
33 Decks, 1,056 Comments, 423 Reputation

Looks fierce and seems like a lot of fun to boot. You got some good ideas flowing, Ded, and I was wondering if you could offer some advice to a rookie-newb-modern player. I only got ½ of what I need, but the other half is on its way. My first Modern, and I copycat´ed the main frame from another Vault-user - pkmnfn - and tweaked it, but I gotta know, forehand, if I have a snowball´s chance.

I know most is meta, and even there I falter. Also I will in return try to aid some of your Modern Potpourri´s, even though I´m unqualified in that field. But hey, gotta start somewhere, right? =)

The deck I´m looking for help with is called; The Drawings of a Ghost. I really hope you can advise me in the right direction =)

Posted 18 February 2014 at 00:41 as a comment on Owl's Paradoxical Archive


Looks awesome, Wumps. I would add a single, or maybe just two, of "Graven Cairns" so that you are never in lacking of mana fixing. Also; welcome back, man =) Marriage feels great, dunn´it? ^_^

I was wondering, if you have any advice to a lesser s.o.b.´s discard deck? It´s called; 'So Soft . . .'
I need a way to minimize the non-lands, and up my land count. I´ve stared at it for hours, and my mind went "Plophf... *no more brain-activity*"

Posted 17 February 2014 at 19:36 as a comment on Fire and brimstone


No problem =) Glad to help

Posted 10 February 2014 at 13:18 in reply to #434828 on G/W Great walls assault


Once more I offer meager advice to a format I probably never will understand. Would 'Remand' help you out? Counter, Bounce and Draw in one for 1{U}

Posted 10 February 2014 at 13:15 as a comment on Chère-Amie


When building on a b, like I do (takes eons for some decks) it can be beneficial to 'hover' the market. Some prices sway as much as $3 dollars from time to time and when it´s low, with the saved budget money, then buy buy buy :)

Posted 06 February 2014 at 17:11 in reply to #434827 on elven insanity!


No, haven´t heard that term before. What is a hug deck?

Posted 06 February 2014 at 13:19 in reply to #434827 on elven insanity!


Awesome :D I think Pithing Needle/Revoker would be good in this, if you play competitively and/or Tourneys. The Needle also shuts down Planeswalkers which is a big deal in today's decks. I also highly recommend Krosan Grip for anything pesky =)

Posted 06 February 2014 at 12:03 in reply to #434827 on elven insanity!


Thanks a bunch ! - yes, I really like it. I have started to collect all the pieces I need, and adding a few thing to the deck =) It will be my first Modern ever, and I kind'a enjoying it. Maybe Modern isn´t as bad as I thougt..? Well slap me three times, I think I just might bring this to WNM (it´s on every Wednesday they play Modern at my shop)

Posted 06 February 2014 at 00:31 in reply to #434577 on Blue's Infinite Zenith


Now, I´m not as good with Modern, but from what I can gather, a ps of Æther Vial could really help this gem along =) You could 'cheat' in some of those 3CMC's in, just before it is your turn, and boom, you´ve just gained an uncounterable summoning sickness-free beast. Ready for the kill =)

Posted 05 February 2014 at 17:03 as a comment on G/W Great walls assault


It looks good, but I think you have to "narrow" down on a few creatures, or make them a full playset. I see the infinite combo with Intruder Alarm and Imperious Perfect - good one ! - and all in all, I really like the deck :) It has 'spices' from a broad array of possible and potent choices, but somehow they all just connect. Thumbs up =)
Parallel Lives just works, man. I can see why you like it so much. The only suggestion I have (and it´s a poor one at best) is to add at ps of 'Priest of Titania' - she comes out a turn quicker than Archdruid, however she has 1 point of P / T less

If you can find a spot for it, I´d up the count from 1 to three Thousand-Year Elixir's since a great deal of your critters rely on it. Either that, or Intruder Alarm.

Furthermore, I think, a few tutors would really add insult to injury. Look at Elvish Harbinger or Green Sun's Zenith.

How many wins/losses does this have? And which decks does it have a hard time against?

Hope you could use my comment
Cheers =)

Posted 05 February 2014 at 16:50 as a comment on elven insanity!


Hmm... I´ve just looked it up, and for what I can understand, 'Parallel Lives' requires a spell and/or an ability to work, whereas 'Growing Ranks' just keep spewing token out, each upkeep. The more I think about it, maybe the two together could do some wondrous things.

I may add one of each, but I´ll have to playtest it first. Thank you, and I´m heading straight for your libraries :)

Posted 05 February 2014 at 16:31 in reply to #434602 on Elves


Oh, well the answer to that is pretty simple; it was the only cards available to me at that time :) also I think (hope) that they´ll increase in price.
Sure, man, I´ll take a look at your decks :)

Posted 05 February 2014 at 00:17 in reply to #434602 on Elves


Whoa. Dat. Combo.

With your permission, I would like to buy this deck. Is that okay?

Posted 04 February 2014 at 22:32 as a comment on Blue's Infinite Zenith


Another gem in the budget aisle. One creature popped into my head when I saw the Saber, 'Spellbreaker Behemoth' goes for 0.49$ on SGS - It is a cheap road to take instead of the pricey 'Cavern of Souls', but then again... I don´t know what you´re up against, so I might be way off.

Posted 04 February 2014 at 22:17 as a comment on [Budget] Color Power


You´re welcome :) I´m glad if I helped you out. Gonna´check some of your other Libraries =)

Posted 04 February 2014 at 22:00 in reply to #434546 on [Budget] Specterack


A Modern card that would fit and benefit from this wonderfully evil deck is 'Quest for the Nihil Stone' - it´s sorta cheap to boot. SGS lists it at 0.75 $ a pop. Having no cards in hand is just brutal. I like that you´ve found quite a few 'oldies-but-goodies' and even Modern Legal ! Kudos !

Posted 04 February 2014 at 21:44 as a comment on [Budget] Specterack


I don´t understand EDH as well as you guys, but dammit, Quasi... You and your posse just keep M:tG imploding in on itself. I have a question for you, though; how long does it take for you to create an mtg deck (edh set aside)? I mean, from idea to a complete autonomous piece of destruction?

Btw, Quasi, your 'Method of Madness' inspired me to create a mbc deck. So, thank you very much for the inspiration. Just need to playtest it, if I´m lucky that any Legacy players show up, on Friday =)

Posted 04 February 2014 at 18:26 as a comment on Fly Blackbird, Fly


The Blizzard hit like a mother... First time I could get to my shop was Friday the 31 of January ! We got 40 cm. of snow the first day, then 5 cm. more the following couple of days, plus ice and blowing snow. The 'stage' of the world seemed very Dante-ish.

Have you pondered further on the deck? I´m quite curious as to what you think about it. Oh yeah, btw, it is still untested. At the FNM, zero Legacy players showed up, so . . .

I´ve added two more Forbidden Orchard´s to put pressure on the opponent. Also there will be more Expedition Map´s in this, because it´s mainly the lands that cause trouble. I just need to find a way to do this =)

Posted 03 February 2014 at 20:16 in reply to #431695 on Extrox


Another decent mana producer is Cabal Ritual. It grows when your yard is filled =) I would ditch the Nighthawks and two lands, but damn it looks great

Posted 29 January 2014 at 15:01 as a comment on Im culling your name


Also there´s Dragon Mage - a much more heavy CMC, but an effective beater with evasive and discard/draw

Posted 29 January 2014 at 13:32 as a comment on Hard Draw


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