
33 Decks, 1,056 Comments, 423 Reputation

For really abusing the recur feat, I highly recommend 'Skullclamp' and if you can afford it; 'Verdant Catacombs' Throwing in a 'Grave Pact' is overkill, but who doesn´t like that? =)

Posted 24 November 2013 at 19:59 as a comment on Spirit, fear it


Oh, well in that case, how about "Painful Quandary?" A wee bit heavy om the CMC´s but notoriously effective - where I live, people have a saying for that situation: "What would you rather have? The Plague or Cholera?"

Posted 24 November 2013 at 00:11 in reply to #414863 on Voodoo Lady


Nice maniacally evil EDH you´ve made here, sure =) Have you given 'The Rack' any thought or 'Mind Twist' ?
(Although I don´t know those cards work in EDH, I just thought it would fit with the discard-theme)

Posted 23 November 2013 at 23:55 as a comment on Voodoo Lady


I don´t know how young/old you are, surewhynot, but intelligence-wise, I´d put you at about 30~ish? and JensDagon; Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.
I think I remember a Internet meme which went a bit like this:
"Oh I feel young although I´m 30, but then I hang out with 20-year old´s and stop and think; 'shit... I´m thirty' "

My cousin, when she was in 5th. grade, she spoke of even younger girls, who used make-up and stuff, trying to grow up as fast as they could.

Dammit, I miss being a kid - The Worlds perspective was so much easier and simplistic. You didn´t need to worry about stuff like car-loans or Vet-bills. And when summertime came 'round the grassy fields where yours to explore, or looking for funny stones in the abandoned quarry.

Trust me, Jens. Enjoy it. Even the sour stuff.

Posted 16 November 2013 at 20:45 in reply to #412476 on Legacy Pain Elves


Bwaaahaha, Sexual Harassment Panda, omg so funny, haha :´-D South Park has a fair deal of original puns.

Oh, well, its the first time I´ve laid eyes on one, so you get the kudo´s, man =)

If I remember correctly, Deserted Temple was made as an answer for 'Rishadan Port' but I´m not a 100 P on that.

Posted 16 November 2013 at 00:03 in reply to #412538 on Elves 'n' Stuff


Hey now you two, don´t be sad. Getting married doesn´t mean the end of you playing MTG. I pitched the idea for my wife about 3 years ago, and she wanted to be a part of it. Although she doesn´t play anymore, she still gives the okay for me to head on FNM.

What I´m trying to say is, if your partner does not allow you, to be you, then I hope that person will be able to grind some of the edges off. That´s what being in a relationship is all about. Compromise, but also the space where the two of you can be yourselves.

A good advice for the road; if your partner is cold (not emotion-wise) or freezing, don´t *ask* if they want a blanket, just give it to them and wrap it around them. It shows you are determined and considerate, and just maybe you´ll get lucky enough to have someone do that to you too.
Oh, and Choco. Hot Choco, then it´s a sealed deal =)

Posted 15 November 2013 at 23:46 in reply to #412476 on Legacy Pain Elves


My good god almighty this is a nuke! Sadly I don´t have the dough to build a deck such as this, I own... maybe 1/14 of this deck, and that´s the cheap cards
How is it surewhynot says it? Saaaad panda. Yeah.

Argh, the only suggestion I have is 'Deserted Temple' for when one GC isn´t enough.

Seriously now, I think its an awesome design, Jens =) Keep those Golden Egg´s coming, brotha =)

Posted 15 November 2013 at 23:20 as a comment on Elves 'n' Stuff


Thank you, Kalmah123 =)
Lake of the Dead is, now a-days, a heavily meta card, meaning, does your playgroup carry tremendous amounts of nonbasic land-hate, such as 'Price of Progress' or 'Wasteland' etc.
I did use it in a homebrew I threw together, but it kept being 'Wasteland'ed' or returned to my hand, which meant a sac'ed swamp for nothing.
Although {B}{B}{B}{B} is an insane amount of mana, and could alone swing the game, I´d be careful to play it.

It is however extremely useful, if you know your opponents decks non-packed with land hate, then, and I´ll go to great lengths to say, and only then should you play it.

It can also be used if you have a 'Crucible of Worlds' in play, but they are expensive, both Mana-wise and money-wise.

The tutor´s are sadly not legal as a x4 in any Format - it is also a bit unfair. I think to avoid further confusion, I´ll tag this as casual, thank you for pointing that out, dude =)

Posted 15 November 2013 at 23:03 in reply to #412442 on Black Magic


Sure, man =) I´m only happy if there´s something in here which could aid you. 'Surgical Extraction' actually helped me a bunch tonight, as well as 'Gut Shot' believe it or not, haha.

By all means, take whatever you´d like - as I said, I´m glad if my decks can help you out =)

Posted 15 November 2013 at 22:50 in reply to #412411 on RDW~


Do Turtle´s dream?
If so, and it´s a bad dream, then 'Wormfang Turtle' is your asset - that creature type :)

'Vintara Snapper' could be useful as well =)

Posted 15 November 2013 at 13:56 as a comment on FUCK YOU I'M A TURTLE


Dét tror jeg på ! Det virker som en kæmpe udfordring, så fedt at du tager den op - Respekt !

Jeg skal være ærlig og sige, at første gang jeg hørte om konceptet, tænkte jeg "Det må WotC være trætte af" men prisen på disse deck underminerede hele tankestrøget. Jeg synes idéen virker både original og velovervejet, igen kan jeg kun tage hatten af for det =)

Jeg skal nok forsøge at udbrede budskabet i aften til FNM - for at se om der er flere, som er med på den.

Men hvad med Ban/Restricted listen? Er der nogle regler for, hvordan den ser ud?

Posted 15 November 2013 at 13:33 in reply to #411079 on RDW~


Thanks, man =) I´m not that 'at home' in "Stox" yet, this is my maiden voyage so-to-speak, and while it works alright, I´m almost all the time trying to improve. This notion I can´t let go, telling me; "This can be better..!" only I don´t get to hear more, haha, so that´s why I´m asking =)

Posted 15 November 2013 at 13:24 in reply to #412043 on Stax Pox


Noob question:

I have this playset of 'Dash Hopes' in my drawer, would it be wise to add a few of those suckers?

Posted 14 November 2013 at 23:51 as a comment on Stax Pox


Fedt nok =)

The idea of halfdecks sounds to be challenging, yet fun. I´ll see if I can mix something up.

Er det en udbredt idé, eller noget du selv har fundet på?

Posted 14 November 2013 at 16:56 in reply to #411079 on RDW~


Hahaha, yeah it gives a feel of Mono Black Burn, I reckon, only this time the burning is real.

Intuition Elves, dear god I´m in for an overhaul =O

No rush, man. =)

Posted 14 November 2013 at 14:08 in reply to #411876 on Minas Ithil in the Morgul Vale


I´ve already made the switch =D Need 4 x Noxious to play, but I think that the shop have a ps I can buy. Thanks for your help so far, man \m/

Posted 14 November 2013 at 14:03 in reply to #411079 on RDW~


The Chain Lightning´s came in the mail today, they look awesome =D

Posted 14 November 2013 at 13:01 in reply to #408845 on RDW~


Hi Jens - the deck looks sweet, I can imagine any opponent would scoop/unplug after facing this. Good job, man.

Have you ever thought of making a Legacy Elf deck, and if so, how would it be done?

I´ve tried to make a L Elf but its kind´a all over the place. Maybe you could offer some advice?

Posted 14 November 2013 at 12:36 as a comment on Minas Ithil in the Morgul Vale


I get what you mean, hope it will serve you well

Posted 14 November 2013 at 11:36 in reply to #411647 on And the World Burns


Since it´s already a G/U (which I personally thin is awesome in an Elf deck) have you thought of a playset of Beck // Call?
I think it would combo nicely with Intruder Alarm and card draw =)

Posted 13 November 2013 at 19:16 as a comment on Elves Idea


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