
117 Decks, 1,801 Comments, 677 Reputation

Oh the list is fabulous, but the combo makes me irate. What gives it the power it has is that Restoration Angel and Kiki-Jiki aren't exactly useless on their own, but as a combo it's actually a bit less resilient than generic Twin I've found. It's kind of like Exalibur Bant vs Canadian Thresh.

I'm just surprised somebody hasn't made a foil for it yet.

Posted 14 August 2012 at 20:55 in reply to #281815 on [Modern] Gifts, re-vamped


The sad part is I've turned on that match and watched it all the way through this week at work, and I'm kind of amazed somebody had thought to upload it.

Posted 14 August 2012 at 15:42 in reply to #281967 on Never gonna' ____ you up, Never gonna' let you ____, Never gonna' ___ around and desert ___


Yup, and learning that makes a lot of new players delve into rulings for more in-depth info on things, which is one of the reasons I love equipment.

Posted 14 August 2012 at 14:58 in reply to #281946 on Cephalid Midnight Snack~


It actually has nothing to do with the en-Kor's abilities other than that they're a way to repeatedly target Cephalid Illusionist. Shuko has an equip cost of 0, so you just bounce it between creatures(there is no real unequip function), and that triggers Cephalid Illusionist's ability.

Posted 14 August 2012 at 11:31 in reply to #281946 on Cephalid Midnight Snack~


Really? the crappy fake Splinter Twin combo is doing good now?

Posted 14 August 2012 at 10:41 in reply to #281815 on [Modern] Gifts, re-vamped


It's the waiting period between sets, there's very little innovation around this time sadly, so it always winds up like this. Only reason I can see that some of these people posted is out of sheer boredom, myself included. It's the off-season blues man.

I'm mostly concurrent with what you're saying about good decks in the hands of good players, but I still can not agree with Caw Blade being the best deck in standard when it was a thing. It was a poorly designed deck, with a silly amount of people playing it in my opinion. If that many people picked up playing Elfball in Legacy it'd have a similar win percentage.

Posted 14 August 2012 at 10:37 in reply to #281931 on Best Deck Popularity Contest


Good to know somebody is taking up the slack from when Awz? got bored. But how could you forget our match Mashitta? It was truly epic

Posted 14 August 2012 at 10:09 as a comment on Never gonna' ____ you up, Never gonna' let you ____, Never gonna' ___ around and desert ___


Yeah, if he could fully negate the damage from Redcap it'd be the perfect answer. But since you have a better aggro setup, I think you can put them in a sticky situation, and if they had to scry with Finks you should have it in the bag.

Posted 14 August 2012 at 08:44 in reply to #281815 on [Modern] Gifts, re-vamped


If you want a sweet singleton for Modern, and want a techy answer to Pod, I've had a few headscratchers from seeing Blood Artist.

This is a pretty slick Gifts list Ethan, but I don't know how I'd feel about having such few cards for removal. It's not an issue for a good many decks right now, but against Pod, it's handy to have a decent handful.

Posted 13 August 2012 at 19:17 as a comment on [Modern] Gifts, re-vamped


What the hell, sounds like fun. This is probably the best design I've ever made, but it's also one of the most difficult to play properly.

Posted 13 August 2012 at 15:33 as a comment on Best Deck Popularity Contest


Danke schoen, and I'll be checking that out in a bit!

Posted 13 August 2012 at 09:50 in reply to #281413 on Sex Bomb


People like you are why I loved this place when I started up here, and for that last line, you've rekindled it :)

If you want to have good fun in magic, the best thing to do isn't tone your decks too far down I've found, but rather to help get them thinking about how to tune their's up. When I started I was the worst player in my group, I ran some stupid crap, but now I'm our dedicated field control guy.
My buddy had an elf deck, and when we started up it was the best deck in our group. He usually had two people watching him at all times, and I thought that was silly, so I decided to make a deck that would kill faster than he popped out creatures.
Then I became the target of hate, because Grave Pact was hilarious, and another friend took up counter control, and things spiraled to where we are now :)

Posted 13 August 2012 at 06:27 in reply to #281358 on Sex Bomb


Hell, almost any graveyard deck period can run the dude. He breaks everything but Reanimator oddly enough. In Karador EDH Hermit Druid is just plain nasty though, I've only heard about him in it from one of the girls who helped me test some of my stuff, but she says it's pretty much the same situation as it is here.

I'm glad you noticed that, it's actually one of the ways this deck is so powerful. I've experienced mana burden in Vintage more than most thanks to my long standing relationship with Doomsday, so the main goal of making this(outside of showing why Hermit Druid is insane) was to make sure that it's almost impossible to make me go through the headaches again.

Spell Pierce is one of those things that seems like it shouldn't work in this deck, but have you ever seen me play combo in Vintage that didn't double as a control deck of sorts? After my nap I did some heavy testing, and I actually found myself wishing I could play more than a playset. This deck might be simple compared to my usual style, but it's actually harder to play because I can't rely on seeing as many counters in a game. That and I have actually lost a match because of somebody hitting me with Ancestral Recall... That made me laugh and want to cry at the same time.

Posted 13 August 2012 at 06:11 in reply to #281383 on Sex Bomb


Bah, there's no such thing as levels in magic! It's all about the fun for me, I just had a spree of deleting old decks I had up so I can update them fresh :) I'm starting with the more tourney ones simply because I only post those when I first look at a new set.

And I actually see what you mean, and think that when your deck fires off it's more lethal. It's more or less that you don't have the same tech as Vintage does, that's the only advantage really.

I know a lot of people wind up seeming like 12 year olds who just run the power nine so they can do something stupid, I'll even admit to being that way when I first started. I understand wanting to argue your point, it's totally valid to me. Like I said, I hate the prices.

I'm also sorry if I came off as a bit of an ass, sometimes I'm overzealous for defending silly ideas in my decks.

I'm going to check out your deck in a bit, I'm just kind of halfway online right now because I'm waiting for a nap.

Posted 12 August 2012 at 17:43 in reply to #281345 on Sex Bomb


Yeah, it's good to be skittish with a blue count like you have, but it's something that's usually worth testing at least.

And I can understand how you feel about Worldly Tutor, I'm abusing it in one of my Vintage decks, and to get myself satisfied with it I have to use Gitaxian Probe. It's more of a suggestion because it's a turn faster, or more like half a turn. It truly is a powerful effect to have a creature dumped into your hand.

And don't doubt your instincts so much Mashitta, even with any experience I might have, it's your deck ultimately, and it's you will learn what's optimal for it :)
And I'm flattered to hear you think that way, and I'm sorry I haven't posted many. I've been busy lately, and I've only this weekend had time to do anything :|

Posted 12 August 2012 at 17:02 in reply to #281320 on Cephalid Midnight Snack~


Woah, that's... That's freakin' awesome! This is my favourite kind of deck, it uses bizarre tactics, and has the singular intention of enjoying yourself.

I'd seriously rather see this than the storm of Maga decks I see, it looks like something that'd come out of my kitchen group almost.

Posted 12 August 2012 at 16:53 as a comment on Battle of Wits...in EDH


The great thing is that you don't technically "deck out" until you draw :D Dragon Breath comes into play when he gets on the field, so I swing with haste. The other variant I have is more creature heavy, and relies on Suture Ghoul to make sure I get the damage through. Vintage is a creature light meta right now though, so I don't see much reason to use that one.

Also, as for getting a workable hand, the vault isn't exactly the best way to try this deck. A lot of Vintage and Legacy decks seem like utter CRAP if you only use them on here, but in play they're a lot more stable than they seem. I know this sounds like poor excuses, but it's the honest truth.

I'm very grateful for the comments you've posted so far Purpleberry, it's not often anything I do gets love such as that.

Posted 12 August 2012 at 16:46 in reply to #281333 on Sex Bomb


Actually, I hate how expensive my decks are believe it or not, I'd love to see these cards for cheap so that people who didn't get them early on could use them to make things.
Only reason the cards I use are expensive is because some idiot somewhere is willing to pay that price for them. While they may be good, some of them unreasonably so, they simply aren't worth the price to me. This deck isn't one I own in paper, I will go on record with that, as I refuse to buy the more expensive pieces until they have a significant price drop.

And this deck actually fires off consistently on turns two or three, against Vintage control even. It's a very odd deck, in that the way it functions is by having Hermit Druid mill my entire library, putting my Narcomoeba's into play, and bringing out an ungodly huge Lord of Extinction(with haste thanks to Dragon Breath) via Dread Return. I could get the job done for cheaper, but not this well. Likewise, I'm not trying to be rude to you, but this deck absolutely stomps house. I have an alternative design using Sutured Ghoul for trample, but it has some rather hefty modifications.

The main reason for the prices on some of my decks is that they're tournament viable. If it's good enough to win a tournament it's going to be expensive. The most efficient answers will cost more in a game like this.

Posted 12 August 2012 at 16:39 in reply to #281330 on Sex Bomb


Cool, I haven't seen an even remotely original take on Cephalid Breakfast in a long time! Self-mill is one of the coolest strategies there is, and this is a very interesting win condition to get out of it.

I like how you included an idea to help people setup budget versions, it's nice for newer players to see something like that so they can get a better idea of how to play a deck without fully committing.

And if it's suggestions you're looking, I'm always a fan of Force of Will in anything Blue for Legacy. And if you can get your hands on them, finishing your playset for Worldly Tutor would be good. Perhaps something like this?
-4 Pacts, +4 FoW
-1 Eldamri's Call, -1 Living Wish, +2 Worldly Tutors?

Posted 12 August 2012 at 15:19 as a comment on Cephalid Midnight Snack~


I can only assume of the shenanigans that ensued, it's a good way to slow a game down. It drives this to the point I think it's much more dickish than my Witch-Maw EDH, which is something I've yet to see elsewhere except a Thalia EDH I saw once or twice.

Also, I've started posting things on here again, so you can expect a few floods on the weekends. I've been abusing the hell out of Gut Shot lately in competitive play, with the surge of Tempo & Stoneblade as the area go-to aggro-control/control-aggro builds, it's great to pop off a creature for two life.

Posted 12 August 2012 at 10:40 in reply to #280888 on Lick My Love Pump


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