
117 Decks, 1,801 Comments, 677 Reputation

I haven't even looked at this deck yet, but I love it already. I had trouble putting down Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. And then I watched the movie, and it's shockingly good. Gary Oldman makes an absolutely stellar Smiley, and do not even get me started about Tom Hardy as Ricki, or Colin Firth as Bill. It is a phenomenal read, and an equally phenomenal film, I can't recommend it enough to people.

Posted 26 August 2012 at 03:15 as a comment on Tinker, Tailer, Soldier


It's not the best, I'll be the first to say that here, but this is the list I use for Glue Stax.

Cat Stax is a lot different, but more aggressive. I like it, but not enough to build it. I think Stephen Menendian did a podcast about it for So Many Insane Plays, but I'm not certain. It'd be at MTGCast.com

Remora Gush is a simple control deck that abuses the cards Mystic Remora, Gush, and cheap counters. It's the worst nightmare to some storm pilots. Stephen Menendian wrote an article about it, I know for fact, because that's how I came upon it first.

And Landstill is an amazing Mana Drain deck, that uses the card Standstill as a means to assure massive card advantage. I think that right now I'd favor a style of it like what Manuel Zanella uses, but -1 Mindbreak trap for +1 Mental Misstep. I've heard it called "fakestill", but Snapcaster Mage is abusively powerful in Mana Drain decks.
You can find that list by simply searching Manuel Zanella Landstill

Posted 26 August 2012 at 02:50 in reply to #218227 on Lets see where this goes


For a while Bribery was a rather critical part of my sideboards for Modern, but mostly due to TwelvePost. I don't really see any reason to play it now other than for laughs, swarm strategy works efficiently enough when backed by counters right now for my tastes. Even if Tron becomes a thing I'm already running a playset of Ghost Quarter.

Posted 26 August 2012 at 02:31 in reply to #284672 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


Oh, I believe it about Oath, if you'll recall I cast my hand at playing a Vintage Extraction design as well. I tried a Remora build of it at one point, but all that really did was put it on autopilot against most decks :/ I can't remember the counter suite I used, but it was rather intensive, something like 4 FoW 4 MM 2 Spell Pierce 2 Mindbreaks... It worked out rather nicely, but I still folded over to Glue in a terrible way.

Posted 26 August 2012 at 02:26 in reply to #282804 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


I'm not stripping for you, dinner and a movie first.

And commented :)

Posted 23 August 2012 at 17:50 in reply to #284264 on Lets see where this goes


Yeah, it'd be AMAZING to have that kind of command over the battlefield. Nothing quite says "to hell with your day" like a swarm that you can't block, or try and race :D

Posted 23 August 2012 at 17:05 in reply to #284263 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


Alright, first off, I don't advise making a Wish board if you only have one copy of your Wish. It's a bit silly no?
It's expensive as hell, but judging from this and some of your past decks, cost isn't that much of an issue for you. So how about a Grim Tutor in place of Death Wish, and a fourth Enlightened Tutor? I honestly think that Grim Tutor is the best attempt wizards made at trying to get a balanced Demonic Tutor.

If price is an issue, and this is just a sexy stockpile over the years, I'd suggest trying to complete your playset of Enlightened Tutors, and getting maybe a Cruel Tutor. It's not as powerful as Grim, but it's less than $20.00 USD compared to over $150.00 USD

Despite having; five counters, mana denial, Tabernacle, and StP, there's not really a lot of ways to protect yourself against fast aggro. Perhaps taking a look at some XX-Lands, ThopterTop, and Pox lists to get some ideas for dealing with swarms could help?

The best changes I can think of right now(a little groggy still) would be something like this
-1 Crucible of Worlds, +1 Chalice of the Void
-1 Death Wish, +1 Enlightened Tutor
-1 Idyllic Tutor, +1 of either Grim or Cruel Tutor if you're good with five tutors

I know I'm not being as helpful as usual today, which isn't saying much really, but I had a late night. Happy building Mashitta! Always a pleasure to see one of your designs :)

Posted 23 August 2012 at 17:04 as a comment on † The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning †


Well damn, two decks on front page. I guess I should do something special, since this hasn't happened in a long time. I'm not sure what, but I will do something.

Posted 23 August 2012 at 04:31 as a comment on Lets see where this goes


Woah, leave for most of the day, and my Fish winds up on the front page. Neat.

I'll be checking your deck in the morning, kind of just watching some Eddsworld before sleep.

And the game doesn't really go on long enough for Stormtide to be feasiable for this deck. I've got the mana that I could potentially play it eventually, but I'm not going to be able to do so realistically, especially the way people either win or lose against this before that point.

Kira is pretty great game one, I'd see the reasons behind playing Phantasmal Image main, but Kira is more important to me in game one.

Lord of Atlantis is legal in Modern, it was reprinted in the Time Spiral block. If you're ever unsure of the legality of a card, I'd suggest checking the official MtG Gatherer.

Posted 23 August 2012 at 04:27 as a comment on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


Oh hey, I just pushed you onto front page. Friggin' sweet.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 18:10 in reply to #284130 on Y U NO LOSE? (ø n ø)¸ ¸


XD I've seen a few of these floating around, and they make me laugh every time. I think DeathTyrant5000 had the fastest one, but I'm not sure.
Somebody used a Flash deck, plopped down a Spellskite, and died on their opponents first turn. It was hilarious.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 18:08 as a comment on Y U NO LOSE? (ø n ø)¸ ¸


And yeah, Standstill is a bit lackluster if you try and stick it when your opponent is at a good position. I've seen a lot of players lose games because they played Standstill at the wrong time.

I currently play a full playset of Silvergil in both versions of Fish I play.

Sower of Temptation is something I've toyed around with, but I figure if I'm going to be playing a faerie, it's going to be Vendilion Clique, or Spellstutter. I've used all three of them at least once, not at the same time mind you, and the one I actually liked the best was Spellstutter.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 18:03 in reply to #284117 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


I run 3 Standstills MD and a Jitte in the board in my Legacy version(it's labeled Good News Everyone, if you care to check it out), and I have to say that it works out amazingly well for me.
I'd LOVE to be able to play Standstill in every Fish deck I play, or hell, Gush would do me just as well for me.

Jitte would be awesome for me, but sadly it's banned in Modern. It gives certain aggro decks an insane amount of power for how they're shaping the format, so they figured it'd be best to ban it right off, instead of dealing with people having Jitte wars.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 17:57 in reply to #284117 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


Is it bad that I laughed?

Am I the only one who actually finds storm easy? It's more difficult than aggro, but damn it's easier than some of the more insane control designs, or Extraction.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 17:52 in reply to #282522 on [Modern] Burn


It would be easy to splash, but it'd make the deck have some suicidal tendencies, since Fish needs dual typed lands only because of the heavy occurrence of blue mana symbols that HAVE to be in the deck. And one of the reasons this deck is doing me so well is that it's not really a design that hurts itself, and that it has such a strong landbase. Dismember being a notable exclusion.

The SB tech I'd probably wind up going with would be three copies of Inquisition of Kozilek(I just need to hurt red after all), and go down to three Dismembers.
Something like
2 Trinket Mage
1 Cage
1 Pithing Needle
3 Dismember
3 IoK
3 Flashfreeze
2 Steel Sabotage

It was beautiful man, I beat TwelvePost, UR Combo, and Zoo. It was basically a deck around establishing a tech advantage, and somehow it worked. Luminarch Ascension is fun, and you're right, if it goes off, it goes off on an extreme level.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 16:44 in reply to #283639 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


So it's RUG Aggro-Loam, neat. I've seen a few of these, but mostly people prefer Naya. Dropping white loses me access to KotR, but damn does it give some good options from going blue.

I've never seen a RUG list for it in Modern, kind of interested by how this works out. Usually it's more of an aggro design, with highly efficient beaters, and some control to keep the opponents board clear. This however, is more or less a control-aggro design. I dig it, and it even has my favourte card from Dark Ascension other than Faithless Looting; Thought Scour!

Posted 22 August 2012 at 16:28 as a comment on [Modern] Control Loam


Two and a Duress would be really good, but if it's comfortable to you roll with it man. Each player has their own number, and sometimes what works for you doesn't work for anybody else.

Agreed, now Zombies on the otherhand... I've been playing my friends Zombie deck all night, and I've been about to doze off the entire time.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 04:40 in reply to #282522 on [Modern] Burn


Ah, if you want to do that I'd suggest the Legacy list. It's just as fast, but it's easily twice as evil between the Stifles, Wastelands in place of Ghost Quarter, and the Standstills. It doesn't win because it's necessarily good, but that other decks don't know what to do.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 04:32 in reply to #283696 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


Fetches in Fish is pointless dude, on the math the deck thinning is inconsequential, and it's loss of life with no reason since it's mono-blue. I only play them in my Legacy versions for an occasional black splash. I'm not trying to sound like an ass, but I've heard that suggestion so many times, I've built up this as a default response.

Dude, seriously, you keep up with this and build good decks. It was just you and Joe doing so for Modern mostly, but he's gone it seems, and you've helped me more than anybody else for it. You earned it, at least I'mma call you that anyway.

Mental Misstep in Vintage is my crack, I always want it in my hand. I'm pretty sure that's why it's banned in both Modern and Legacy. When Punishing Fire got banned was when I stopped really tracking things so much, the deck I had worked so hard to make was that four colour control, and it was beautiful.

Posted 22 August 2012 at 04:27 in reply to #283639 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


I've seen some Grixis lists for Legacy Burn, and they're surprisingly decent. It's no combo deck, but it's damn simple.

Good logic is good.

The board is looking pretty good, I'd still nix the Thoughtseize's though. It seems borderline pointless at less than three.

Burn is harder to keep track of than some people give it credit for, but it's still a good deck for when you're only half conscious.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 20:39 in reply to #282522 on [Modern] Burn


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