
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

The +side looks really good, but I think removing galvanic might be a mistake. In most games against affinity it's the hedron crabs that mill most of all my mill cards as they can mill whenever I get land. I think you would be better of with -2 vault skirge instead as my main game plan is not to remove all your life. With the added info on hedron crab, would you reconsider your sb or keep it?

Posted 12 October 2015 at 06:12 in reply to #564355 on Modern Affinity


No no no!
I wanted YOU to tell me what you would sideboard against ME with your affinity :D
Be as evil as you can, really try to close me down.
I have a suspicion that you might want to use bloodmoon as I have a lot of nonbasics, though I can get rid of it before it hits the table (chancellor + surgical during your opening upkeep)

Knowing my decklist AND sideboard, how would you sideboard your affinity to kill me?
What do you take out, what do you put in. I'll use it to play against myself :D

In return for the knowledge I'll give you the feedback of how it changes the matchup, and what works against me or not, so if you ever meet something like this, you'll know what to do!

Posted 09 October 2015 at 06:53 in reply to #564355 on Modern Affinity


Hey there, I've been testing against affinity with a new milldeck for a long time.
I've been playing without sideboard with both decks so far, but I want to move
on and use the sideboards now.

Can I get you to take a look at the deck and decide on how you would sideboard against it?

I would probably side in a shatterstorm, one more kolaghan and the two echoing truth.
Your input will be much appreciated.

Posted 08 October 2015 at 06:54 as a comment on Modern Affinity


Hey there, I've been testing against affinity with a new milldeck for a long time.
I've been playing without sideboard with both decks so far, but I want to move
on and use the sideboards now.

Can I get you to take a look at the deck and decide on how you would sideboard against it?

Posted 08 October 2015 at 06:52 as a comment on Modern Affinity


Well, bell-twin seems to do the job without cavern of souls!

Posted 07 October 2015 at 06:22 in reply to #563723 on How to Splinter Twin(???)


Why does so many millers fear the orb? I am really stumped by the sheer number avoiding it until they get it demonstrated!

Imagine a game where you play a land each turn and the orb at turn 2, 3 and twice at turn 4. Imagine that you tap out all your unused lands too, just to see how much it hurts! When do you die to the orb?
Let's say you are second to play, drawing 8 and one card every turn from there.

At turn one there is 52 cards left in your library.
At turn two there is 51 cards left in your library.
At turn three there is 48 cards left in your library.
At turn four there is 41 cards left in your library.
At turn five there is 24 cards left in your library.
At turn six there is 3 cards left in your library.
At turn 7 you die... but you can manage to cast some instants just before the end.

If your mill deck cannot win within these frames, it's not worth it.

Mesmeric orb is not that powerfull without other mill to support it! In my above scenario you go for the ultimate punishment by orb, and dies at turn 7... Real life play will punish you a lot less than this setup.

Orb is in the playlist of almost all decks that have milled their way to the top in modern...

And ZAKLAX is solid! Listen to him.

Posted 07 October 2015 at 06:11 in reply to #560317 on Modern Mill U/B


I've played mesmeric orb in modern for quite a while :D It's pretty legal... (Most topdecks that have won with mill in modern, have won with 2-4 mesmeric orbs in their decklists)
I once tried to see just how fast you can kill yourself with the orb, and if you play 4 in a row (turn 2, 3 and two at turn 4) as well as tap all your lands all the time, they only kills you at your 5th upkeep...
At turn 5 you are usually dead anyways so using mesmeric orb does not take extreme measures to avoid selfmilling yourself. I have never in all my career of playing magic understood why millers fear the orb. By playing mill your opponent will always be lowest on cards in the library.

Playing both dream twist and increasing confusion really invites you to play the orb...

Here's the milldesigns that have won at modern...

Posted 05 October 2015 at 06:43 in reply to #557482 on Basic Blue Mill Deck


I've played mesmeric orb in modern for quite a while :D It's pretty legal... (Most topdecks that have won with mill in modern, have won with 2-4 mesmeric orbs in their decklists)
I once tried to see just how fast you can kill yourself with the orb, and if you play 4 in a row (turn 2, 3 and two at turn 4) as well as tap all your lands all the time, they only kills you at your 5th upkeep...
At turn 5 you are usually dead anyways so using mesmeric orb does not take extreme measures to avoid selfmilling yourself. I have never in all my career of playing magic understood why millers fear the orb. By playing mill your opponent will always be lowest on cards in the library.

Posted 05 October 2015 at 06:42 in reply to #557482 on Basic Blue Mill Deck


I've played mesmeric orb in modern for quite a while :D It's pretty legal...
I once tried to see just how fast you can kill yourself with the orb, and if you play 4 in a row (turn 2, 3 and two at turn 4) as well as tap all your lands all the time, they only kills you at your 5th upkeep...
At turn 5 you are usually dead anyways so using mesmeric orb does not take extreme measures to avoid selfmilling yourself. I have never in all my career of playing magic understood why millers fear the orb. By playing mill your opponent will always be lowest on cards in the library.

Posted 05 October 2015 at 06:41 in reply to #557482 on Basic Blue Mill Deck


My grixis mill is finally on the move...

Current design is here:

Someone else has also brewed up a page for competitive players:

Posted 02 October 2015 at 09:11 as a comment on Hep


My grixis mill is finally on the move...

Current design is here:

Someone else has also brewed up a page for competitive players:

Posted 02 October 2015 at 09:10 as a comment on Hep


Looks good, though it might be too slow for aggro.

Posted 29 September 2015 at 09:11 as a comment on They Were Never Seen Again...


I play a lot of proxy topdecks because I'm training a pro, who've won championships in Denmark and Sweeden, which means that I play a lot of games with very different decks. I also test the same decks against my own pet project, a mill-deck, and the dangerous part of grixis is it's ability to discard from your opening hand, then following up by sweeping what you get into play and then it plays it's heavies.

I do not doubt that you have played 200 games with your deck, but considering the large number of decks in modern I do doubt that you have played through all aggro sufficiently enough.

I'd also say that your estimate of grixis not being in a lot of top 8's are a bit of. I constantly track the modernmeta for anything out of the ordinary and have my own %'s nailed down.

There's a difference in how many % of people playing a deck, and what place the decktype get's when it is brought to a tourney, and compared to %'s present (4%) the deck actually often gets a high place, so at a tourney with 100 people only 4 may bring such a deck, but if you win games your chances increase in meeting it later.

What are the skills of your playtesters?

Posted 28 September 2015 at 06:42 in reply to #562927 on Doublewide [Modern Burn/Token]


Village is a tapland as well, so stalls you down. Not many loam decks have more than 2 of these, probably for that reason.

I've started playing testgames with a modern aggroloam against a friend, so I expect to learn a bit from it.
Here's the input on ravens crime:

In many games when you have 1 raven's crime the other crime's you draw are sort of obsolete since discarding lands is usually not a problem. During one of my testgames I played a single ravens crime 4 times in a row and killed of any chance of being comboed by my opponent. Most decks are build to avoid having dead cards in your hand, so 4 crimes is a bit on the silly side, especially since you can dredge and increase your chances of getting one into the grave.
Playing only 2 ravens crime will give you a moderate chance of it being on your openinghand and a nice chance to dredge one of the two into the grave after some turns.

Posted 28 September 2015 at 06:13 in reply to #562987 on Budgetish Modern B/G Loam Pox


The imps will be well defended from gravehate by your many draw-effects, so that's a nice idea.

Posted 28 September 2015 at 06:03 in reply to #562984 on Faustus


Grixis can get a 5/5 in play on turn two, and follow up with a 4/5 on turn 3 (I've played into this situation myself when testing it against a friends deck). It may also bolt your token generators or discard your path's to exile. It qualifies as aggro, so how do you deal with it? (Especially with sb pyroclasms)

I'm more interrested in knowing what your bad matchus are (With more specification) which may be where we can give you advice :D

Posted 25 September 2015 at 08:21 in reply to #562927 on Doublewide [Modern Burn/Token]


In multiplayer people always gang up againsts me, so I usually play decks that sweep everything so I'll survive their onslaught.

I do have friends that play "neutral style" and it's pretty often that they end up winning most battles while the more "alphaplayers" fight it out.

With that in mind, if you prefer to remain neutral, then abyssal gatekeeper and braids are NOT the style to perform with, players will either attack you to kill someone elses big critter, or they will kill it before they have any creatures themselves, getting everyone else anoyed at you. Braids is a true "thou shall be the enemy" so she definitelly has to go.

Perhaps go with some walls instead.
Something like wall of spears or wall of junk.

Posted 25 September 2015 at 08:08 in reply to #562984 on Faustus


I have not played with aggro loam that much, and mainly legacy type versions.
I do however study a lot of decklists and for at least two years printed out every legacy decklist to get a top 8. It's a rather large archive.
Here's my input:

First of all, you do not lock down your black mana!!! You absolutely will need black mana at your first active turn so that you may discard something relevant immediately. The same goes with your green part. Loam is already a slow kind of deck, so you cannot afford to play with that many taplands.

Too many raven's crime, go with 2.
Cut one tree village.
worm harvest, 1 main 1 sideboard.
use 2 darkblast in main.

Posted 25 September 2015 at 06:45 as a comment on Budgetish Modern B/G Loam Pox


I agree with DRAKERAENES that your killcard needs protection.
However, since you have 4 turns to get rid of it, you might exploit it while it's there,
so I would add a few discard-cards instead.

The whole setup seems a bit random though, so you might want to try out finding the most powerfull aspect
in the theme and build on it as a soft-combo and build up a propper deck around it!
Perhaps go B/W with oblation and demonic pact. Go with stuff like vindicate, discard and sinkhole, sort of pox-like, and when both parties are low on resources you drop the bomb!

Posted 25 September 2015 at 06:28 as a comment on Faustus


And surgical extraction interacts nicely with remand!

Posted 23 September 2015 at 06:07 in reply to #562702 on Modern Mill


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