
105 Decks, 363 Comments, 50 Reputation

I totally replied before! I don't know what happened to the message; probably our wonky home network decided not to send. At any rate, I acquired what I could, and assembled the deck from what I had available ( It's a bit different now, but I like it!

It is a little slow to get the ball rolling (and I couldn't find the right cards for turn 1 & 2 board control), but it works like a charm. I thought, due to its speed, it should be a fair match up against my wife's "Gringotts" goblin & dragon deck. She has better early game speed, but is a bit slow to get momentum behind the slaughter as well.

Flamespeaker is only slightly underwhelming at 3 toughness, especially without Aqueous Form, but still performs admirably. Spellheart Chimera, however, is the true heart and soul of the deck I think! That little guy is like a UR Goyf with wings; he's crazy good and I can see building other decks entirely around him. Overall, the deck can be quite powerful, swinging a surprise win out of nowhere, but still very beatable--the perfect recipe for really fun matches ^-^ The Gods are potent, but not overwhelmingly so like the Swords of.. that the game loses its excitement (at least, not in this deck, where devotion is very rare). I can't thank you enough for inspiring the idea; I really look forward to evolving this deck over time. I see a lot of potential for future additions subtly changing the way it pilots.

Posted 17 May 2014 at 17:18 in reply to #464974 on Scry Me a River


I'm a little late to my own party, but thanks :D I took this one on Cockatrice and was dominating top modern decks at the time. I'm super disappointed I'll always have better things to do with $1500 than build this, because I'd really love to show some friends what stompy is /really/ about ;)

Posted 16 May 2014 at 01:25 in reply to #300895 on [Modern] New Dark Soulstomp


Man. It's been a long time since I've looked at this deck. I keep seeing it in my decklist and thinking "I really ought to clean up the junk; this was supposed to be my 'serious' account."

Through play-testing otherwise I agree on Wandering Wolf. I thought he might second as another Pit-Skulk, but the beauty is in the 2/2 for G. There's definitely some far stompier material I could run for 2-drop, or even bump Rancor & Vines.

I'm also pretty disappointed with Oran-Rief. I don't want it in my opening hand, and if I drop it turn three all my dudes are already Soulgorger/Geist fodder for turn four. If I let a land ETB tapped Cathedral of War for cheap exalted would be much better.

Now that Cockatrice is defunct, and I can no longer play my dream legacy decks. I'll have to build this one proper ^-^ I seriously forgot how proud I was of this one.. and for $30 too!

Posted 16 May 2014 at 01:23 in reply to #300899 on [Modern] Budget Soulstomp


My casual multi-player adaptation of your deck: Parish the Thought:

Would appreciate any feedback; it's been a while since I've dropped some moolah on cards, and would like very much not to spend too frivolously ^-^

Posted 15 May 2014 at 15:26 in reply to #464974 on Scry Me a River


I was just stopping through to search for a couple newer cards; I haven't played standard since SoM/Innistrad and our big multiplayer casual games have been slowing down since I have to keep asking "what's that do again?" :P I don't know what caused me to start clicking front page decks again, but here I am!

Given my lack of any relevant / up to date experience, I don't have much feedback. I do really like this deck though! It seems to have some pretty clever plays--moments where you have legitimate decisions to make, but none too overbearing; the sort of stuff that breaths life into the game without making it frustrating for newer players. I've been trying to break my wife out of her shell (dragons, lots of dragons, and oomph; very straight forward) and this seems like it might be a great sort of deck to share with her. I don't netdeck often (and when I do it's always with my own spin), but for the price I don't think I can help it this time :)

Most importantly, I wanted to say that I really appreciate all the conversation you have :D I'm a wall-of-text kind of poster, and it's nice to see others who aren't afraid to elaborate. Cheers!

Posted 15 May 2014 at 14:05 as a comment on Scry Me a River


Just dropping by to say--holy shit! I didn't think anybody from the way-back was still active. Good to see you're still around, surewhynot.

Posted 15 May 2014 at 14:00 as a comment on A more glorious dawn


I predict it can be done. As a matter of fact I'm going to do that right now ;)

Posted 18 October 2012 at 21:39 in reply to #290693 on [Modern] New Dark Soulstomp


The problem with that is Briarhorn doesn't fit the mana curve, and doesn't grant trample. Soulstomp is the spiritual successor to the 26/14 stompy deck, named after its mana curve. Soulstop replaces 4x of the 2-drops with Phyrexian Soulgorger, and thus the mana curve becomes 26/10/4.

Ring of Kalonia is an interesting suggestion, I'll have to try it out. I'm not sure if the green pump is better than Horned Helm's flat +1/+1 (applies to Bob and Soulgorger) and instant-speed equipping. The progressive green pump could definitely prove beneficial on Birds and Pit-Skulk, though, when a match's pace is forced to slow down.

Posted 20 September 2012 at 15:27 in reply to #290658 on [Modern] New Dark Soulstomp


Oh, I don't own this deck.. I wasn't playing when most of the expensive cards in here were released.. and I'm not spending $750 on a single deck D: I'd rather a case of decent cognac for that price :D Instead I run this via proxy to test against friends' decks before tournaments.. when I ran the older version (pre Rancor) it raped face on Cockatrice.. but I've since fallen out of the meta, so I don't know if it's still great or what..

Llanowar Augur does two things: 1) He provides much needed Trample, because Soulgorger is worthless without it), and 2) He dies, because Wreath + Pit-Skulk / Birds are a great alternate win-con. He can be a bit slow, and I forget to pop him all the time.. but he's pretty much become a staple in all of my green decks ever since I learned a thing or three from seeing Wump's decks.

Posted 20 September 2012 at 14:32 in reply to #290658 on [Modern] New Dark Soulstomp


Just to mirror what framos said:

Bob (Dark Confidant) is definitely one of the best black cards you can run. Especially in a deck with a tight mana curve (which this isn't exactly tight, but its pretty damn close). He helps you draw through extra lands and dig through your deck for the relevant cards. If you draw extra discard and/or removal, then it's well worth the 1-2 life.

The fetch lands are pretty much filler. They do exactly as framos says though, they allow you to shuffle your deck if you're getting bad draws. With Urborg, they also second as Swamps, and if you run Bloodghast they will return him from the graveyard upon play, and upon fetching. They do add another $40 to the budget, so if they were something you wanted to drop, that'd be understandable. They are definitely useful though.

Thoughtseize is the absolute best discard spell in Magic, followed very closely by Hymn to Tourach. The one mana cost allows for a bomb draw if you pull Rit, Hymn, and Thoughtseize in your opening hand (opponent discards the chosen card AND two cards at random.. pretty much cripples most opposition especially when you have removal to follow up with in the next few turns). But the ability to choose the card being discarded is an advantage you cannot quantify until you see it in action. It can be the difference between being mudstomped by an opponent and completely crippling their opening hand. The fact that it's one mana means you can cast it on your first turn, when it is going to be the most benefit.

Hope that helps :)

Posted 14 June 2012 at 21:42 in reply to #264617 on Discard for Ziis


As I mentioned in the description, this was a rushed build. I've been thinking about it after the fact, while working around the farm (yeah, even while outside in nature I'm thinking about Magic. It's sad isn't it? XD), and came to some of the same conclusions as you.

The deck did have Bloodghast in it at first, but I have the ridiculous habit of building mono black with 2x Crucible, 2x Lake of the Dead, Urborg, Tower and fetch lands when I run Bloodghast. It's ridiculous because I find it to be so effective that it's where I start with /every single/ black deck I design. I was trying to stem the cost of this deck a bit, though, so I avoided it this time. Even without those cards above, just 4 fetches is more than enough to warrant the company of Bloodghast, though.

I completely forgot about Gatekeeper of Malakir, he's one of my favorite newer forms of creature removal. After that, I completely drew a blank and couldn't remember the names of any of the other popular forms of black removal, so I just went with what I usually run in my casual builds -- 2-3 of each Doom Blade and Go For The Throat.

Thanks for the input! I think this deck is going to have some major changes abound!

Posted 14 June 2012 at 21:33 in reply to #264654 on Discard for Ziis


I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say the only good infect deck is the UG Pauper Infect build. It's a neat casual deck, don't get me wrong, and it may do you well in low-tier competitive play.. but top-tier agro will beat you in tempo, and control will have too easy a time picking this deck apart bit by bit.

I think a bit of reinventing the spells and color choices could do a lot to improve this. Because you're essentially running a combo deck, you NEED blue in there for card advantage and turn aside (for starters). Think about it.

Posted 07 June 2012 at 15:11 as a comment on Standard is over!


Undiscovered Paradise and fetch lands + Crucible of Worlds are two of my favorite things to do with landfall (primarily Bloodghast).

I also agree that Dark Confidant needs to be run with a tight curve. With so few creature threats, your blockers are easy to remove, thus pitting your mill win versus the opponents ability to destroy your life. Losing 5 life for the slight possibility to mill 13 for {0} is likely helping your opponent more than it is you. I would suggest one of two things: Replace Bob with Howling Mine (I love this in mill decks; who cares if it gives the opponent more card advantage, it does the same for you AND mills via Erasure) or replace Archive with something else.

On another note, I run a pseudo-mill multiplayer draw deck (Howling Mine, Temple Bell, Baby Jace, Rites of Flourishing, Forced Fruition, etc) that, during a night of extremely heavy drinking, I confused my ~20 card hand for my ~20 card library XD Worst part was, it took me a turn or two to realize what had happened.

Posted 27 May 2012 at 16:46 as a comment on That Moment When...


Thanks! I started with just two Skullclamps, but since I added Oran-Rief I had to add another.. and that wasn't enough, I needed that fourth! I usually wouldn't run more than two in a deck, as you only ever really need one, but when you can consistently draw and play 4-6 cards per turn.. well.. It's pretty bonkers :)

Posted 04 May 2012 at 16:24 in reply to #252765 on Not 10 Land Stompy


Legality isn't a concern. I don't go to tournaments, and my casual group plays "If you own it, play it" with a few house rule restrictions (depending on who's hosting).

The purpose of this deck was to build stompy on a budget. That precludes Berser, Heirarch, etc.. Also, I don't own any Rancor, though they're on my list of things to acquire in time.

Otherwise, I can't really take your suggestion seriously if you truly believe Birds of Paradise are bad ;) Just because they produce mana of any color doesn't mean I should run something that only produces [G] in their place, as Llanowar Elves don't have flying! Oran-Rief and pump alone justify running BoP over Elves, let alone BoP carrying a Wreath of Geists. Wreath's as well.. pure amazing! Think about it, I'm sacrificing Farmhands and Augurs, as well as other creatures to Skullclamp for (usually) 4-6 cards at a time.. It gets huge.

Thank you for your suggestions though :) I am definitely considering trying out Rancor in place of Mutagenic Growth. I don't often need to pump at instant speed, and the added trample / recursion would be better (I think), even if Mutagenic Growth is potentially free to play.

Posted 04 May 2012 at 16:21 in reply to #252766 on Not 10 Land Stompy


Trolling players in multiplayer games just so happens to be my specialty :D So much so, that they even gang up on me when I tell them I'm playing one of my fair and balanced decks (and I don't lie about such things, the long term benefits of building trust far outweigh the one time benefit of tricking opponents into letting their guards down. But I digress).

There's always room for improvement, but otherwise I like your take on multiplayer discard using the misers! Honestly, I wouldn't bother with any discard beyond that (unless you're forcing everybody to discard).. as a matter of fact, I suggest replacing your Durress with Howling Mines! I like playing on the edge like that ;D


Posted 01 March 2012 at 03:52 as a comment on how to annoy everybody in multiplayer


I only count two other Humans, both Master of the Wild Hunt. Just sayin' ;D

Posted 27 February 2012 at 14:41 in reply to #237263 on Bark at the Moon


Young Wolf is one of the sexiest commons I've seen in a long time :) Actually.. DA has a lot of damn nice commons o.o

At any rate, is chump blocking fliers really enough to justify BoP over Noble Hierarch?

Posted 26 February 2012 at 22:30 as a comment on Bark at the Moon


It was a consideration, those guys are bonkers! Depending on how the land base fares, I may drop 1-2 lands, maybe a smallpox for 2-3 of them. Only place I can think to trim some fat, unless a few of the units just don't seem to work (Tomb Stalkers, being that this isn't Legacy and I don't have access to Rits and Mox Diamond to pump them out crazy fast).

Posted 20 February 2012 at 21:29 in reply to #235930 on Modern Fast Black (Zombooka Edition)


Yeah, it sucks. I haven't had much time for Magic lately. I sat down intending to build a decent MBC for Standard, but found myself running out of time. The end result was a rushed, barely thought out deck.

Posted 20 February 2012 at 16:37 in reply to #233017 on Kitty Cat


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