
33 Decks, 1,056 Comments, 423 Reputation

Brutal to the maximum, I really wouldn´t like a match-up against this - too scary for me =D

Nice job, man - Death & Taxes on steroids =O

Don´t know what else to say, other than the AEther Vials... If you T1 that sucker, then, at my end step of the second turn you could play and un-counterable Mother of Runes, which now doesn´t have summoning sickness... Proceed to winner-circle from there ^_^

Posted 02 November 2013 at 21:49 as a comment on [Legacy] 'Maverick' '-'


Awesome Modern, Ded. You really made something good.
I think I´m in love with that SB - looks devastating against any sorts of Legacy builds - gave me some pointer´s. Thanks !

Posted 02 November 2013 at 17:53 as a comment on Elf Token Thing


Traded for two Surgical Extraction today, its getting more and more close to finish =)

Posted 02 November 2013 at 17:46 in reply to #408845 on RDW~


- No, I´m not a rich man, I´ve assembled this deck over the course of 3+ months, but mostly traded, to many of the key cards.
The reason I´m trying to pitch Legacy your way, is not because of card prices, but I think you´d excel more than most, since you are a very skilled deck builder =)

I don´t know what the rules are at your shop, but at mine they do allow proxies in Legacy. Maybe you could arrange something with the owner?

Posted 02 November 2013 at 16:56 in reply to #408971 on Elven Warriors


Long time, friend =) Have you considered 'Green Sun's Zenith' and making it tear up Legacy?

Posted 02 November 2013 at 15:46 as a comment on Elven Warriors


There´s also the card "Quietus Spike" - a tad more expensive om the mana-side, but very funny to use. And by 'funny' I naturally mean 'Evil-as-Hell' xD

Posted 02 November 2013 at 15:04 in reply to #407311 on my my littlesligh


Haha, N1 and no problem

Posted 02 November 2013 at 15:00 in reply to #408715 on Enduring Artist


My wife just bought me a ps of Chain Lightning from Legends, as an early X-mas gift. She knows the way to a man´s heart =D Can´t wait till they arrive, then this deck will be almost finished =) Just need 2 Shattering Spree and 2 Lava Spike + 2 Surgical Extraction´s. Awesome !

Posted 01 November 2013 at 22:24 as a comment on RDW~


Did I mention I Extirpated his 4 Lightning Bolts?

Sorry, I gotta stop... But the Dark Side has cookies :P

Posted 01 November 2013 at 22:19 in reply to #407668 on Stax Pox


Aw man, sad to hear that. Can´t take sore winners...

Posted 01 November 2013 at 22:01 in reply to #407657 on I have seen enough hentai


Awesome combo ! Only thing; you have 5 Geth´s Verdict total =)
I like how you´ve kept it Modern, but if you were to go Legacy, then Culling the Weak could really do some damage with those 0-drops.
Hat´s off for this

Posted 01 November 2013 at 11:19 as a comment on Enduring Artist


Nice, man =) It´s a dirty combo, but fun ! haha. In the right MU you could clear the field without worries =)

Posted 01 November 2013 at 11:14 in reply to #407311 on my my littlesligh


Haha, why can I only like your comments once?!
And your absolutely right! Almost every single hand is playable, and I got this rolling yesterday. Sorry for my French, but I 'pwned' a guy completely. Actually to such a degree that I felt sorry for him... poor dude, heh.
He played DelverBob with Burn. I was at 4 life, he was at 1. I had Abob, Meekstone, Stack with 1 Soot, Ensnaring Bridge, and just when he thought, he could pull it threw, with a Grim Lavamancer, I topdecked a Tormod´s Crypt.

One word: Dirty
One feeling: Disgusting
One goddamn good win !

(He didn´t want to play with me any more that day)

I´m not pompous, I´ve just never seem a lockdown like that before. So, Sure´s got it pinned to a T. Haha

Posted 01 November 2013 at 01:12 in reply to #407668 on Stax Pox


Okay, so. From what I gather its a Death and Taxes, splashed with Green for creature pump + graveyard recur and disrupt? Sounds like someone made a nightmare-version of D&T - Jebus H.

Posted 01 November 2013 at 00:58 in reply to #407657 on I have seen enough hentai


Sorry, but I´ll have to do a search before commenting. Haven´t heard that term yet - "Maverick". Isn´t that also a card game of sorts? Like Bridge?

Just a sec, dudes

Posted 01 November 2013 at 00:52 in reply to #407657 on I have seen enough hentai


Looks awesome, Mursh - Heavy combo´s, lot´s-o recur.
Noob question; If I play a Blood Moon, would Abrupt Decay still be able to get rid of it in time?

Posted 31 October 2013 at 14:16 as a comment on Recurring Pod


Sounds awesome still, I love combo, my favorite being a homebrew on Stax and Pox and I know how disrupting Legacy can get - the same reason I switched 4 x Fireblast in favor of Surgical Extraction in my RDW~
Melira seems like a straight-up combo filler, I like how almost all the cards interacts with each other. Living Wish is also a house of a card. Dayumn...
Even though it has disruption weakness´ - definitely a +1 from me =)

Posted 31 October 2013 at 14:09 in reply to #407323 on Melira legacy


Hey man, didn´t mean to force you to change your deck, I just tried to help a bit. I think you should keep it the way you really want, and if it rolls - awesome =) If you own a ps of Whip of Erebos, then my advice is to save them, at least for a year. I think it´s one of those cards that will eventually wreck havoc in either Modern or Legacy, which usually means a price-boom ^_~

Posted 29 October 2013 at 23:49 in reply to #407799 on Mono black burn


If your group plays heavily with non-basic lands (you already have Price of Progress and Molten) then I´d advise you to get 1-2 copies of Blood Moon. Just to spray a little more salt in the wound =) Also another advice, this only works if there are less creatures in play, Flame Slash is a house, but it can´t target players. I´d get rid of those and replace them with Rift Bolt.

No pressure, this is yours and yours alone, and if you say it works fine then Hell yeah! Keep it as you want.

If you ponder to add some mana ramp, then you should up the Goblin Guides to a 4 of. They are *that* good. Trust me. It might as well read: Target player loses 2 life and mill 1 revealed card. Got ramp? Then you know what your opp´s are drawing next - cunningly good.

Check out my Legacy RDW and tell me if you think it can be improved;

Cheers =)

Posted 29 October 2013 at 21:16 as a comment on Red Deck Wins (Modern)


Didn´t mean to sound angry, Jens, I really like your inputs on the deck and all the help you´re offering =D

Posted 29 October 2013 at 20:33 in reply to #407668 on Stax Pox


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