
33 Decks, 1,056 Comments, 423 Reputation

MI 6 would be awesome, although I must admit I wasn´t a big fan of their 3D approach in MI 4, but 'Grim Fandango' had me clinched to the screen, haha.

Posted 08 January 2014 at 08:01 in reply to #424484 on Dissimulation of sovereignty


Yes, a part of me died also in 2013 :´-( Sad really and at that point, unreal. I just hope that someone will pick up the torch and create as fun games as they did.
"Hi, I´m selling these fine leather jackets..." ah hah hahaaa. (Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside)

Posted 08 January 2014 at 07:06 in reply to #424484 on Dissimulation of sovereignty


Sorry, it's an old point-and-click adventure game from Lucas Arts tm, called "Full Throttle"
one of my favorites =)

Posted 07 January 2014 at 22:27 in reply to #424484 on Dissimulation of sovereignty


Sicher, tolles Design Sie haben gebaut. Ich bin wirklich glücklich, Ihnen geholfen zu haben, gut, gut, super gut ! Keep those gilded eggs rollin´ bro !

Posted 07 January 2014 at 00:00 as a comment on Ich bin kalt


Hmm... maybe I leveled down again, haha, it´s the ETB-effect that I worry for, but if you say it cool beans, then "Give 'em Hell, Polecat !"

The sire part is an old school way of saying, Sir. Or at least that´s what I tell myself... hehe

Posted 06 January 2014 at 23:31 in reply to #424484 on Dissimulation of sovereignty


Well, my pleasure, sire =) I am curious though, about Torpor Orb. Have you encountered any trouble with that at all? And how to disperse of it?

Posted 06 January 2014 at 14:56 in reply to #424484 on Dissimulation of sovereignty


Haha, I´ve leveled up ! Yay !

Supernatural is a great way of getting a lot of jump scares, but yes, they were slowly becoming a parody of themselves, that´s when I stopped watching, however my wife is a Die Hard fan and remained true to them. She has pitched the series to me, more than I can count - "It´s gotten much better, promise!"

Thank you =) Now I don´t mind when others drink, it´s quite fun to see, and the stories that some of those tell, heh, lol. Not that I use it against them, I just enjoy it ^_^
Well, being on the wagon, for me, is not hard, as I become a mean drunk when I´m U. I. so keeping that in mind is a great way to stay sober

Posted 05 January 2014 at 15:00 in reply to #423814 on Stox, a story of hate


Evil man, haha. This appears terribly frustrating to play against, love it bro. I´m glad I could help you out =)

Posted 05 January 2014 at 00:21 as a comment on Dissimulation of sovereignty


You´re most welcome, Jens =) Although is wasn´t my idea originally, so I can´t take credit for it, but it does give a damn good feeling inside, knowing you´ve helped someone =D
Haha, good 'my-face-when'.
I´m a mini fan of Supernatural, but nothing compared to y wife - every year (or so) she wishes for the new season of the series and can be quite annoyed when they´re holiday'in, haha.
I don´t drink, and there´s a good reason for that; I tend to get mean... Nobody likes it including me, so I gave it up. Been 'on the wagon' for 5 years and counting =)
definitely checking out your shenanigan tribal, rock on, man

Posted 05 January 2014 at 00:13 in reply to #423814 on Stox, a story of hate


Copy anything you like, my friend =)

Our New Year was quite quiet. The missus and I had only one guest, my father-in-law, and it was humorous, heh. My wife made her special pork-loin Mette-style (that's her name, Mette) which consist of a pre-cooked bacon cubes mixed with ham-cheese, which are put inside the pork loin then surrounded by bacon strips and in the oven for a good while. It's like drinking a song, oh yeeeah.
And a bonus; since we don´t drink alcohol we can remember almost everything, haha. When 2014 came bull-rushin' we went outside and fired a couple of rockets, then back in-side.

Good thing our animals aren´t afraid of the blasts outside, that would have been sad if they were.

So, all-in-all; a nice and cosy eve

Posted 02 January 2014 at 21:29 in reply to #423814 on Stox, a story of hate


Another addition could be a couple of 'Ice Floe' if you don´t mind the damage, before your turn Tutor Meekstone and abrahcadabrah sucker... you're mine now!

Sorry... a wee bit overkill, but a fun combo none-the-less =)

Did you guys have a good New Year?

Posted 02 January 2014 at 19:37 in reply to #423814 on Stox, a story of hate


Thanks for the comment, sure =) I´ve actually just now put a ps of the Lord of Innistrand on my wishlist for the new year. Although I´ve never used a Planeswalker before, he is the prime choice for this.
But what do you think of the First and Double Strike Shenanigans with Maze? I thought of adding a single Reconnaissance to the mix also

Posted 24 December 2013 at 06:48 in reply to #422193 on Stox, a story of hate


Thanks, man =) I was invited to a Wednesday Night Magic, where they play Modern, but I can´t afford to play it, sadly. Whenever I build a deck, usually in Legacy (since our shop allows proxies) and I think it to be good, I start collecting the pieces. However I am a poor man, so the decks I feel I need, gets obtained by either wishing for them or saving up over the course of many, many months. And, by then, there are new series to take account for.

Don´t mean to sound whiney, haha, it´s just reality for me =)

Merry Christmas to you all

Posted 24 December 2013 at 06:41 in reply to #422112 on modern show and tell


Pardon my ignorance - I don´t know much about the format, Modern. That´s why my mind was blown with this. Standard and Modern I know close-to-nothing about, so again, I´m sorry - and I certainly didn´t mean to offend anyone

Posted 24 December 2013 at 06:26 in reply to #422112 on modern show and tell


You get a +1 for the sheer ingenuity :D How did you come up with this masterpiece?

And a merry Christmas too

Posted 23 December 2013 at 20:59 as a comment on modern show and tell


This just may be the most ingenious Modern deck, I´ve ever laid my eyes upon. Again, sir, you amaze with your work. I really wish I had the dough for this so I could join in on WNM where they play Modern. Besides Lotleth, one of my favorites: Necrotic Ooze
Also Soul Spike and Grisel... the combo´s seem endless!

Posted 23 December 2013 at 14:40 as a comment on Modern Ooze Reanimator


Congratulations, Wumps. I hope your journey together will be prosperous and full of love. Next 4th. of July I have been married 5 years and still going strong =D I wish you all the best of luck and a very merry Christmas

Posted 21 December 2013 at 11:55 as a comment on I'M MARRIED! :D


I say: Go for it, man !
Your other decks tell me, that you have the knowledge.
Winter Orb, by the way, is also one of my favorites. Storm decks can be a lot of fun, although I think that Stax is just a nudge more infuriating to play against. I have only 1 Storm deck, it evolves around Suicide Card Draw. Once I drew till I was at 3 life
Opponent: Snapcaster Mage. Target Lightning Bolt. You lose.
Me: FFFFUUU... no seriously, well played, man. Well played.
That was an epic way to die.

Posted 20 December 2013 at 20:45 in reply to #419819 on Legacy Blitz Reanimator


I have a 1st place tie.

'Karn, Silver Golem' : He animates artifacts, so that it disrupts activated abilities or hoses any 0-drop artifact. Pretty powerful in Vintage ;)

Also 'Ensnaring Bridge' (Stronghold Edition) again disruption of the highest caliber. Emrakul? No. Griselbrand? No. I like to think it´s the Grumpy Cat of magic, hehe

Posted 17 December 2013 at 00:36 as a comment on My Favorite Cards


When darkness hits, I´m game as well

Posted 16 December 2013 at 20:38 in reply to #420392 on Stox, a story of hate


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