
33 Decks, 1,056 Comments, 423 Reputation

The creature Shocker could be good in this piece of destruction =)
I´m a fan of pain draw, and your deck does not disappoint. Cool 8)

Posted 29 January 2014 at 13:31 as a comment on Hard Draw


Hello, Brian and thanks for the comment =)

The Orchard is actually a part of a small combo (one I haven´t seen before, but I don´t dare take credit as of yet) with The Tabernacle along side the Blood Artist, and Winter Orb/Rishadan Port; either opponent it forced to pay 1CMC for the Spirit Token and will be all tapped out, or he/she will lose 1 life due to Blood Artist and Rishadan Port. Deserted temple can help by producing more tokens = more mana denail for the opp´s (however I will probably just add another Orchard to the mix, heh)

The reason I haven´t added two more fetches is because the ps I own of Verdant Catacombs is currentliy being used in my Elves deck, haha, and I just ain´t got enough dough for more =)

I´ve ordered a ps of Thespian Stage for a little more control, but I´m not sure all of them will be added.

Posted 29 January 2014 at 06:14 in reply to #431618 on Extrox


No problem, Brian =)

Posted 27 January 2014 at 18:18 in reply to #431635 on Nonbo Combo


Looks good =) I would advise you, though, to switch Revive with Regrowth, just in case your Door of Destinies would be destroyed, or your land. Also Adaptive Automaton could boost the other Bears and give DoD a counter. Do you own this IRL? And of so, have you had any problems with what I have written above?

Posted 27 January 2014 at 14:38 as a comment on BEARS!


I first saw this on 'surewhynot's' profile and my mind exploded unto my keyboard. Some of the pieces are forever lost, but the ones put back gave me a ton to think about. As WhiteAnBlue said it; you guys made Magic more evil in ways best left unsaid (because someone might steal the idea !) hah.

How I - "Insert Deck Title here: _________" =

And a well deserved like is on its way =)

Posted 27 January 2014 at 13:32 as a comment on Deal With It


Cool ! I´ll be sure to give him a compliment and a well deserved like =)

Posted 27 January 2014 at 13:24 in reply to #431706 on Deal with it!

Permalink : is how I would 'insert deck title here:__________'

Posted 27 January 2014 at 01:12 as a comment on Deal with it!


I would like to be able to state that it´s aaaall good, but it hasn´t seen any real play yet, so I can´t. I promise I´ll update the following week, IF the blizzard - currently approaching Denmark - hopefully will fizzle, so my car won´t be buried under tons of snow and ice. T´is the season I guess...
So let me, humbly, reply to your compliment;

Thanks, surewhynot. You and your work are to be credited for this. I merely tweaked it a bit =)

Posted 27 January 2014 at 00:32 in reply to #431695 on Extrox


Apply dominance over your opponent, while keeping life at low; Surgical Extraction. It will help Pithing Needle a good long way, because now you know what Planeswalker´s is in their deck and can exploit that T1 without Mana Accel.
Good job, sir =)

Posted 26 January 2014 at 21:05 as a comment on Nonbo Combo


Hi again, Brian. Sadly, I haven´t tested this yet, but a 3rd Maze sounds... Intriguing ! There is, however, as small combo using the Floe and Winter Orb. So it has some use, but I can perfectly understand why you would think that.

The Nodes are in the SB strictly as an experiment, they may be swapped for something else. Well spotted, btw =)

Yes, there´s a ton of land here, but they all share, and contribute, to the greater goal of the deck; mainly being a major pain in the opp´s a**, hehe

I´ve just added a 2nd Deserted Temple, before testing it. It works wonders with the Maze, but also a few other tricks.

Posted 26 January 2014 at 20:55 in reply to #431618 on Extrox


Thanks again, Brian =) I´m glad that the 'bug' bit you once more. Personally, there was a time where nothing existed in my head, but M:tG so I went off-grid and sold a bunch of my cards, to gain, somewhat, of the money 'lost' in cardboard, heh. But somehow my wife gave the okay to return, and now it´s thankfully not as dominant as it used to be. Fun to play =)

Posted 26 January 2014 at 20:45 in reply to #429522 on Stox, a story of hate


Oh.. well, it´s still a bad-ass deck. If I had the dough to require this, I´d add a ps of Metalworker. He fits the theme and can accel your more cmc-heavy cards, absolutely broken, hehe

Posted 26 January 2014 at 20:35 in reply to #431552 on Colorless Stax


Man, this looks sweet ! If it is what your brain can produce with minimum sleep, then you´re bound for great things. Do keep an update how it works and treats you (if you´re set out to do battles, which I´m hoping)
A well deserved like from me =)

Posted 26 January 2014 at 16:15 as a comment on Colorless Stax


Hey, dude. First I wan´t to say thank you for your kind words =) I´m glad you like it. Can´t take credit for the idea of Stox, only the process of tweaking it.
I am very sorry for the answer overdue, there´s been a lot to see to these past days.
This was initially a rough sketch for a better version, which I have been toying around with =)

There are a lot of combo´s in this, beyond the obvious; Extraction, Pox and Stax, and the link above will take you to a slightly more fine tuned deck. Although it´s no-where near finished, since I´m struggling to find a spot for 1 or two Mirran Crusader's

And welcome back to Magic ! =D

Posted 26 January 2014 at 00:32 in reply to #429522 on Stox, a story of hate


Thanks, man =) It fared 3 - 0 against a MB Legacy Discard deck the day before last. It felt disgusting, though. Didn't like seeing my buddy getting beaten 3-in-a-row. Although he complimented this, there were undertones of inadequacy in his demeanor.

Posted 26 January 2014 at 00:21 in reply to #431307 on Elves


You know... that comment cheered me up, man. I heard, some time ago, that Burn decks are boring and autopilot to play, but I use "Faerie Macabre" in mine, - granted in the SB, but still.. -, so that last sentence really made my day =')
Of course people are entitled to their own opinions, but some days it can and will bring you down.
Thank you, sir.

Posted 20 January 2014 at 22:37 in reply to #428886 on It's been a while...


Looks a lot like the one my Elf Swarm got pummeled by. I think the only thing that stands out is "Ensnaring Bridge" (funny Bridge.. get´s flyers as well, heheheee) and it was an awesome deck to lose to. My personal respect goes out to this, it seems that XX-Lands has an answer to almost any deck in the game. "Rest in Peace" on the other hand, I could imagine, would give it quite a bit of trouble.

Posted 20 January 2014 at 10:28 as a comment on It's been a while...


Awesome song to boot ! =D

Posted 18 January 2014 at 23:51 as a comment on Cat in the Cradle


Have a look at 'Lush Growth' if you´re in need of mana fixing. A damn shame, 'Wild Nacatl' is banned in Modern. :-\

Posted 18 January 2014 at 23:50 as a comment on Cat in the Cradle


Ghoulcaller's is flat out insane in this build !
The only thing I can come up with is; Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. It could help boost Korlash and Lashwrithe, plus Mutilate will make creatures suffer like there´s no tomorrow ]:-}
Good build, Ded. Very good job

Posted 09 January 2014 at 22:20 as a comment on Korlash's After-Party


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