal resources with different applications.
And to me red control has always been Moon effects, pingers, and mana denial. Basically Dragon Stompy, but with less focus on the aggro.

They've tinkered with Legacy before, but something about being able to rationalize paying the cost of a deck eventually keeps them from doing proxy tests. If they saved their money for just MtG, they know they could make tournament quality decks for Legacy, but they find their other pursuits more deserving of that cost. They're pretty good with EDH, they design for the format better than me, but it's just not something we can stand to play so often.
And I didn't learn to read by getting handed The Odyssey, but I did learn how to read so I could learn physics, since it was explained to me as the way the universe works. I try and keep up as much as I can, but studying quantum physics in your spare time is not the optimal way for it.

Posted 20 August 2012 at 04:18 in reply to #282804 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


I wouldn't quite call it a bastardization of the colour pie, but that definitely is true of aggro. If Fish ever becomes a more potent swarm than Goblins, I will have lost a little faith in Wizards, but as of now the main strength of it is counters.
If Goblins could run counters like Legacy Fish, I'd be sincerely concerned about the threat of it dominating the meta. Imagine having all that mana denial, with the threat of a red Daze backing it up, or Force of Will, and then there's the innate threat Goblins still present.

Enough of that "what-if?" though, I got two friends to agree to try Vintage!(proxy decks, but same for me)
I'm going to play the Hermit Druid deck, and I think one of them is going to try his hand at Stax. The other is a bit of a mystery, he's our resident green guy, so I'm kind of lost.
I'm hoping this becomes a regular thing if it turns out well, I'd be able to build in an environment I'm more comfortable in than Standard, and they'd get a taste of the hell/heaven I go through designing for eternal formats.

Posted 18 August 2012 at 21:37 in reply to #282804 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


Damn it man, I just ate, and the first thing I see on the vault is you talking about lobster bisque? Not cool.
I'm trying to get some Indian cuisine under my belt, chiefly Gujarati kadhi, paratha, and khichdi. Only Indian food could make me eat a vegetarian meal.

And I didn't know he had special hate for blue aggro, I thought he just hated blue in general.

Posted 18 August 2012 at 13:24 in reply to #282804 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


This takes me back, my main casual deck for oh so long was a sacrifice deck that used Grave Pact. I really should dust that old thing off, and see what I can do with it nowadays.

Wouldn't Bloodthrone Vampire make a better choice than Bloodflow Connoisseur? I like counters over temporary boosts as much as anybody else, but being a turn faster to lay down, and thus to attack, seems handy.
Also, since you're running Bloodghast I suggest playing around with Undiscovered Paradise. It's one of my favourite lands because of how well it plays with Bloodghast, and for a while that interaction was one of the main ways my variant of Jericho won.

Posted 17 August 2012 at 01:50 as a comment on Smallpox Sacrifice


Despite what this might suggest, I too hate fish. Not as a food though, I love me some seafood. Sushi is especially great, but that's a rare occasion.
I considered Lullmage Mentor for a while, but I figure it's safer to play it like Legacy right now, and just Lord the living hell out of this deck.

Good to see you're still kicking around Wumpus, and may you continue in your magic conquest of the great white buffalo.

Posted 16 August 2012 at 23:21 in reply to #282551 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


Ditto, I'd much rather have three of the bat. And this gives me nightmares for the project I have for Modern right now btw, if there's anything Fish can't deal with, it's burn.

And using Eradicate is just plain cruel man, but I like it. People forget it and Pithing Needle exist sometimes it seems.

Bob in a burn deck is a 50:50 thing for me, I like it because it means you're not going to gas out, but I hate it because it's four cards that aren't burn or mana. Outside of Legacy that doesn't have as much impact, I know, but it's still something that always leaves an itch for me.

Posted 16 August 2012 at 22:43 in reply to #282522 on [Modern] Burn


Damn dude, this is fiendish. It might not be the answer to Restoration Angel I was expecting, but I guess this would do it lol

Posted 16 August 2012 at 21:37 as a comment on [Modern] Burn


I'm kind of shocked, I just threw this out there because it seemed like something to do. I'm flattered you think I have a shot at being third, and I'm also flattered that I actually seem to have that chance.
I definitely don't need people getting free lands in Vintage, even basics. Even one mana extra, and things go insane. It's pretty much why the original moxxen are banned.

And once more, I'm flattered you think this belongs on front page, but this isn't my cruelest deck :P I', not sure what would be, but I'm interested in asking Sure if he still has the spreadsheet from the Evil Challenge.

Posted 15 August 2012 at 19:44 in reply to #282254 on Lets see where this goes


Danke schoen Mashitta, and I warn you, Doomsday will never be quite simple. Every single time you make a pile, even though the ideas are the same, you have to take so much into consideration that a lot of people don't find it worth the bother. However, the things your opponent will say when watching you play Doomsday are priceless.
I'll start being compassionate with my opponent the day people stop playing Stax in Vintage, final offer.

And I actually didn't think anybody would vote for me in that, cool, seems like right now I'm just behind Sure and DeathTyrant @_@

Posted 15 August 2012 at 18:37 in reply to #282254 on Lets see where this goes


Blood Artist works well against Melira Pod, and against Restoration Angel the best thing to do is try and stick a Torpor Orb. But that's bad for pretty much any deck.

Posted 15 August 2012 at 14:10 in reply to #281815 on [Modern] Gifts, re-vamped


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