
117 Decks, 1,801 Comments, 677 Reputation

A salute for the brother who defied reality /)
Way to go Wumpus! Hope it goes well man

Posted 08 July 2012 at 06:11 in reply to #271061 on Allison


Tricked ALL of you. I made Goblins again after over a year of not tweaking them!

Posted 07 July 2012 at 22:48 as a comment on Goblins, as done by a control player


Wait... Holy shit you did the challenge! @_@

Posted 07 July 2012 at 06:59 as a comment on Happy Birthday Lanaeus/Challenge Accepted


I know you probably don't care for the ponies, but that's the best reaction I can find.

Posted 07 July 2012 at 06:34 in reply to #271021 on Happy Birthday Lanaeus/Challenge Accepted


I spawned a hundred Stormcloaks, a hundred from the Imperial Legion, and summoned Alduin and Paarthurnax. I love having it on PC so much.
The Innistrad block is oozing with flavor, but I once more bring up the broken as hell favourite; Faithless Looting. It took a balanced block, and made every Dredge player do a double take.
M13 I haven't had time to pay much attention, but my friend who does says about the same as you :|

Eternal formats are amazing. No one has yet been able to give me a valid argument against them.

I'm actually waiting for RTR to flop, because it's too good to be true. Even with different dev teams, it's still the same QA team right now... I think only thing in the shops with people that I'm waiting for is a mod engine game some people I know are working on, I have things, things that make big explosions XD

They won't let me make a Braids EDH, even if every other player said it was okay, my group would refuse to play it. They already hate my field control decks in every other format, I don't need to add EDH just yet.

Posted 07 July 2012 at 00:25 in reply to #271021 on Happy Birthday Lanaeus/Challenge Accepted


The great white buffalo, oh how I despise thinking back to my encounter with the mythical beast. Glad somebody had an encounter that turned out to have a happy ending so far.

I have written one fully functional song, lyrics even included, and I made it for my great white buffalo. I understand why blues players sing so many songs about trains now, it's a hell of a lot easier than recalling those memories :/

Posted 06 July 2012 at 23:19 as a comment on Allison


Happy birthday Lanaeus whoever you are!

I've had an interesting time in this stint of inactivity, I am now the slightly proud owner of a hat that says cool story bro on it. I have been playing Skyrim, and it is more addictive than magic. I swear I will do something on here again.

Posted 06 July 2012 at 20:44 as a comment on Happy Birthday Lanaeus/Challenge Accepted


Being a better Black Lotus is why I mentioned Infernal Tutor and Faithless Looting. In the decks that uses those cards, LED is the most powerful enabler in a long time. Necropotence springing to mind for Storm, and Bazaar for Dredge.

Reanimator is the absolute king of tech in my eyes, I've played normal Iso-Seek, Iso-Pox, Enchantress, ect. And nothing has been able to beat Reanimator. I'd play it in vintage if I thought it was fast enough :/

Posted 25 June 2012 at 04:11 in reply to #267470 on It must be a camel


T_T I had hoped everybody forgot about these decks. Best Land Tax I've seen, I really like Entreat the Angels in it.

Have you considered tinkering with a scrying sheets variant?

Posted 24 June 2012 at 23:50 as a comment on Parfait: Return of Land Tax


I'd go with four Narcomoeba, and only three Ichorid. I'd still probably keep the last Ichorid in the board though, because some times it's what Dredge needs for the final push.

For sideboard material, something I highly suggest is Firestorm, and some form of enchantment and/or artifact removal. I use Nature's Claims, but that's because I play magic like a masochist, so I'd suggest a two:one setup with Ancient Grudge and Ray of Revelation.
Memory's Journey is also a hilarious form of gravehate, and it works well in Dredge.

Really nice Dredge deck Dag, I can tell you've done a lot of homework :)

Posted 24 June 2012 at 23:35 as a comment on Dredge


Hmmmm... I love it. It's more in line with the original design, playing field control more so than my more recent designs. It seems the deck is more at home with this, so perhaps it needs to return to its roots.

Projects are stirring about in my head, but I need reports, to finish seeing the cards of this set, and then a few more things before I start building again. Nothing sucks me in quite like this game did, except maybe Bethesda games.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 23:28 as a comment on The Idea


Back when I was still new, one of my first creative decisions for Reanimator was to nix Show and tell. I thought it unnecessary, and that it changed the way it works too much. I've had much better luck with just making it harder to disrupt the usual pattern than by adding it.
While I feel that way, I can definitely see why a lot of people use it. Graveyard metas always have abundant hate :|

And as for a picture, how about this?
Danse Macabre seems only fitting for a deck about bringing the dead back for a whirl ;)

Posted 24 June 2012 at 23:24 in reply to #267164 on Dead Remnant


I'm in line with saying Tendrils is powerful, I've not really seen it as ever being broken. In Vintage my Laboratory Gush deck beats the ever present goldfishers, and in Legacy I just shut them out with any number of douchebag moves
It is, in its own little way, a combo style however. No matter how much I can dislike it, I will give it that. It's really just the logical evolution of the old Channel decks.

I wouldn't want storm to die, but I DO think that LED needs to be dealt with. I've never found a use for it other than breaking the living balls out of something that SHOULD be perfectly fine, Faithless Looting in Dredge, and Infernal Tutor instantly springing to mind.
Outside of my storm decks I often find myself playing two or three Null Rods in the sideboard, it takes away Vial, LED, SDT, and so many more(including destroying Affinity XD). But that's only really good in something with power behind it, like Reanimator, or Tempo. Both of which can also answer Storm by Stifling the actual Storm trigger.

In case I'm muddying what I'm saying too much, banning LED has it's merits, and demerits. It's the one thing that would really change how to build Storm, but it also slows it down enough that aggro crushes it other than Spanish Inquisition.
P.S. I don't just play Doomsday because it's fun, I play it for the same reason I play Reanimator over Cascade; I have a tech advantage.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 23:03 in reply to #267470 on It must be a camel


I can dig it. I was just wondering about that Ponder, it seemed out of place for you.

Combo being light would be considered by most a good reason to run Spell Pierce actually. Denying Fish its Vials, Walkers from oh so many decks, and Enchantments in game one can really make a strong case for Pierce.

Stifle is something I started tinkering around with when Hive was a big deal, and I've not really seen a reason to let go. It was one of my favourite additions to my SB in a looong time.

Sigarda is powerful in a lot of matches, but she seems equally a wasted slots in others. A good meta call though. One of the greatest strengths of Reanimator is that, like Extraction, there's always an answer to your opponent.

I just got back from another one of my random trips, but in the morning I'm going to try and check out what I've missed :D

Posted 23 June 2012 at 05:43 in reply to #267160 on Dead Remnant


Then perhaps it should be re-energised with awesome, why hide in a keep when we have formats to conquer?

Posted 22 June 2012 at 13:38 in reply to #267164 on Dead Remnant


Okay, so the first thing I notice is that you're running a Ponder. I know Ponder is an amazing card, but Brainstorm is oh so much sweeter. Reanimator runs a high enough fetch count that Brainstorm really is the optimal choice. And I hate saying that, because I hate finding when something is actually optimal... It leaves less logical room to tinker :/

Flusterstorm was AMAZING, but game one I found myself preferring Spell Pierce for diversity. It's really a 50/50 choice based on how combo and artifacts are represented in your area. I found having the ability to use any of my counters on a turn one LED or Sphere invaluable.

On the subject of SB, I can't argue with something so close to my own :P I only really think grave hate is worth if you run three or more though, so I'd probably drop the Extirpates for Stifle. I can't tell you how many games that card has given me.

Overall I think you did really well in getting how I think right for this, but I'd probably not have had the Heron lady, and just kept at three Extirpates. I'm touched you'd make a tribute deck, it means a lot man. And I would never have seen it if it wasn't for one of the standard kids asking me to make him a design, maybe I should give the format one last chance...

Posted 22 June 2012 at 13:32 in reply to #267160 on Dead Remnant


:) Can't keep a good zombie down, I got back on here since one of my friends said he wanted me to design him a deck as part of his birthday present(alongside a bag of skittles and coffee filters), lo and behold there's a tribute deck on the front page.

I can't tell you how happy this makes me, but to make up for that failing, I think I'll stick around later. I have a small trip tomorrow, but afterwards I have a reason to start building again

More later, I'm half asleep preparing for my trip. But I'm back for at least a bit man, I can't resist >_>

Posted 22 June 2012 at 07:45 as a comment on Dead Remnant


Death Cultist is boss, he makes a combo kill with Hulk, Body Double, and Reveillark. It's fun.
Also because he is more boss than Andy Samberg.

And Hulk isn't banned in Modern thankfully, I love it.

Posted 26 April 2012 at 00:42 in reply to #250033 on Melira Pod


I've not built pod for Standard, it's my least favourite format, so I was just wondering. I run a playset of them and Hierarchs in Extended, and a playset of Wall of Roots alongside Birds in Modern.

Posted 21 April 2012 at 01:30 in reply to #248817 on TRUE Undying Pod


I cut a Forest for one, but now I'm really wanting to slip in a second. This thing really is awesome in this deck

Posted 21 April 2012 at 00:47 in reply to #248833 on Melira Pod


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