
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

A few have highlighted pact of negation just for this reason.
You can play the nettle, then during your upkeep you kill with knack/helix.

Posted 17 November 2015 at 07:10 in reply to #567849 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


Archive trap is a good pick to remove since it mainly does not work well without support from ghost quarters or path to exile. Remove 2 or 3, just to make opponent's think you play 4.

Also add æther vial or cavern of souls or both. You may also consider mutavault.

Posted 16 November 2015 at 06:54 in reply to #567410 on Ally Mill


I also used judge's familiar to complement cursecatcher...

Posted 16 November 2015 at 06:50 in reply to #567598 on collected fish


It reminds me of a legacy deck I once made called "dirtfish"
I used summoner's trap and inkwell leviathan alongside with gaea's craddle and show and tell.
Later I started using kederekt leviathan with great results.

I can recommend phyrexian metamorph which may either copy a lord, or a silvergill adept (I notice you don't use gills) or even a selkie.
The metamorph allows you to get a lot of card advantage if you have enough draw-creatures.

Posted 13 November 2015 at 07:52 as a comment on collected fish


I do have one adition that fits very well into this.
ragged veins. It demands that you have black mana, but if you can get that for the deck ragged veins will be a kill when cast just before blasphemous act or it will be nice to play on the creature blocking your taureen or dragon.

Posted 12 November 2015 at 07:34 in reply to #567152 on Zuberazauber


Replace tome scour with shriekhorn.
I've done extensive tests on shriekhorn and it mills four point something on an average meaning that on average it mills between 4-6 cards if you play for 4 turns. Given the amount of creatures you have you should be able to enter long games and the shriekhorn will be even better.

I can also recommend that you start using echoing truth which can bounce your cheapest allies to recast them for more mill. Alternatively you may bounce shriekhorns for more mill as well and finally you will have a way of dealing with tokens.

Posted 11 November 2015 at 07:25 as a comment on Ally Mill


You also need more lands.
I usually play 22 lands with a deck with lots of cards costing 3.
It can also support 4 and 5 cost cards, but you need a hell of a lot more removal to survive long enough to get that many lands with 22 lands, so I recommend you up your land count.

Posted 09 November 2015 at 09:14 in reply to #566717 on Return from Graveyard


Shrapnel blast is not seen that often in modern modern-designs.
galvanic blast usually does the job at the cost of R and no loss of an artisfact.

Posted 09 November 2015 at 06:57 in reply to #567038 on Modern Affinity


No prob :D

Posted 06 November 2015 at 07:06 in reply to #566450 on MILLILILILIL


Now go waste 4 days on building a xena theme deck :D

Posted 06 November 2015 at 07:04 in reply to #566745 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


Welcome! To my reasonable realm of allusion :D


Posted 05 November 2015 at 09:40 in reply to #566745 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


And you may still have lots of fun! Not everyone listens to the voice of reason.
And at times I'm more a voice of obfuscation!

Posted 05 November 2015 at 07:10 in reply to #566745 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


I think the thing JOHN721 is asking is, has the deck seen actual competitive play against real modern decks and won more than half of what it meets :D
I doubt that it's that good, because ANY instant removal can kill the combo by letting the ability granted by a knack or helix go to the stack, and while it hovers there they target sentinel and the removal resolves before the ability hits sentinel. Anyone splashing white (path), black (dismember) or red (random burn) will very likely be able to stop this deck. Even green and blue has the chance to stop it through arti-hatred or counterspells.

The decks that are liked generally tend to be new discoveries, not necessarily new powerfull decks.

Posted 04 November 2015 at 07:24 in reply to #566745 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


It was a joke :D
Sort of like saying "who are you?" to a legendary celebrity!

Posted 03 November 2015 at 09:46 in reply to #566697 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


The best millcard out there is mind funeral, which mills an average 14 cards depending on what you meet. (Mainly decks with 22 lands. the less they play, the harder you hit, and most play 18 lands and fetches, helping you to hit very hard)

Your first traumatize will hit at turn 5 where most opponent's will have drawn a total of 12 cards, meaning that they have 48 cards in their library, so you mill 24 cards.

If we imagine a game where you have 4 of each played in a row, the traumatize mills 24, then 12, then 5, and then 2 for a total of 43.
Mind funeral gets to an average of 14, 14, 14 and 14 equalling 56 cards milled.
However since the mind funeral calculation has not yet included draws it potentially mills 68 cards...

Mind funeral also hits earlier, and may be played at turn 3, 4, 5, and you can play two at turn 6 if you got the mana.

This makes mind funeral the better card in many ways.
Also it's a fact that plenty of decks has gotten top8 with mind funeral in them while no deck with traumatize has ever gotten top 8 as far as I know, and I frequently haunt top-pages for mill.

Posted 03 November 2015 at 07:16 as a comment on Return from Graveyard


No problem :D

Posted 03 November 2015 at 06:58 in reply to #566676 on Running in the 90's


who are you?

Posted 03 November 2015 at 06:57 in reply to #566697 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


When your deck goal is to draw cards like an insane villain, it is counterintuitive to have highcost spells, especially counterspells...
So play stuff with cheap cost to really get a massive amount of ressources. Try out 4 judge's familiar instead of 4 dissipate. You may also add 4 cursecatchers on the expense of font of mythos or dreamborn muse. Also add 4 surgical extraction.

Keep the fog bank but get rid of the door keeper, and finally add memory sluice (Will be great with the cursecatchers and familiars)...

You could also use 1 more land to make the mana more reliable...

Posted 02 November 2015 at 07:31 as a comment on Running in the 90's


It's a long time since I've seen abrupt decay in a design like this :D
If the design does not work as intended I can recommend that you try out removing 3 archive trap and insert 3 noxious revival.
Noxious will be able to give you extra abrupt decay, mind funeral or crypt incursion and has great interaction with snappy. It may also let you go more ld through ghost quarter and will double the number of hatred you can get from your sideboard.

Posted 02 November 2015 at 07:17 as a comment on UB Mill


The altar enables you to kill through mill if they have a leyline of sanctity.
Phantasms can block or let you search for combo.
Personally I'd cut 2-3 ornithopters.

How about thinking down the lines of hurkyll's recall, and include more artisfacts?

Posted 02 November 2015 at 07:07 in reply to #566504 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


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