
416 Decks, 542 Comments, 56 Reputation

Well, you have Jace, which can bounce creatures (and do everything else all by himself). I think he's plenty enough for the maindeck, and you could just sideboard Into the Roil to handle non-creature threats.

Also, Into the Roil is not meant to take the place of a draw spell, but rather it is a bounce that if you have the mana left open, you can replace the card after you cast it. You can also use it on your own stuff, such as Spellskite after you pull a spell to it, or Splinter Twin if a Twinned creature is destroyed... etc etc etc. Just all around a good spell to have on your side when playing blue.

Posted 11 May 2011 at 20:50 in reply to #161206 on Deceiving Twins


I dig it. Haven't seen Titans in this build yet.

Your spell base is kind of weak though, and you should run each Titan as a one-of. You want to spend as much of your card advantage getting answers for now, not for later. Titans are an answer for later, you'll be much better off top-decking them as an answer, than drawing them when you really need something else. Otherwise, I love their inclusion for the sheer power and synergy with Twin.

Likewise, the answers present within your spells include counter spells and weak damage. Counter spells are great against everything except threats already present on the board, and Pyroclasm will only handle creature threats. Counter needs bounce, which is where Into the Roil comes in, to make it all powerful.

Posted 10 May 2011 at 07:56 as a comment on Deceiving Twins


I'd be curious to see how this deck and the meta would adapt after that "damn extraction rogue" comes and gives everybody a good scare. I'm just not that familiar with the meta and have little experience with it, but considering I have recently become very interested in extraction, I might run a build and use it as an excuse to attend a local tourney or two :) Good way to break into the scene.

Posted 10 May 2011 at 02:52 in reply to #160970 on The Rise


XD I didn't even think about that. I keep thinking "Okay, Praetor's Grasp.. I can extract any card, and I can cast it if it's black or colorless..."

Posted 09 May 2011 at 21:35 in reply to #160970 on The Rise


Hello, Caw-Blade. This is my friend, Praetor's Grasp. I'll take that Sword of War and Peace from you.. remember all those cards you've been drawing? Oh, why didn't I take Feast and Famine? Don't worry, I have answers for that, too.

Posted 09 May 2011 at 17:51 as a comment on The Rise


Addendum: Even if you do cast Slag Fiend second turn, it's still only a conditional 1/1. And you still need to open with Kuldotha Rebirth to make that work. Without Kuldotha Rebirth or Panic Spellbomb in your opening hand, if you open with Slag Fiend, he's just going to sit in your hand as dead weight. You can't have that, because if you don't open with Rebirth, you HAVE to have something worth while to play in its stead.

Posted 09 May 2011 at 17:05 in reply to #160964 on Kuldotha Fried


In SOM, Kuldotha Red was a very gimmicky build that required a spectacular opening hand to succeed, but other than that would fall flat. Then MBS was released, and the addition of Contested War Zone, Signal Pest and Goblin Wardriver, Kuldotha Red became a viable (though still gimmicky) build.

Without Battle Cry, you don't have very much damage potential for early on, and you have no control aside from Hex and burn spells, thus stand little hope late game either. I can tell you, Kuldotha is all about speed, and speed this has not. And by speed, I mean withholding burn, inflict at least 4-8 damage second turn, and 6-12 damage third turn.

Also, Slag Fiend is a dead card in your opening hand. The reason it seems good is because it only costs {R} to cast, hence an early game cast. But if you cast it first turn, unless you also have a Mox, two other 0-cost artifacts, and Kuldotha Rebirth, it's a dead 0/0. And that's a stacked hand, all for an extra 1/1. In order to achieve lethal damage by turn 3-4, you have to have your deck stacked so you can cast almost always cast something potent first and second turn. It's already unreliable enough to expect a first turn Kuldotha Rebirth (again, gimmicky), but to rely on a first turn Kuldotha and extra mana to make use of Slag Fiend's one red casting cost is even more unreliable.

It's good you're thinking outside of the box, but this build just won't stand up to competitive play.

Posted 09 May 2011 at 17:02 as a comment on Kuldotha Fried


Well, Twin is getting pretty popular. I don't know how long it'll stick around for, though.

Also made another variant with more emphasis on Slag Fiend, running 4x Panic Spellbombs. I'm not really a fan of running more than two or three.. but we'll see. Let me know what you think?

Posted 09 May 2011 at 07:03 in reply to #160727 on NPH Kuldotha Red


Ornithipter works great, along with Signal Pets. Both cannot be blocked except by flying & reach. They're useless without other battlecry, but with it they're reliable sources of damage.

Drop Ichor Wellspring and Assault Strobe for Lightning Bolts, and 2 Galvanic Blasts and 1 or 2 Mountains for 3-4 Contested War Zones. Cheers!

Posted 09 May 2011 at 00:47 as a comment on Kuldotha Red


I agree with you on both accounts. They're sideboard cards, not main-deck. I'd made that consideration after I closed MTG Vault, but by then I had to go back to homework. Honestly though, I only thought about removing Noxious Revival altogether, and moving only Surgical Extraction. It is a card that I still want to keep in my sideboard, despite the article's nay-saying, and then only because it is the only way (with red) to completely neuter some of the other aggro competition in my local meta (another KDR and 2 vamp decks with Bloodghast), and can be circumstantially beneficial against some of my other competition.

Posted 08 May 2011 at 21:32 in reply to #160727 on NPH Kuldotha Red


Considering I just chucked this together in about five minutes for the purpose of sharing my combo.. I actually really like how the deck turned out. I might have to build this for casual multi-player at some point :)

Posted 06 May 2011 at 22:37 as a comment on Infinite Life Combo


There we go. I just threw together a quick deck to give an example of the combo.

Posted 06 May 2011 at 22:34 in reply to #160336 on The Chapel


Ah! You beat me to it! I just finished re-Vamping my black aggro (geddit?) and built another casual deck to use against the newbies in our group, and then I was going to modify my lifegain defender to WB for life gain / loss with some NPH stuff.

On a side note, I discovered a quirky little infinite combo for white ETB triggers. It's not a viable build around, but is very possible to achieve considering it uses removal cards that can be found in any white deck. Not really relevant to this deck, just thought I'd throw it out there since it'll be seen here, in case any readers want to build with it. It requires 2 O-Rings and a Leonin Relic Warder. O-Ring (exile anything), Relic Warder (exile O-Ring), O-Ring (or Journey to Nowhere, exile Relic Warder). When Relic Warder leaves the battlefield, O-Ring will return to the battlefield and exile your other removal-enchantment, returning Relic Warder, who will again remove O-Ring. Repeat until your heart's content and break the loop by exiling something else. I wouldn't run it just for the combo, but if that amount of removal is justified in your meta, then enjoy your infinite life via Suture Priest and/or Soul's Attending, or whatever other ETB triggers you might be running :)

Posted 06 May 2011 at 22:14 as a comment on The Chapel


I like everything except Sorin Markov. Imo replace him with Surgical Extraction. It's a kick to the nuts to just about any deck, and is a great first/second turn follow up to mana leak, inquisition, or a creature destruction spell.

Posted 06 May 2011 at 09:19 as a comment on Type2 Vampire Aggro Control


I don't think you'll have much problem finding the right color to cast now. I'd say drop Sphere of the Suns and Llanowar Elves, and add 2x more Wall of Omens and 4x Overgrown Battlement.

And then, drop the other two Praetors and replace them with Jin-Gitaxias for 3x total. He's an instant win when resetting with Karn.

Posted 06 May 2011 at 01:09 in reply to #160027 on Karn


Oh, also. In your current iteration Joraga Treespeaker does nothing for you. It's mana ramp that feeds off other ramp-Elves to make them more rampy. Without those elves, you're just looking at a creature for 1GG with "Add GG to your mana pool" You'd be better off with Llanowar Elves.

Posted 05 May 2011 at 19:40 in reply to #159970 on Karn


I don't want to sound like an echo, but aggro will win out every time. I like the idea behind this deck, and it may become viable once Zendikar and M11 cycle out (WotC is trying to build a slower meta) but so long as we have power cards like Goblin Guide / Bushwhacker, and Squadron Hawk, etc.. making aggro / aggro control a viable meta threat, we won't see any slower decks make it to the top of tournaments for a while.

Fact is, you can have all the ramp in the world, and this deck will still suffer lethal damage third turn from Kuldotha Red. You have a chance of slowing the current uber fast aggro meta with Chancelor of the Annex, but you don't have anything that capitalizes from that. At the very least, you need to main-board a full set of Mental Mistep, but even then you're still only chancing slowing them down enough to get your pieces in check.

I love the idea you're playing with, restarting the game with a Praetor or two is pretty much saying "GG" right off the bat. But you need to focus so much on ramp to make that possible, that you don't have room to focus on an early game lock down to buy yourself time against the current meta.

Still, big cheers from me, keep thinking outside the box! Maybe over time you can refine this to be viable. Never let people tell you you can't do it, this is how rogues are born and people become famous. ;P

Posted 05 May 2011 at 19:38 as a comment on Karn


Why do you dislike that? This is going to be a popular idea, and when a deck generates enough conversation, it gets likes. When a deck get's enough likes, it goes to the front page. There are lessons to be learned about deck building theory, contained within the conversations of this deck and others that make it to the front page, made more accessible to the greater part of the community by being there. How is that bad?

Posted 05 May 2011 at 19:25 in reply to #159846 on Karn


Ah, I dig it :) So Affinity has graduated from just a mechanic to being a theme.. not surprising :P Mind you, I was wrong in my origional post, Ravager, Ornithopter, Cranial Plating, and art-lands are as much affinity as cards with the actual text "affinity"

Only reason I was asking is because a friend of mine runs an affinity deck, which was beyond good in it's day but is somewhat lacking now. He's helped me out quite a lot by giving me some cards I'd never be able to acquire otherwise, so I wanted to look through my collection and see if I could find anything to help modernize his affinity deck. I think he wants to keep the elements of traditional affinity, so this would be a bit too far removed from that. Still, maybe there could be a happy middle ground to keep it casually competitive? Any suggestions?

Posted 03 May 2011 at 18:28 in reply to #159262 on Modern Affinity


I'm just curious, so please correct me if I'm wrong.. but how is this affinity? Thought Cast is literally the only card with affinity in this deck. Isn't this just artifact aggro? Or are you just playing on the speed of affinity, and using the term synonymously with uber fast aggro?

I'm only asking because, to me the basis of affinity is Ornithopter and Phyrexian Walker (now Memnite), Frogmite and Myr Enforcer, and possibly Tooth of Chiss-Goria depending on the power/budget of the cards available to you.

Posted 03 May 2011 at 16:01 as a comment on Modern Affinity


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