
33 Decks, 1,056 Comments, 423 Reputation

I think it´s close to be complete. Well, that is if it works. Testing it next Wednesday/Friday, although I still have a few issues with it (Stuff like an extra Baneslayer/Serra's Blessing, and if it would be a capitol idea of throwing in a Royal Assassin to combo with Blind Ob/Meekstone)
However the frame is all but finished, I just need a few more cards, then it´s done, but until then, I request any and all assistance you can offer, fore I am contemplating this is my final piece.

Posted 14 December 2013 at 20:10 in reply to #418534 on Stax Pox


Ookay so, I´ve decided not to save money for buying this - it will have to stay proxy'ed, the reason is simple; lack of cash. However I am going to assemble my Stax Pox over time, that will probably be my last deck to collect, so if any of you could offer advice, tip and tricks of the trade, that would make me very happy =)

Posted 14 December 2013 at 19:42 in reply to #418056 on "U"


Burn is probably the most cheap to start out with, but in Legacy, things can quickly start til get out of control, money-wise. I won´t post a link here, since it has nothing to do with Alleyway´s Reanimator, but you can click my name and look for it there =)

Alleyway, have you thought of making a Stax / Pox~ish thing-a-maggig?

Posted 14 December 2013 at 13:15 in reply to #419819 on Legacy Blitz Reanimator


I´ve been looking through a few of your deck´s, Alleyway and I gotta say, I´m impressed by your keen sense on making coherent and well thought-of Libraries. I feel you´d excel in a Stax, have you ever thought of making one? I´m still new to the concept, but the different versions I´ve played, of the one I have, has been quite amusing =) Since you´re mostly into Legacy, I thought it would suit you perfectly.
From what I´ve experienced so far, is that they can become quite addictive to modify.
I hope you´ll consider making one =)

And a merry Christmas to you

Posted 13 December 2013 at 14:39 as a comment on Legacy Blitz Reanimator


Thank you, surewhynot =) I asked because I got scared of not being able to draw the right lands in this, since it´s been modified from hereon forever. That, and I have a ps of the Maps, but your advice brought me to ease.
Danke, ich wünsche Ihnen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest !

Posted 13 December 2013 at 13:21 in reply to #418534 on Stax Pox


What´s your general idea of Expedition Map in Stax? Controlled draw or a waste of space?
I know, I´ve suggested it to surewhynot before, but that was EDH =)

Posted 13 December 2013 at 00:02 in reply to #418534 on Stax Pox


This lock-down is awesome. I was going to suggest Silence and/or Orim´s Chant, but I wouldn´t know what to replace. Since you have a whopping land count, have you considered Expedition Map for a controlled draw, or is it utterly useless in Stax?

Posted 12 December 2013 at 23:13 as a comment on Legacy Stax


But of course ! Silly me. Their 'Mother of Runes' can´t protect them against Artifacts and the Obedience doesn´t target the creatures *facepalm [Hard]*
Thank you, Jens, for, yet again, helping out a lesser mtg player. You, sir, should teach it. That goes for you too, surewhynot.
Ye got the stuff of greatness in ye. \m/

Posted 11 December 2013 at 10:57 in reply to #418534 on Stax Pox


Politics, I´m afraid, has never been one of my strongest traits, but a guy at the local, wants to EDH battle with me, since it´s the only thing he does. I never came 'round to actually build my own EDH, although the schematics are outlined.

Posted 09 December 2013 at 23:17 in reply to #418756 on Bananas and Blow


'Cloudshift' will do the same, but at instant speed =)

Posted 09 December 2013 at 21:26 in reply to #418756 on Bananas and Blow


With the meager experience I have in EDH, I think 'Flicker' wouldn´t hurt this one too much :) Sorry, though, for not being able to help you more.
+1 for sure, surewhynot :P

Posted 09 December 2013 at 21:20 as a comment on Bananas and Blow


I think it looks pretty darn nice. Awesome tech with Tutor + Ethersworn, thumps up! Sorin + Blood Artist is also a smooth move, bro. One question though, how has the 3-of Enlightened Tutor´s been working out for you? Are you missing a 4th or does it work the same?

Posted 09 December 2013 at 16:15 as a comment on The Jester


What do you folks and foxes think on its final design? I´ve messed around with it quite a bit, but I think it´s finished. I really wanted the full ps of Hymn main board, but the curve hurts my brain, when there are more 2CMC´s than 1´s - Although it still feels a bit iffy, I think it performs neat and okay against the decks I´ve been battling. So far, against XX Lands, Delver Bob and the deck I never seem to best: Death and Taxes. It is just too insanely fast, so much, that I haven´t been able to set up my Stox before I´m at 12 life and opponent at 28. By then it feels even more impossible to gain the upper hand.

Have you any tips for terminating D&T ? Are there different tactics/cards to include?

Posted 08 December 2013 at 19:07 as a comment on Stax Pox


Normally I´d said something like "Vamp´s need to be mono black!" But heh, I think you´ve converted me. Looks awesome, Jens, but since it´s Modern, how about some direct, cheap damage spells in favor for Instigator? Your could clear the field for the Blademaster and Rakish Heir =)

Posted 06 December 2013 at 13:06 as a comment on Card Trick


Thanks, Jens =) It´s not the most stable deck I´ve built, but on paper it looks fun. It´s one of those "Fizzles or Functions" kind´a decks, but I´ll tell ya' .. You feel like a god drawing your entire deck ! Just sitting there with your hands full, haha. If I ever get a hold of all the cards, then they´d have to become double sleeved, imagine that

Posted 06 December 2013 at 12:55 in reply to #418056 on "U"


Sure, man =) Just glad I could help

Posted 04 December 2013 at 14:31 in reply to #417352 on Legacy Freeze Storm


Have you considered 'Gitaxian Probe'? Free draw and it makes your deck more consistent

Posted 03 December 2013 at 11:40 as a comment on Legacy Freeze Storm


'Elite Arcanist' and 'Chromatic Lantern' could help you some of the way =)

Posted 02 December 2013 at 20:31 in reply to #416790 on Legacy Pain Elves


The study of your Simic colors have come up with a very interesting card; 'Plasm Capture' Since you untap almost everything, you´re good to go with a heavy-duty counterspell - It´s very blue indeed but also mean green. Countering an 'Aetherling' for example could possibly swing you the game, that is, if you include a high mana spell/creature to play for all that mana-dough =)

'Master Biomancer' may help it from not being killed so easily

Posted 02 December 2013 at 16:03 in reply to #416790 on Legacy Pain Elves


Sure, man =) I gotta warn you, though. Standard is where I know least of Magic, but I´ll give it my best

Posted 02 December 2013 at 15:53 in reply to #416790 on Legacy Pain Elves


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