
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

Could be he works within a group so they need certain identifiers to search for each others material.

Posted 07 September 2015 at 06:01 in reply to #561307 on Budget Infinite Mill


For your efforts in posting your esper-mill you are invited to the pro-miller forum that I am trying to start up:

Posted 04 September 2015 at 06:20 as a comment on EDH Scholar: Clique


No shelldock isle? Most pro's use 3, I prefer 2 but might cut down to 1 in the future.

I'm trying to break aggro with UBR burn&mill, but it will take a long time for me to do it the way I always do it.
Slow considerate progress and lots of tests with proxy-decks.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 06:17 as a comment on Gentleman's Mill


You might find "godica"'s sideboard usefull

Posted 04 September 2015 at 06:12 in reply to #561077 on Gentleman's Mill


Fog only stops "DAMAGE" Emrakul still gets to attack, which lets it trigger annihilate, and fog certainly does not stop an annihilate trigger :D It will be hard to play fog without lands, and emmy can remove 6 permanents each turn. The above can definitely not play 7 lands a turn...

Posted 03 September 2015 at 05:54 in reply to #560712 on Howling Mill [Modern]


The real danger is combodecks not based on attacking with creatures and anything with annihilate...
SB needs something against emrakul...

Brilliant colorpick in getting an insane number of "fog" effects.

I would work a lot on the mana to make it less lifeeating, which would make you able to cut angel's feather, and by adding more ghost quarters you will be able to slow down tron. Rest in peace will protect you from emrakul, tasigur and gurmag angler, so that is a sb solution you might want. eldrazi green currently sees more topplay than red deck wins does.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 06:14 as a comment on Howling Mill [Modern]


Shriekhorn might be a better pick than tome scour, especially since you may time it :D
I've also run extensive tests with tomescour and shriekhorn, and on an average shriekhorn mills a fraction more than tome scour
(Meaning that on an average it manages to mill 6 cards a lot more than it mills 4)

Posted 31 August 2015 at 08:43 as a comment on Budget Infinite Mill


With my grixis I've already played around 50 games against infect, and the chancellor has been hardcast at least 4 times. I don't play the chancellor for it's creature aspect but for it's mill during the openinghand. Granted this setup works best when you also use surgical extraction. But in 4 out of 50 games the chancellor is hardcast, and in one of these games I got to play 3 chancellors in a row (Two times I blocked an infect critter boosted with "become immense" and when I played the third chancellor infect was totally out of steam and died)

So far My paperstrips tell me that the chancellor is dead less than 1 out of 10 times, as it is either cardcast (4 out of 50) used as faith-fodder, or revivied with entering (from breaking//entering, 1 out of 50, but you need red mana for this) or shelldocked into play. These examples does not count as performing it's main features, which is milling due to being in the hand. The statistics for that is always above 50% but I haven't pinpointed an exact number as I only use it when it performs better than 50% and it does that a lot.

My matchup% versus infect is 50% with 5 "blank cards" in the main-deck, meaning that it wins half of the time with 5 cards that does nothing at all, not even counting as lands, so anyone could find 5 extra cards to experiment against infect with.

But if you don't like chancellor, you just don't like him. Just be aware that when you've tested the chancellor you have probably remembered all the times he was drawn lategame and forgotten all the times he milled 7 for free. It's human to remember the bad times better, which is why I use paperstrips.

Anyway's it takes time to restructure mill from UB to RUB and the mana will be difficult to toy with, so if you feel better with UB just go for it. I've had a lot of success with UB myself :D

Posted 31 August 2015 at 06:15 in reply to #560125 on Modern Mill U/B


I like your answers and they seem solid arguments with room enough for weaknesses.
I rarely discuss weaknesses within my own mill-builds as I tend to solve them all longterm :D

I currently advocate chancellor of the spires as I've won a 3-4th place with them in a UB mill, and have been using them since without any regret. (Currently in a grixis mill with faithless looting) I know they work because I track all my cards during tests against proxy-decks, using paperstrips and noting on each card when it works or not. With more than 200 games keeping track of chancellor of the spires I can tell you that the best amount for using them is 3, not less and not more, as long as it is in a UB-brew. Chancellors will allow you to surgical extract almost at the opening of hands (your opponent's upkeep if they start the game) which allows you to remove glistener elf or inkmoth fairly often before they even get a card in play.

I'm also seeking out pro millers to start up a forum for all things modern mill, with the aim of discussing changes in the meta. At least 3 other people in here are trying very hard to get personal designs to become mainstream.
(Not counting myself) Look for it here:

Posted 26 August 2015 at 09:18 in reply to #560125 on Modern Mill U/B


One thing is design, another is winning.
Since you tag it as competitive and can answer most questions on the contents I asume you've played it at tourneys.
How far into top 8 have you gotten with it? (Or related past designs)

I'd also like to know how you deal with affinity, elves, infect and merfolk in regards to sideboard...

Go take a look at my stuff if you wonder why I ask :D

Posted 26 August 2015 at 06:50 as a comment on Modern Mill U/B


Sideboarding is always an artform, especially with decks that has large weaknesses.
Most of the time when I design a deck I usually end up with most of the original deck in the sideboard.

I believe that there are plenty of "fun" cards out there to be used in most designs, it just take a lot of tweaking to get them to fit inside a competitive deck. But cards I consider fun are not always fun in the eyes of others! For me fume spitter is a fun card to play because noone else would consider playing it, so I would spend some time on trying to make it fit in the deck. I would find some sadistic glee in playing a spitter on turn one and a spellskite turn 2 against infect, imagining how their insides must be twitching trying to get around that sort of setup. Fun cards take time to find though, and a lot more time to insert propperly into a deck.

If you want to use mimic vats, first go through alternative cards, and reach for anything that could produce the same or a related effect (collective company?). Then think of the worst possible matchup, proxy it and start finding ways to protect your concept. Just go for it :D (And let me know if it wins!)

Posted 26 August 2015 at 06:05 in reply to #559741 on Drown into Nightmare


Sudden shock sees less play than I think it should. It takes out hierarchs, nettle sentinel, delver, and even hedron crab in mirrors :D.

I see it as a good card against most aggro, slowing them down just a bit which usually wins the day with mill. I look forward to my tests against affinity, elves and merfolk with it.

Each and every time I've tested against my 4 proxyed aggro-decks damnation allways falls short...
When I test I use paperstrips in all my sleeves and note whenever something works. Sometimes I also write down alternatives, and my best alternative to damnation is black sun's zenith, and Within the deck I have currently, it seems I only need 1. It might change when testing against other decks, but in general the fastest aggro usually sets the tone for the rest of my deck, so I'm counting on having 1 zenith in main, and see where it takes me.

I also dream of some anti-critter options for mill, and sometimes I even dream up cards on my own, like mill-nite, a 0/1 artifact creature, costing 0, that mills three cards when it enters play. It would be a decent miller, can block and would be fun with echoing truth :D

Posted 25 August 2015 at 06:11 in reply to #559741 on Drown into Nightmare


I can tell you that the mill that gets to the best of top 8 all use exactly 9 fetchlands!

Also, you can cut those shimmering grotto from the sb by having a more esper-like manabase, which won't harm the overall deck if you use those 9 fetchlands.

Posted 24 August 2015 at 09:15 as a comment on Where the F#@k Is my Library?!


Tutelage mill won in standard within a fog-shell as far as I know. Modern is a different game where you always have to think about what's out there allready. All the heavy decks have ways of removing enchantments, (abrupt decay, disenchant, qasali pridemage, and more) So I think it will take some time for people to break tutelage into a killing card.

Traditionally I've played "brute force mill" for a long time, using only the heaviest millingcards out there, but having tested endlessly against the hardest testdecks against mill out there (Affinity, burn, elves, infect, merfolk) I came to the conclusion that I needed something against those, if I was ever to pass them)

I still favor a deck with as much mill as possible, and as fast a mill as can be achieved with a splash of removal within it.

So far I'm testing against infect. I've dissed pyroclasm and replaced it with sudden shock which devastates infect creatures. I also have 2 black sun's zenith to solve problems longterm, and 3-4 darkness to stall with. Spellskite is good with all these things, and faithless looting ensures that I get any of the above in time. Hedron crab is also usefull whenever glistener elf hits play at turn 1. I usually start out with 3 different tricks.

1: Chancellor of the spires and surgical extraction is in my hand and I remove glistener, inkmoth or the agent. If I can't take out a critter I take out "become immense" which is nightmarish in nature against mill.

2: I play hedron crab and buy enough time to get sudden shock, spellskite or darkness.

3: I play faithless looting and usually dig out sudden shock, spellskite or darkness.

These matches actually drag out a lot and the prolonged games let me play my mill-stuff and win. In past designs I win perhaps 1 in ten games, now I win 6 out of 4 games against infect.

Sudden shock is the key card to this victory and I usually just don't care about being subtle in my tests, killing the critters of my choice without taking out any boost at the same time (I basically play it as a sorcery) It can be used for seriously disrupting moves when an infectplayer has boost but I play it dumb to finetune the rest of the removal. Sudden shock bypasses the infect players spellskites and you have to kill critters before any attack (to prevent hierarc boost)

So far I think all of this can be pulled of with a minimum of splash, and I'm working out someperfect numbers for each type of card mentioned. Once I beat infect I can move to the rest of my aggro testdecks and finetune the setup even more.

If you like to experiment I can recommend "fume spitter" and "scar" against infect, and I might throw these in my sb as well.

One last funny detail:
I've added a single ghostquarter to my deck and it seems like I always manage to draw it when I need it against inkmoth or dryad arbor. It's pretty weird, but games do tend to drag out a lot, so chances of drawing it does increase.

Posted 24 August 2015 at 06:10 in reply to #559741 on Drown into Nightmare


When I saw it first I thought it would be one turn late against stuff, but between hedron and path the primary defence is enough to get to throw it into play.

Currently I'm having fun with 3 spellskite in mainboard against infect, they work wonders but still erode rather quickly. I think wall of denial might last a bit longer, but does not stop stuff like burn.

And while we are at it, there is no defence against burn in this deck... Perhaps some leylines?

Posted 21 August 2015 at 08:44 in reply to #559739 on Terrifyingly Efficient


None of my designs can handle leyline :P
64 cards is a fun pick, and since 28 of the cards are land, I actually expected to see a hellish number of fetch-cards.
I really like the wall of denials though :D

Posted 21 August 2015 at 06:48 in reply to #559739 on Terrifyingly Efficient


It's illegal BECAUSE it's only 40 :D 60 is required

Posted 21 August 2015 at 06:41 in reply to #558475 on keep on millin'


A commendable idea :D
Let me know if it ever gets tournament quality...

Posted 21 August 2015 at 06:39 as a comment on Draw, villain


That's a lot of creatures!
Sometimes, when I skim a new mill-deck I often wonder "How the hell did he get the space for that?",
and your deck had that effect :D

Sometimes creatures may cause a battle to be quite longterm, and for that, I can give you the following suggestions.

I'm currently trying out burn/mill in a grixis-shell and have some experiences with a couple of cards that might interrest you.

1: I've replaced visions of beyond with faithless looting, which works great, but since you don't use visions, this mention is just to give you the idea of what I'm doing with my own stuff.

2: I've been playing chancellor of the spire for at least a year and not gotten tired of it. It can replace your mind sculpts, and in your long games it will be a valuable flyer. I use faithless looting to put it into the grave when I tire of it, and from there I can play it with "entering" (from breaking//entering).

3: consider having a single shelldock isle, which can be used to play "anything" lategame.

How far into top 8 have you gotten with your deck?

Posted 21 August 2015 at 06:31 as a comment on Drown into Nightmare


What are your major problem-decks, and how far into top 8 have it gotten you? :D

Posted 21 August 2015 at 06:09 as a comment on Terrifyingly Efficient


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