
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

Dark ritual?

Warren weirding, black sun's zenith, darkblast, damnation, dark confidant, rotting rats, liliana's specter, thieving sprites, bitterblossom, noxious revival, bloodghast, serum powder, bojuka bog, faerie macabre.

Posted 30 December 2015 at 13:05 in reply to #570588 on Crazy 8s


I could actually imagine an aggro mill-"shell" with stuff like chancellor of the spires and surgical extraction as the core. Chancellor can be quite a beater once it's in play :D

I'll investigate such a deck once I'm done with my almost mill-less grixis.

Posted 30 December 2015 at 12:51 in reply to #570982 on The Deckhelp Alliance


Oh, so many things can be put into this...
I'll think about the stuff, but I can remember that legacy usually runs 2 hymn in main and one in sb, this is probably due to reanimatordecks :D
I also recall that the more recent pox-builds had succes with life from the loam and raven's crime (or liliana) Most also went into red.

Posted 30 December 2015 at 05:06 in reply to #570588 on Crazy 8s


Now that everyone has had their say, I'd call for mill AND disruption. My alltime favorite "removal" has always been surgical extraction, and it works well with discard, or can replace it if you use a lot of turn 1 mill. It's the only card still a stable in my grixis deck, and the deck started out as a mill-deck. I use it either to cut down on heavy critters, killing a combo or as alternate landdestruction.

Posted 30 December 2015 at 04:57 in reply to #570982 on The Deckhelp Alliance


Also, since you run red and chancellors you might want to play with faithless looting to ditch them after the turn 1 mill to dig something else up.

Posted 17 December 2015 at 06:00 in reply to #570089 on Nicol Bolas Mill


Aha! Didn't know it was a phrase :D

Posted 16 December 2015 at 09:28 in reply to #570187 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


You need at least 25 mana to support chancellor and bolas, and you will still be in for a long wait.
If you want a fast milldeck you need to play around 22 lands and things must cost no more than 3 mana unless you have plenty of removal.

Besides the mana I wont comment on anything else than curse of the bloody tome, which can be replaced by "mesmeric orb" which is cheaper and much more effective.

Toy with the mana first, then get back to me when you've learned how fast you can play with 25 lands :D

Posted 14 December 2015 at 09:51 as a comment on Nicol Bolas Mill


At another page you wanted to see alternate versions of lantern control.

How about aggro lantern?

Posted 11 December 2015 at 06:08 as a comment on Dominant Theory


I got 3-4th place with this:

What you need to consider is wether or not you want to win by speed alone or if you want a long tiring game with lots of interaction.

Mana leak, remand and sphinx's tutelage are slowing your game down, as you could have played something that mills fast instead.

The modern mill i won with has nothing but mill, except for the leyline and it kills between turn 4-6.

You will have to dedicate yourself a lot to build a speedy mill.

The opposite direction will stall the game a lot, and then you kill with a few good millcards.

The next link belongs to a deck where I really take it so far away that it can hardly be called mill anymore:

Posted 10 December 2015 at 08:15 as a comment on Modern B/U Mill


Cool enough :D
I never suspected morph to be "cast".
Sometimes magic is filled with errata, like during the weekend I had activated 3 inkmoth and my opponent had a liliana of the veil. He wondered if liliana could be killed, and I interpretted it as if it could'nt, but turned out the rules stated she dies. :(

Posted 09 December 2015 at 09:03 in reply to #569567 on 2 Decks in 1! Storm's a Comin'


I hate pointing out the obvious, but since so many people have been involved I think it's time to state that:


You need to cast a creature for possibility storm to play a creature for you.

I doubt the "get more lands" can work fast enough for this to work...

Posted 09 December 2015 at 06:06 as a comment on 2 Decks in 1! Storm's a Comin'


I've run computersimulations to see how many lands will be perfect with nothing but lightningbolts and mountains in a 60 card deck.

The answer is 16 lands and 44 bolts. Now you know :D

Posted 04 December 2015 at 08:50 as a comment on Burn deck legit


But two are entered twice, so even if they are identical you use up 2 more "informations" than anyone else :D

Posted 03 December 2015 at 10:05 in reply to #568564 on InvisibleMill


Currently I play a "splinter-mill" with 2 pestermites, 1 splinter twin and 2 spellskite, because the splintercombo is less important than the rest of the deck.

Since your deck is more geared towards burn you could probably use 2 bell ringers, 2 splinter twin and 2 spellskite, which would give you 2 slots for more burn. You could keep 1 extra bell and one extra splinter in the sideboard.

Posted 03 December 2015 at 06:24 as a comment on How to Splinter Twin(???)


2 Lightningbolts (Or one bolt, molten nursery and an ornithopter) can be used to kill a spellskite. Since a hell of a lot of decktypes in modern has spellskite in main or board, the lightnings will be good to hold onto for that. Spellskite will disrupt this deck very easy if allowed to remain in play.

Izzet charm might be better than phantsms, mainly because it is cheaper, but the search it provides is really weak, so if the defence can hold long enough phantasm might be better to get to the win-con.

Posted 30 November 2015 at 07:30 in reply to #568459 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


N.P. I'm a mill troll :D

Posted 27 November 2015 at 07:10 in reply to #568670 on Modern Mill


There are two way's that mill can defeat modern.

Either you use extreme speed, and cut out anything not mill, and use the optimal millcards for the situation. Your decktype is clasifiable as combo when using this option. I've earned myself a 3-4th place with this strategy at a small tournament. You can use blockers as long as they can mill.

The second way involves that you buy enough time to mill the opponent with a few powerfull millspells, making you a controlbased deck. This method is very varied in how much destruction and mill you use.

Go look at my many mill variants for a more complex view of this.

Posted 26 November 2015 at 10:50 as a comment on Modern Mill


How on earth did you manage to get 6 "tags" in the tag-line?
Have they lifted the "only 4 tags" limit?

Posted 25 November 2015 at 07:06 as a comment on InvisibleMill


Fix the deck concept, then see if you can fix the lands.
This tells me zach 255 is ready to play with what's here :D

Posted 19 November 2015 at 07:08 in reply to #567849 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


This "hover" effect must be a recent addition, or I have some very ingrown ways of moving the mouse around those parts of the screen :D

Posted 18 November 2015 at 07:11 in reply to #567960 on Faustus


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