
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

Well, I'm trying to gather a group of profesional millers from all types of modern mill, so if you've ever won/win top 8 with mill you will qualify for the group. Let me know when you get there and I'll give you a link.

Posted 20 August 2015 at 06:16 in reply to #557485 on Mill House Modern


By the way, how far have you gotten with your mill in tournaments?

Posted 19 August 2015 at 06:07 in reply to #557485 on Mill House Modern


Okay funky, I'm throwing up the competitive millers forum. Go take a look:

I'm getting involved in grixis-mill and has replaced augur of bolas in the donini/lillo with spellskite.
Idea needs a little rework but shows lots of potential. Burnmill might be a solution to the current meta.

Posted 18 August 2015 at 06:18 as a comment on Hep


Funkblasterson is a covername for his real handle, so he's hard to contact, but I'll give him a nodge in the other forum :D

Your darkness falls deck is rather unique, I could link it in the new millforum so our competitiors might give you some alternatives. Then again, they might also steal it??!!

Posted 18 August 2015 at 06:12 in reply to #559070 on Darkness Falls V2


It's fun how people make similare decisions.
A lot of people try to cut out the three augur of bolas and find a better critter.
Your lifegain take on mill is interresting and considering how many decks use creatures in modern you might have a solid concept.
Your main problem will probably be infect.

My grixis experiments use the slot of augur of bolas for 3 spellskite, and between 4 hedron, 3 spellskite and 4 pyroclasm I got most of infect covered, slowing the match down a lot. You might want to consider spellskite for the sb against infect as it is a popular deck.

Posted 18 August 2015 at 06:07 as a comment on esper control/life gain mill


If you get any ideas of how I can do it differently, just say so :D

Posted 18 August 2015 at 05:58 in reply to #559359 on Odd delver dimir agro mill....


I'm trying to establish a forum for fully competitive millers, and you are within the category.
If you know of others worthy of such a forum, give me their name and I'll list them as possible members.
First attempt at a layout is here:

Posted 17 August 2015 at 06:43 as a comment on Odd delver dimir agro mill....


I was thinking of known names within the vault, but if you can get your friend competitive enough to win, no problem.

Two of you responded to my request thinking of outside millers, which shows to me that millers in here are not particularly aware of each others, which is an enormous shame since the more competitive of us could pool our experiences together on each known type of milldeck, raising each a bit more towards bringing mill into being more than a fringe winner!

I've invited around 7-8 people initially which have all proven to be competitive, but there may be a lot of others whom havent been more obvious in showing of as competitive millers, which is why I'm trying to create the forum.

Posted 17 August 2015 at 06:23 in reply to #559070 on Darkness Falls V2


I've sent an invitation to 7-8 people in here, and each may possibly know 1-2 others, so it could potentially become a clique of 30+ but with 4-5 different design strategies, leaving perhaps between 3-7 defenders of each type.
There are plenty of millers in the vault, but tournament goers seem to be rare or not too talkative about it, so it may look like we are rare, but I think there are plenty of millers and are meeting more and more at tournaments, though most have cookie-designs and does not play that competitive, but they are getting there slowly.
WOTC has also consistently produced millcards in each cycle since lorwyn, so it is only a matter of time before the decktype matures.

Posted 17 August 2015 at 06:12 in reply to #559074 on M@l!gn@nt M!ll!ng


I'm trying to establish a forum for fully competitive millers, and you are within the category.
If you know of others worthy of such a forum, give me their name and I'll list them as possible members.
First attempt at a layout is here:

Posted 14 August 2015 at 12:10 as a comment on Kolaghan's Death Mill


I'm trying to establish a forum for fully competitive millers, and you are within the category.
If you know of others worthy of such a forum, give me their name and I'll list them as possible members.
First attempt at a layout is here:

Posted 14 August 2015 at 12:08 as a comment on M@l!gn@nt M!ll!ng


I'm trying to establish a forum for fully competitive millers, and you are within the category.
If you know of others worthy of such a forum, give me their name and I'll list them as possible members.
First attempt at a layout is here:

Posted 14 August 2015 at 12:07 as a comment on BUG Mill-Creature Hybrid


I'm trying to establish a forum for fully competitive millers, and you are within the category.
If you know of others worthy of such a forum, give me their name and I'll list them as possible members.
First attempt at a layout is here:

Posted 14 August 2015 at 12:06 as a comment on You Can't Stop My Swag


I'm trying to establish a forum for fully competitive millers, and you are within the category.
If you know of others worthy of such a forum, give me their name and I'll list them as possible members.
First attempt at a layout is here:

Posted 14 August 2015 at 12:05 as a comment on New Reanimator


I'm trying to establish a forum for fully competitive millers, and you are within the category.
If you know of others worthy of such a forum, give me their name and I'll list them as possible members.
First attempt at a layout is here:

Posted 14 August 2015 at 12:04 as a comment on Darkness Falls V2


Expensive cards are expensive because they are good. It's been proven plenty of times that decks with value tend to win more than decks without value. I've personally spent around 5 years to get top 8 in legacy, using only commoncards, and the closest I ever got was to get an average of 2 wins out of 6 battles, and I'm pretty intense/involved once I start up on a project. Several times pro-people have had no idea what to play, so they've taken what has gotten to be called "good stuff", smashing random value into a deck and see where it got them, and they've won with it due to a surprise effect. Value wins. It's sad but it's the truth...

When I build decks, I rarely build them based on value, and in fact I almost always pick cards not used by the pro's,
but regardless of that, my builds often seem to have a high price, which is unintended. Magic as a hobby is not cheap! Budget decks don't win that much because they are restricted in what you can put into them, and budget cards are cheap because the cards are not wanted by the larger community, aka they are not considered good cards.

I'm the sort of person who would root on the budget deck versus the pro-deck, but reality doesn't make that happen a lot, so as a winning strategy budget decks is not cutting it, and that's a fact.

Now this place attracts different people from different layers of magic, and the largest group will always be the happy newcommers who've just been taught the game and wants to show the world what they've made in order to get advice or brag about it. Then we get the skilled players who've been through the magic cauldron and still likes the game despite that they've been beaten senseless by pro's. And the pro's themselves are here to find equalminded people but knows that it's a haystack, so often tries to be silent so they won't become mentors, wasting valuable time on noobs.

What we really need is a split between groups, which can be done by tags.
There is the obvious need of a "competitive" tag which I have tried to build up in mill. I mark my own decks with stuff like "experimental", "competitive", "very competitive" or "near competitive". A serious part about being competitive is that you win, so people should only use the tag "competitive" if their deckdesign has actually won in a tournament.

A split in level will mean that people will get thrown out of conversations if they do not know their stuff, and eventually pro-decks will be talked about by pro-players, while budget stuff will be talked about by the less competitive players.

It will reflect on the top-converstaions, as budget players are simply more numerous, so when you seek out pro's, you will actually have to search posts with less likes...

-May evolution evolve your extremeties

Posted 14 August 2015 at 06:29 in reply to #552662 on Puppy Mill


Don't bother SORIN-man, the hot pages in here are usually those that have long boring conversations about this and that, and keeps being discussed because nothing cool happens at the rest of the pages :D

Posted 12 August 2015 at 05:53 in reply to #552662 on Puppy Mill


We ****, and you are the one named sorin markov?
How on earth did thatplot twist happen?
Very ironical...

Posted 10 August 2015 at 09:22 in reply to #552662 on Puppy Mill


It's actually fun that my milldecks have beaten designs like this a lot :D
As far as I can see ætherling is the newest innovation in here (Perhaps your pick?)
I can't remember seeing faerie conclave in these decks, and elspeth's a rarity as well.

If i was to steal any of this for use in jeskai-mill, it would be electrolyze, remand and supreme verdict.
possibly dispel and condescend as well if I ever made a countercapable mill.

Posted 10 August 2015 at 06:17 as a comment on Hep


Keep data on how well jace works for you, then stay with what works the most :D

Posted 10 August 2015 at 06:05 in reply to #558443 on M@l!gn@nt M!ll!ng


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